
Return of the Dragon Son-in-law

Lei Cheng is only twenty-five years old but has already tasted the sorrows and bitterness of the world. He comes from a wealthy family and should have had a flowery childhood, but he fell victim to the interests of his family. At the age of six, he was expelled from his family, and on his way to meet his enemies, Lei Cheng's parents were both killed trying to protect him. In his memory, Lei Cheng did not know what he had done wrong to have such a miserable encounter. Afterwards, Lei Cheng was taken in by the kind-hearted orphanage director, and on the day he became an adult at the age of eighteen, he was brought by a mysterious old man to an organization called Shadowland, unaware that from that day on his fate had changed.

Daoist1Sn6m0 · Urban
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68 Chs


"Mom, which garbage dump did you pick up these things from?" Jiang Xueyu looked at Chen Ling speechlessly. After being tormented by her like this, this house is like a garbage dump, completely losing its previous style.

"What rubbish are you talking about? I bought these with real money." After hearing Jiang Xueyu's words, Chen Ling immediately became unhappy. Before buying these things back, she didn't choose carefully and spent half a day haggling with the boss. Now she is called rubbish by her own daughter, which is really tasteless.

"Living in a villa with tens of millions of dollars, isn't it being ridiculed that you buy a bunch of things worth tens of dollars at home? What's more, the living room now looks like a garbage dump." Jiang Xueyu was very angry. Lei Cheng spent a lot of energy on the decoration, but Chen Ling destroyed all the decoration layout, so wouldn't Lei Cheng's efforts be in vain.

"It's too cheap? Do you think so?" Chen Ling stretched out her hand and Jiang Xueyu said, "Okay, give me the money, and I'll buy you something nice."

"You...Mom, you are too unreasonable!" Jiang Xueyu looked at such an overbearing and unreasonable mother, and they didn't know what to say.

"There's nothing wrong with this. This is my home. I've put so much effort into arranging it, so it's easy for me!" Chen Ling said with an aggrieved face.

Jiang Xueyu was so angry that she went straight back to the room on the first floor, and closed the door, so that she could be out of sight and feel at peace.

Chen Ling looked at Jiang Xueyu with an angry face, and didn't mind her attitude at all. She still felt that her efforts were not in vain. This home does look much better without looking too empty.

Chen Ling stood up again and walked around to admire her masterpiece beautifully, then looked at Lei Cheng and asked, "Isn't it beautiful?"

Lei Cheng smiled wryly and said, "It feels really good."

Chen Ling stared at Lei Cheng and said, "Don't think that you can make decisions at home because you bought this villa. You have made Xueyu suffer for three years, and we have also suffered from other people's eyes because of you." , so it is only natural for you to compensate us now."

Lei Cheng has long been accustomed to Chen Ling's shamelessness, and she is not surprised that she can say such a thing, anyway, in her eyes, everything is taken for granted.

"Okay, just say a few words." Jiang Hongfang held Chen Ling back, not wanting to listen to her nonsense any more. Even though he had the cheek to live in the villa, he couldn't order Lei Cheng at will like before. After all, this It is an indisputable fact that Lei Cheng bought this villa with money.

"Why don't you let me talk? You hate me now, don't you?" Chen Ling pushed Jiang Hongfang aside, and she continued to say to Lei Cheng in a blink of an eye, "I don't know where you got the money, but you are now Hand over all the money, and I will give you another 1,000 yuan a month for living expenses in the future, and all your current money will be in my custody."

Lei Cheng could bear it, but that didn't mean Chen Ling was qualified to kick her nose in the face.

"If you still want to live here, just stay in peace, I will save some face for you in front of Xueyu, but this doesn't mean you can control me." Lei Cheng said coldly.

Looking at Lei Chengshuang's cold eyes, Chen Ling suddenly felt very scared, and dared not say a word, she could only watch Lei Cheng turn around and return to her room, ignoring herself.

When Lei Cheng closed the door, Chen Ling became gloomy. She stared at Jiang Hongfang and said, "This Lei Cheng is becoming more and more ignorant. Let's see how I deal with him in the future. I will definitely not make it easy for him."

"Do you think you are like this, hey!" Jiang Hongfang sighed hesitantly.

Lei Cheng who returned to the room looked at Jiang Xueyu who was crying with anger from his mother, his face became even colder. No one can make Jiang Xueyu cry, not even Chen Ling.

