
Return of the Archmage

Arthur Vennova, the strongest mage the world has seen. He reached the highest known grade of magic a human can reach at the age of 32, one can say that he was a prodigy among prodigies. Arthur reach the the pinnacle of magic, 10-Star Magician. He stopped all wars and chaos and united the world, and he gave the feeling of safetiness towards the people and released them from the chains of fear and suffering the wars have caused. He stopped the rampant magicians and disciplined them to become great magicians. He had taught many students and made them become great magicians, even if they are ordinary or a prodigy, all that matters to Arthur was that they have a strong heart to continue until they reach the pinnacle of magic. However, Arthur was sealed by a mysterious being. Arthur was overwhelmed by the overwhelming power this beings wield. He was sealed in hell and was fighting to survive for a thousand years. He was sealed for a thousand years and he managed to get out just by his sheer willpower. 'This time, I will not lose to you guys, Dark Lords!' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors note: This novel was inspired by the 'Great Mage Returns after 4000 years', and I am an inexperienced writer so I still have many things to learn like grammar and writing quality, and etc. English is not my first language btw. :)Also, the first few chapters will be a bit fast. This might be fast paced. I am writing this novel for fun btw but I will do my best to writing it.

Tensei_Tara · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 01 - Defeat of the Great Mage

I am Arthur Vennova, The Great Mage, the one and only mage who reached the level of magic where humans didn't imagined to exist, Sky Rate 10.

In the history, only Sky Rate 9 was recorded of being the highest, Sky Grade 9 was believed to be the level where you can destroy a continent with your own magic and at full power is believed to be able to destroy atleast 3 continents.

However, Sky Grade 10, which I reached, can easily destroy 3 continents and with full power, I was able to destroy the world. I mean the world, not the humanity. It was impossible to wipe out humanity after all, they will be able to find solution just to survive.

I was able to achieve that at the age of 40. I was so fascinated and amazed in magic that I reached this position. I love magic, it was so wonderful, you know!

One day, when I was studying a new spell, I felt several strong aura approaching my house, the location of my house was at the top of the highest mountain in the world.

The speed which they are going at was at the speed of sound.

(Speed of sound = 343 meters per second, so fast)

I immediately put a barrier protecting me and I was correct at my decision as 5 different attacks at different directions.

In my right side, it was a fist by a man with a bulky and prideful face, his auburn hair and brown eyes which was brimming with fighting spirit looked like a wolf looking at his prey. It was a scary stare that will make anyone shudder in fear.

In my left side, it was a kick made by the person who looked like a young boy but I can't be deceived, it was a spell that changes his physical form, his blonde hair and amber eyes looks innocent that it makes you hesitate to attack him.

In front of me was a woman with a beautiful face that will prevent you to hit her. Her attack was a sword attack, it was at the category of piercing skills of a swordsman. Her ash hair which was moving due to the wind and her cold charcoal eyes who always looked serious.

Behind me was an attack of an arrow by also a woman, she had pointy ears and dark skin, I assumed that she was a dark elf. Her sapphire eyes who looked dead serious and looking at my weak spots and her azure hair. A headdress was sitting on top of his azure hair.

At the top, it was an attack of magic. It was a rock spear, after observing this magic for a while, I learned that it was Grade 8 Earth Spell, "Titan Spear ". It was an attack made by a man with short bronze hair and gold eyes.

Their clothes were all similar, they were covered with a black cloaks which covered their whole body

but I can feel strong defensive ability from this robes.

I was shocked at the power of these beings. Only few in these world will be able to do this much. Just from the aftershocks from their attacks destroyed my house and caused a huge crack to the mountain peak.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking me?" I asked calmly to know what their intentions are. The warriors was atleast 7-Mark warriors but I know these were not their true power. The mage was preventing to use all his mana and just keeps using small spells and then use the "Titan spear", are they trying to exhaust me? or are they buying time? why are they even attacking me? ohh maybe they are trying to kill me without anyone noticing about their existence by without sending signs in the surface about the battle that will take. Thinking about this, I decided to use telepathy to send a message towards my trustworthy students and friends.

(AN: They will be introduced in the future)

I felt an overwhelming aura up above the sky after asking these questions.

"We are the Dark Lords, Arthur Vennova" A man with a mask and dark robe covering his upper body and reach his knees. He was also wearing a black pants and black shoes, he looks like a deathbringer because he was also equipped with a crimson scythe.

"Dark Lords?" I asked with a confused look.

"Yes, we are the beings who you can call the "Gods" of this world, and I am the Supreme God that rules the Gods. We are the Dark Lords, we are here to recruit you to join us and you will receive more power than you have before. Now will you accept? The attack just now was a test if you wield the power as we have expected "

"Ohh, so if I accepted your offer, what should I do after being a Dark Lord? " I asked curiously.

"Hmm, you will just become our ally and you need to follow instructions and fulfill the given orders. The rest of the information will be revealed after you join us. If you refuse the we will silence you because you might become a threat. Choose wisely or else it will be your doom" He said in a threatening voice.

"What type of mission that will be given to me? in particular" I asked, I need to know what kind of mission they will give me. I don't plan on joining and I need to escape but it's impossible, these people was just too strong, I am a bit stronger if these 5 Dark Lords combined but there was still these 'Supreme being', I can feel his aura engulfing the entire mountain and scaring the beasts, these mountains where called the "Divine Highlands", there was so many strong beast living here and few grade 10, but even the grade 10 was scared of this man in front of me. I need to buy time to think of a solution and gather information as many as I can from them.

"hmm, something like annihilate an entire continent while hiding your existence? command the soldiers to invade the other Domain?"

"Domain?" I got interested so I asked.

"Oh yeah, you still don't know anything about the universe. Well, let me tell, the structure of our universe was like a dungeon, each floor is equivalent to a planet. Domains was the term we use to refer to the other floor. Each domain will fight each other for territory and will increase their territory, the lords, like us the "Dark Lords"but there are still many Lords in the other floors, was like the God of each floor."

"Ehh?! What the hell?!" I said while my expression is saying that I was surprised. There is no way this dude will lie to me because there's no reason to lie anyway. He was strong enough to defeat me I can feel it, my instincts are telling me to run away. Its been decades since I felt this. I smiled while thinking that.

"Then, why did you come here? why did you tell me these? is it because you expected that I will join you? Oh well, even if you kill me here I will not join you, if I want greater power, I will obtain it myself, if I want to explore the other 'Floor', I do not need any organizations to help me go there, I don't want anything that will chain me"

"I expected that answer, there's no way the strongest mage of humanity will join any group that will chain him. So, be ready to be killed, Human." He said in a cold voice. I trembled for a second then I steeled myself for a tough battle.

I was ready for a battle when my barrier was destroyed, the flow of events was too quickly for me to follow. It was at this moment that I realized that I will be dead.

"Your reaction was too slow, human" He said coldly and I looked at his eyes, his look was like looking at an insect. I felt fear for the first time in my life but I immediately erased the feeling of fear and smiled at him.

"Haha, I may lose this time but I will comeback, I will slap your asses until it hurts so wait for me" I said, then he just stared at me and after a few seconds, he moved his hands upwards and focuses it to me.

"I will wait for you then, if you can" He said and I can feel that he was smiling.

He said something before I lost my consciousness,

"Seal" he said then I lost my consciousness.

----End of chapter----