
Return of the Dragon Son-in-law

Lei Cheng is only twenty-five years old but has already tasted the sorrows and bitterness of the world. He comes from a wealthy family and should have had a flowery childhood, but he fell victim to the interests of his family. At the age of six, he was expelled from his family, and on his way to meet his enemies, Lei Cheng's parents were both killed trying to protect him. In his memory, Lei Cheng did not know what he had done wrong to have such a miserable encounter. Afterwards, Lei Cheng was taken in by the kind-hearted orphanage director, and on the day he became an adult at the age of eighteen, he was brought by a mysterious old man to an organization called Shadowland, unaware that from that day on his fate had changed.

Daoist1Sn6m0 · Urban
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68 Chs

Kneel down and apologize

It can be said that in this unforgettable moment, the Starlight Hotel's rained petals all night, compared to the rich man's proposal many years ago more than ever, until the end of the ceremony, people still want to worry about, but it is a great pity that in the end do not know who the heroes and heroines actually are.

At night, Lei Cheng is still lying on the small soft couch as usual, and the bed Jiang Xue Yu suddenly broke open the beautiful eyes and asked softly: "Are you cold sleeping in that place?"

Now it is already early summer time, many girls are wearing beautiful halter dresses, even if you sleep directly on the floor will not be cold, right?

Lei Cheng did not even think about it and answered directly out of the blue: "I'm not cold."

After saying that Lei Cheng was first flabbergasted for a moment, which is incomparable regret, they can really be a pig brain, why so honest ah, so good a bonus question, flabbergasted let himself made a dead game, really than the pig also stupid on three points it.

Lei Cheng side regret pounding his chest, such a good opportunity was missed by himself, want to wait until the next time do not know when to it!

"Xue Yu, you just said what ah, I did not hear clearly, or you say it again!" Lei Cheng said weakly on second thought.

Jiang Xue Yu's face at this time red can drip blood, she is summoned up enough courage to ask the export, really did not expect this Lei Cheng will actually give himself such an answer, her heart has long been Lei Cheng cursed dog's blood, where also say again.

Lei Cheng only felt a chill come over his body, Jiang Xue Yu is looking at himself with a gloomy face, Lei Cheng's heart despair, as if he became a poor man at this time, oh, no, perhaps more pain.

The next morning, as soon as Jiang Xueyu came to the company, he felt that everyone was looking at himself in a very strange way.

"Look at her, she seems to be quite happy."

"Yes, I think she must have been stimulated by what happened yesterday, look at the same is number twenty, look at what she married, and then look at what that one met yesterday, hey, it's really different lives."

"Who can blame her, who let her marry a loser, not even a wedding, I think she is now just forcing a smile."

Yesterday's incident has exploded in the whole South China City, whether it is the network or comfort, are frantically reporting the obsessive flower petal rain, some envy wonder who is the lucky heroine, but also some steal joy, the first beauty Jiang Xue Yu finally managed to fall into the laughing stock again.

The people of the Jiang Group thought that today Jiang Xue Yu would definitely find an excuse not to come to the company, but did not expect that she not only came, but also looked as if she was in a good mood.

Jiang Simin also wanted to see how far Jiang Xue Yu could pretend, she took a stack of documents in her hand and slowly came to the office, at the door she saw Jiang Xue Yu's slightly curled lips, her heart not only a burst of contempt.

"Yo, your heart is really big ah, actually can still laugh out, do you know that yesterday our Jiang family because of another joke." Jiang Simin said coldly, she looked carefully at Jiang Xue Yu, the more you look at it, the more you feel very similar to that woman last night, only a pity that her heart Mou Ding such a thing how will fall to this woman, must be their own thinking too much.

This Jiang Xue Yu she has married, and the man married is the South of the city everyone knows the waste, the thought of this, Jiang Simin's heart is incomparable pain.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into, and you don't want to let anyone know about what happened last night.

Jiang Xue Yu looked at the woman in front of her eyes and said flatly: "Today you go to the East City project where to see the progress of the site selection, come back and give me a report."

Hearing Jiang Xue Yu began to order himself, Jiang Simin's face immediately became very ugly, before such errands like this is Jiang Xue Yu to do, where will get their turn to suffer this, not to mention the sun is now so strong, the skin to tan how.

"Humph, this kind of thing or you go yourself, do not think you become a business director is really a person, tell you, this lady does not eat this set." Jiang Simin bristled and said.

"Oh, you don't want to go of course, I'll go tell grandma to let her old man to give me another assistant, you are too hard to go back to rest." Jiang Xueyu said with a smile.

"You ... You're really an unreasonable woman." Jiang Simin iron blue a face, she did not expect this Jiang Xue Yu will actually change direction to fire herself. What a joke, go home and rest, then what status will there be in the Jiang family in the future.

Although the Jiang family is a second-rate family, but the bottom is still some, but all in the company, the position of some high can secretly fish some oil, while the general position can only rely on wages to eat, and unfortunately Jiang Simin belongs to the latter.

In the eyes of outsiders, she and Jiang Xueyu are the Jiang family's young lady, but after all, she is still a layer apart, and not a direct line of Jiang family, and if the old lady Jiang did not see her still valuable, will not take care of her more.

If this matter reaches Mrs. Jiang's ears, Jiang Simin may lose her biggest dependency in the future.