"Lei Cheng, I'm sorry, my mother went too far." Jiang Xueyu looked at Lei Cheng with rain and said.

Lei Cheng walked towards Jiang Xueyu, stroked her head gently, and said softly: "Don't be angry, don't be angry with yourself because of her, it's not worth it, after all, she is still your mother."

"But she is so unreasonable. She wants to treat you like this, wasting your well-designed decoration, and it hurts me to see it." Jiang Xueyu said regretfully.

"Throw these things out, it will be fine, so Xueyu don't be sad." Then Lei Cheng called the property department directly.

Soon, the property department sent a few people over.

After opening the door, Chen Ling still didn't know what happened.

It wasn't until those people started moving the things she bought that Chen Ling cursed angrily: "What are you doing, why are you moving our things?"

The security personnel of the property department were all tall and strong, and Chen Ling only dared to howl loudly and dared not go up to stop them, which fully showed that she was a person who knew how to advance and retreat to protect herself.

When the property department emptied all the things Chen Ling had bought, Lei Cheng walked out of the room slowly.

"Lei Cheng, why didn't you stop them just now? These people dare to break into houses and rob people in broad daylight. You must make them pay the price." Chen Ling watched her hard work being swept away by these people , that heart is bleeding.

"I called them." Lei Cheng said flatly.

"What!" Chen Ling was taken aback for a moment, then she became furious and asked, ""Lei Cheng, what do you mean by that? Do you look down on these things I bought? What is your attitude? "

"Yes, I really despise them." Lei Cheng said coldly.

"You tell them to bring my things back immediately, otherwise..." Looking at Lei Cheng with a frosty face, Chen Ling dared not say the next words, because this villa has nothing to do with her, and she is not qualified to let Lei Cheng left here, this is not the place where she used to live, she can do whatever she wants.

"From today onwards, if you dare to touch anything in your house again, don't blame me for being rude to you." After finishing speaking, Lei Cheng's frosty face turned to Jiang Hongfang, and continued: "And you, take good care of yours." Woman, remember this is my Lei Cheng's home, without my permission, no one can touch a single bit of this place."

Chen Ling stood still, and the powerful aura radiating from Lei Cheng's body made her lose the courage to refute. Since when has this loser been so arrogant at home!

After Lei Cheng returned to the room, Chen Ling jumped up all of a sudden, and she said to Jiang Hongfang fiercely, "Look at him, he just bought a villa, and his wings started to harden, even I don't pay attention to him." After all, we are also his relatives. Jiang Hongfang will help me teach him a lesson and let him know who is the head of the family."

"Can you stop being such a mess?" Jiang Hongfang said helplessly looking at Chen Ling with her hands on her hips.

"You say I'm messing around? It's unreasonable!" Chen Ling walked in front of Jiang Hongfang, and punched Jiang Hong's body one after another, not flirting, but using all her strength, shouting: "How dare you say that?" I'm unreasonable, is this my fault? I'm also his elder anyway, how could he talk to me like this, don't he understand the dignity of the elders?"

"There is nothing wrong with us being elders, but look at your appearance, how do you look like his elders? Don't forget that he bought this house, Chen Ling, Chen Ling, why do you think you can still ride on his bike today? On the head? Don't you see that he is different from before?" Jiang Hongfang did not compromise this time but looked at Chen Ling and retorted.

"What's the difference? There's no way, he's still a loser." Chen Ling said with her eyes wide open.

Jiang Hongfang held Chen Ling's fist in his hand, and the Ni Bodhisattva was also angry, let alone a living person. If Chen Ling continued to mess around, they would be kicked out of the villa sooner or later.

"Yes, he is a loser, and I am a loser, but he bought the place where you live now. If he wants to drive you away, what qualifications do you have to stay here? Your name is written on the real estate certificate Are you on?" Jiang Hongfang said angrily.

When she heard the three words on the real estate certificate, Chen Ling didn't think that Lei Cheng was the head of the family at first, but she had to make Jiang Xueyu's name appear on the real estate certificate as soon as possible, preferably with her own name. Only in this way, she doesn't have to worry about being kicked out of the villa by Lei Cheng.

"He wants to get rid of his old lady, but there's no way, he doesn't care about that, huh!"

"I want you to know that in this family, only I, Chen Ling, have the final decision." Chen Ling sneered without knowing what came to mind.

The next day, after Lei Chengbai drove Jiang Xueyu to the company, he went to the labor market.

