
Return of the Dragon God

The gods are mighty but are also a bored lot as they look for entertainment in everything they do. But when they commit taboo by messing with time, they will come to realize why time manipulation is a taboo thing to do. Reeds life has bin one misfortune after another his race almost completely destroyed are now aimless wanderers but with the gods sending him back to the past he takes this chance and tries for a better life.

Rezac356 · Sci-fi
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25 Chs

The price of Change

Reed is very emotional at this moment standing in front of the greatest dragon knight academy in the Dragon empire he has no words to describe his feelings though his 2 elder sisters are doing a good job with how proud they are of him. The front gate of the academy is massive and the motifs on both sides of the gate are gorgeous. As Reed walks forward Teresa and his 2 elder sisters walk behind him past the gate and into the academy. Mana speaks as they move into the academy.

"The academy is separated into 4 sections 1 for each year group. The buildings you see here are for the 1st years. The building in front is the main school building were the bulk of your classes will be and the one to the left is the mages tower were the spell library and the mages laboratories are located. The building to the right is the martial pavilion were the martial skills library is as well as the training grounds are located and that little building in between the martial pavilion and the main school is the mission hall."

As Reed enters his class room he looks around and finds 2 chairs in the back that are unoccupied so he heads over and takes a seat Teresa who is in his class takes the other. The other students are talking in groups or bragging to each other about their tattoos though there is alot of weird looks going to Reed mainly because of his tattoo. A minute later the classroom door opens and a young man walks in he has blond hair and blue eyes basically he is in the classic good looks department. He stops in the doorway and scanned the room when he found Reed he gives a sly smile then walks over to Reed after him is a young woman same looks same walk same sly smile looks like a sister only her hair is short and gives a halo around her face. As the young man reaches Reed he pulls out a small notebook from his pocket and opens it.

"Reed Damoncrest age 18 able to cultivate qi and magic, dragon name Ashara dragon type unknown dragon strength to be determined. Son of Martin Getlset and Linalda Damoncrest has 2 older sisters and 2 younger sisters. Most notable achievements are being the youngest grandmaster alchemist as well as being the father of new alchemy as well as saved the empire from the threat of Dragon miasma as well as the Dragon Empires most hated enemy Grand Duke Inona. Father granted the Marquis title through many meritorious service over the years and even though he was born before his father aquired the title he was given permission to aquire the title as well. Father has also been promoted to Grand General of the 2nd division of the Wings of Havoc before heading to his new land in the rank 3 planet name still not given."

Reed raises his eyebrow at this rendition of his life as he asks. "Is there a point to this?"

The young man snapped the book closed.

"I'm merely making you aware of your current situation."

"Oh I'm very aware of my situation."


After putting his notebook away he offers his hand.

"The names Bendersnatch Rosegarden and this is my sister Abigail Rosegarden."

Reed takes the offered hand.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance you obviously know me and this is Teresa."

Bendersnatch puts on a more normal grin as he mentions he prefers Ben over his full name and then motions to the seats to Reeds left.

"This spot taken."

"Not at all."

Both brother and sister sit down to Reeds left then Ben leans in a bit.

"Also before I forget beware of the Galeclaw clan."

"The Galeclaw clan?"

"They were very close to the Varao clan so a large amount of their clansmen have been forced to take the dragon birthers oath as well as being forced into early retirement so their not too happy with you."

After telling Reed that the teacher walked in an class started. This class was more to inform the teacher went through the same stuff Mana went through when they were walking around the school. After class was over Ben pulled out a pitch black card and offered it to Reed.

"If you need info or help go to the Crimson Bird they will help for a fee of course."

After that he got up and left the room. Reed knows of the Crimson Bird it is the most famous chain of high-class restaurants in the empire but it is run by Rosegarden. They deal in information and assassination its just Reed was unaware that they were a clan as well and a high-class one as well or it would have been hard to get into this school.

As Reed is going through school life a ways away from the dragon empire 2 middle aged men are traveling through space. Both were experts in the Sacred grade and heard the empires call.

"I'm telling you this is a free life planet don't know what rank it is yet but it's not far from the empire."

"Well that is why we are heading there to check the rank and add it to the world's the empire will take as our own in stage 1 of the empires expansion plans."

As they both quiet down they reach their destination only to leave subspace in the middle of a war blasts and explosions were going off everywhere in a panic they did a short jump to get out of the line of fire.

"By the ancients what did we just run into?"

"All out war by the looks of it."

Both look on as 2 groups of ships fire at each other near a blue and green planet. If Reed were here he would be able to identify both sides one is the Oteco empire which was the empire that attacked the dragon empire when it was at its weakest in his last life and the other was known as the Rebel Alliance to the rest of the universe. Both noticed the men on the back of monsters but they had different reactions.

In the command ship of the Oteco empire prince Elardua Ty Oteco was looking at the battle through the Battle overview device when a scouting officer walks up to him.

"Your imperial majesty our scouts have found 2 unidentified galactic monsters watching our suppression of the slaves. What are your orders?"

"Humm unidentified you say? Hmm have they moved to attack?"

"No my lord they just seem to be watching as well the scouts..." But he couldn't finish as the prince cut him off.

"Then ignore them and focus on suppressing these slaves."

"Of course your majesty but..."

"Are you questioning me?" After the prince said that there was a dangerous silence.

"No no of course not your majesty."

"Then this conversation is over return to your station."

As the scouting officer returns to his station he imputed the 2 new galactic monsters into the database and strictly ignored the two creatures on their heads.

In the Rebel command ship Admiral Rikitia DeSalverich watches the battle through the Battle overview device when her scout master coughs for her attention.

"Admiral we have identified 2 unidentified galactic monsters watching the battle but that's not the amazing thing there are 2 people riding them."

"So what the Rikti race also rides galactic monsters as well as the Moromort race."

"Yes my lady but they still use personal equipment to survive in the harshness of space these people don't."


"Show me them immediately."

"Yes Admiral."

Admiral Rikitia looks at the main screen as the image of 2 middle aged men riding on 2 monsters is shown on the screen. The most amazing thing is they are wearing normal clothes in the harshness of space. She continues to watch as they turn away then leave. After the screen goes blank she becomes lost in thought then as if a decision is made she looks at the communications officer.

"Send a message to HQ tell them that Admiral Rikitia DeSalverich calls on a code Emerald then send the code Emerald to all forces 1 hour away from here."

The communications officer as well as everyone on the bridge looked excited how long has it been since a code Emerald has been issued.

Now just as Reeds change in the Dragon miasma incident so comes another huge change in history.