"Jiang Xueyu, you dare to do this to me?" Jiang Simin gritted her teeth and said.

In fact, this matter Jiang Simin is really overthinking, this inspection work does need people to do, it is not that Jiang Xue Yu intentionally want to target her.

"I just let you go to the East City to look at it, it will not be very hard, I used to go to the site, in addition to a few blisters on the feet, leg pain, nothing else, so you do not worry." Jiang Xue Yu said with a smile.

"Good you Jiang Xue Yu, you wait for me, I will never let you go if I marry into a rich family." Jiang Simin finished throwing the document on the desk and turned around and left.

This account she will give Jiang Xue Yu this woman well settled sooner or later, she believes that with her own conditions is sure to marry into the rich family, as long as waiting for the person who bought the water color time villa appeared, their own days will boil to the head.

Blue Dream nightclub on the outskirts of town.

Now it is the hottest time of the day, the door stood a few duty officers are bored smoking and chatting, like this place is not open for business at night, just at this time a white BMW car is very abruptly parked at the front door of the nightclub.

Lei Cheng opened the car door and walked out, standing at the door of several punks stood up one by one with a bad face.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing, now we are not open here, you can come back at night." One of the punks yelled at Lei Cheng.

"I'm looking for Mu Feng, if he's here please let him out." Lei Cheng said with a bashful face.

As soon as they heard the man actually call his boss by his name, each one of them looked at Lei Cheng mockingly.

Who didn't know that Mu Feng was a big shot who roamed the fringes, so how could an unknown kid say he could just meet him?

"Who the hell are you? You call our boss's name right out of the gate, you're pretty crazy."

"Are you looking for trouble? If so, ask us about our fists first."

Several people shook their hands and rolled up their sleeves, ready to rush up.

"You tell Mu Feng that it's Lei Cheng who is looking for him."

A few punks did not expect this young man is still so calm, can not really have any background, but this kid obviously look familiar, also have not seen this number of people in the gray area ah.

One of them looked at Lei Cheng with a puzzled face and asked, "Lei Cheng, why does your name sound so familiar to me?"

"Oops, isn't the son-in-law of the Jiang family called Lei Cheng, you're not him, are you?"

"Yo, so it's the famous waste son-in-law, it's really better to be known than to meet, it's really true."

"I say you are also quite capable of ah, rely on women to eat a soft rice can also drive a BMW more than a million, you see a few brothers look not less than you ah, you in the end how to marry the first beauty, give us a little experience."

A few punks ate immediately after the laughter, in their eyes this Lei Cheng is completely is a joke, and can marry the first beauty far all is sarcastic him.

Lei Cheng face gloomy look at a few almost laughing off the people, hooked lips stride over.

"I said you stand still, you a waste of dragging what dragging, the sensible quickly get away from here, so as not to disturb the grandfathers' pleasure."

"I said, do you not understand human language, told you to stand still you did not hear?"

As soon as several people saw that Lei Cheng did not change his face and still walked towards the door, they clenched their fists and swung at Lei Cheng.

As everyone was preparing to make a move, Mu Feng ran over in a panic, shouting as he ran: "Stop, don't fight, do you guys want to die."

Mu Feng looked at a few of his men with anger and cursed, if these few punks could look up, they would find that their own boss's eyes were full of fear.

"Boss, it's not us who are looking for death, it's this kid who is looking for death."

"Fuck, it's just a waste of a man from the Jiang family, how dare he come here and talk about looking for you, he's really tired of living."

"Boss, don't worry, leave this kid to me, we guarantee to beat him so much that he can't get out of bed for half a month."

Mu Feng listened to these words of his men and immediately became furious, he punched one person and directly beat these punks to the point that they almost couldn't recognize their parents, or see how heavy his hands were.

After teaching these people, Mu Feng walked up to Lei Cheng with an arrow step and said respectfully, "Mr. Lei, what brings you here today?"

Two years ago, Mu Feng was just a street punk, I don't know what strange encounter, suddenly before the boss of the Blue Dream nightclub, not only enlisted a group of people as their own men, but also gradually developed the power, and now has become a marginal area can not underestimate the character.

Of course the speed of Mu Feng's fortune is staggering, many people have doubts that he is not someone behind the support, there are also many people secretly investigate, but after a long time did not find a trace to believe that no one but Mu Feng himself will know how he became the boss behind the scenes of Blue Dream.

A few of the men looked at their boss's attitude towards Lei Cheng so respectfully, they were flabbergasted.

Mu Feng, Mu boss, he is one of the biggest figures on the fringe of Nanfu City, how come he looks as if he is afraid of this Jiang family's wimp.

"What are you guys still standing there, why don't you quickly apologize to Mr. Lei." Mu Feng viciously glared at these few eyeless punks, just about put them on the spot.

"Lei ... Mr. Lei, we have eyes that don't know Taishan, you must not bother with us, I'm sorry!"

Lei Cheng just coldly looked at these people, a hairless.

Mu Feng saw the cold face of Lei Cheng, legs involuntarily trembling, he tried to stabilize his mind and said, "Kneel down and apologize to Mr. Lei."

As the saying goes, you have to look at the master to beat the dog, a few punks can't understand the boss's thinking, let them kneel down, that is not clearly in their own face, does he not care about losing face in front of this person?

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