There are many job seekers here. Lei Cheng plans to find a chef for his family. Although Zhou Hua is a good choice, she must bring Zhou Tianxin with her after all. At the same time, the Shuise Time Villa area is strictly supervised. In case Zhou Tianxin goes to someone else's house In the private domain, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble, so Lei Cheng had to give up this idea.

Not long after entering the labor market, Lei Cheng noticed that the crowd was moving in one direction. People seemed to be watching what was happening?

Lei Cheng, who was also born in a secular body, couldn't help being curious, so he followed the flow of people and wanted to find out.

Squeezing into the crowd, Lei Cheng saw an older middle-aged woman, she was about forty years old, kneeling on the ground, standing next to her was a seemingly wealthy woman, wearing a famous brand, the two of them People are about the same age.

"You all take a good look at her. This woman has dirty hands and feet. She cleaned my house and lost my tens of thousands of gold, silver and jewelry. Now the housekeeping company puts the responsibility aside and doesn't care at all. She Now that I can't afford it, the people present should give me a good review. Shouldn't such a company be closed? What are such employees doing in this world? It's simply a disaster."

When the rich woman spoke, her handbag hit the middle-aged woman hard on the head from time to time.

The middle-aged woman kept crying, "I didn't steal your jewelry, I really didn't, you can't wrong me like that."

"Have I wronged you? You are such an inferior person, would I go to such lengths to wrong you? What value in you is worthy of me doing this?" The woman who was like a rich woman hit the middle-aged woman again Face, as if still feeling uneasy, kicked the middle-aged woman's feet fiercely with her high-heeled feet. The middle-aged woman obviously became very painful, but she could only grit her teeth and swallow her anger, because such a person would Can't afford it.

"Keep your eyes open for me to see clearly, am I the kind of person who lacks money? I just don't want this kind of scum to hurt others." The rich woman said with a righteous face.

Judging from her clothes, she really didn't look like a person who was short of money, so the onlookers didn't suspect her at all. On the contrary, they criticized the middle-aged woman more and more severely, as if they had already decided that the other party was a thief.

Seeing that everyone was helping her to speak, the rich woman's face became more and more proud, she looked at the middle-aged woman with contempt, and continued, "You thief, let everyone see your face clearly today Face, people like you can no longer stay and work in Nanfu City."

This old saying has been passed down for a long time. It is impossible to see through the essence of a person just by looking at the surface.

However, there is also a saying that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Although Lei Cheng doesn't know the ins and outs of the incident, he can tell from the middle-aged woman's eyes that this incident has nothing to do with her, but he just doesn't know why this rich woman wants to Frame her.

Lei Cheng walked out of the crowd and came to the middle-aged woman.

The rich woman saw Lei Cheng and felt that he couldn't stand it any longer, and she stood up to defend herself, she quickly said: "This kind of thief should be punished, if you want to vent, I will give you this Opportunity, if not, send it to the Public Security Bureau and let this kind of garbage go to jail, or you can beat her severely."

The middle-aged woman trembled, obviously a little scared.

Lei Cheng squatted down and said to the middle-aged woman, "If you have been wronged, you can tell me, maybe I can help you."

After hearing this, the rich woman immediately became unhappy. She raised her voice and said, "Where are you from, you bastard? Could it be that you two are in the same group?"

Lei Cheng raised his head calmly and said: "If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart and make you speechless."

"Ah!" The rich woman looked at Lei Cheng contemptuously, and said with a cold snort: "Tear off my mouth, what a big tone, and you don't even ask me who I am? The imagination of a lower class like you."

At this time, the middle-aged woman shook her head at Lei Cheng, as if she didn't want to involve Lei Cheng in causing trouble for him.

"Don't be afraid, say what you want, trust me." Lei Cheng ignored the rich woman, and then said to the middle-aged woman.

Seeing that Lei Cheng dared to ignore her, the rich woman raised her foot to kick Lei Cheng.

Such a domineering woman must have some contacts, otherwise she would not dare to make such a big noise.

Unfortunately for her, the person she met was Lei Cheng.

Lei Cheng watched with only one eye, and then he hit the rich woman's calf with a heavy punch.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the rich woman screamed in pain, then sat on the ground and wailed.

"You...you'd better leave now, I don't want to involve you." Seeing this situation, the middle-aged woman panicked and said to Lei Cheng.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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