
Chapter 3

A bright light flashed across Caepron's eyes, making him completely blind for several seconds. After what seemed like forever, Caepron tried opening his eyes to a white room. He blinked a few times, thinking that his vision was just coming back, but after a few more tries of crazy blinking sessions, Caepron realized he was in a white room. He sat up and looked around, nothing but white everywhere. He stood up and checked himself, he had his clothes on, with the bullet holes, cuts, and everything else on it. However, when Caepron checked all his wounds, they were all gone, completely healed as if nothing was there. After standing up and looking around for a few seconds he decided to start walking in a random direction to see if he could find anyone or anything. He took one step forward and had the scare of his life. There was no ground below him. He was floating in a white open area. He took a few deep breathes and looked around him to see if he could find any people or buildings in the distance that he could talk to or try to get to. After a few seconds of struggling he stopped and came to the fact that he can't move and it's a waste of energy. He crossed his arms in confusion and was trying to decide what to do when he started hearing laughter behind him. He whipped his head around to see a sight that until the end of his life he could never understand.

Behind him, where a second ago there was nothing but white expanse, now stood a man so tall Caepron had to look up to see him completely. The man stood around 60 feet tall, with brown/black long hair on his back. He had a square chin, strong facial features, and had the aura of someone who stood above all. He had the clearest pair of sky blue eyes ever to be seen, eyes that looked like they held the wisdom of the ages and understanding of all things. The giant man looked down at Caepron and he and Caepron had a staring competition. Both men are proud and don't want to give the other any ground. As they had their staring competition, the corners of the giant man's mouth started curving up into a smirk. Then after more than five minutes, it turned into a full-blown smile. He finally tilted his head back and started roaring in laughter, while Caepron looked at him in confusion. "Boy, I'm impressed that you managed not to buckle or look away from me, most beings would be terrified of my mere presence and died." Caepron gave the giant man a raised eyebrow look of confusion, "Who are you? Or better yet, what are you?" The giant finished his laughing and looked back at Caepron. "I am Adrollis, The first Ancient King of Existence and The first Ruler of the Planes of Existence!" Pride entered his eyes and his voice became more robust and refined, giving him the aura of an Emperor. "So what are you doing here?" Caepron asked. "Well lad, you see here, I was betrayed by the other three thousand beings that existed with me while ruling I was relaxed and didn't enforce anything on my subjects." Sadness could be seen on his face. Then anger and frustration, "But one of my advisors wanted the power, glory, and women that came with it and convinced them all to attack me. Surprise, surprise I wiped them all out and killed him in the most excruciating way possible. Afterward, I died, and now I'm here, waiting for someone I find worthy of taking on my mantle of power and bloodline. And Lad, I think I found the one!" The giant started laughing and Caepron looked at him like he lost it. "Where in the world am I, and what is this place?" Adrollis looked at Caepron with a smirk, "An inquisitive one aren't you, very well, I shall answer your questions. This place is called the Cradle, a place where all new beings that have been absorbed by the Upper Planar Being go to before they are introduced to their new world, sort of a Stasis state so to speak. Where it is I do not know, as I have come here through a door given to me before my untimely demise, to use only once when I thought I had found a being worthy of carrying on my legacy."

At this Adrollis looked down at Caepron and smiled like he had found the greatest treasure of his life. "And lad, I found you! You shall be the bearer of my bloodline and Legacy. I shall impart to you all the knowledge I know and have collected in my wait to find you, as well as my bloodline so that you will grow into a terrifying being. My only request is that you live life to its fullest, and if you find any descendants or carriers that are related to the other three thousand beings, you kill them!" A gleam of murderous intent entered into his eyes at this. But then a gentle light entered them. "However, if you meet descendants of a being called Allsela, let them live and help them, for they are the descendants from the only Ancient being who was as honorable and great as me." After this, he looked back down at Caepron. "Boy, what is your name?" "Caepron. Caepron Anderson." "Good" As Adrollis said this he reached out his hand, and a bright light surrounded him. "Then Caepron Anderson, I, Adrollis, First King of the Ancients, Strongest Being of the Planar Existence, Give you my Bloodline and Inheritence, to become a beacon of strength for those who have none, to stand against injustice and evil, and to be the bearer of a new era for the Planar Existences. Go forth, and cause chaos for the ages!" With this, Adrollis started laughing like a madman, and the light around him started traveling towards his palm making a small ball of light appear there. After a few more moments all the light entered the ball, and Adrollis then pushed it forwards toward Caepron. Caepron let it hit his chest and it went inside him. All of a sudden, his brain was exploded with information, everything Adrollis wanted Caepron to know to give him a head start Caepron now had. From Cultivation to arts, weapons, potions, brewing and alchemy, secrets of the Planar existences, and other things. Beings that would cause a normal person to lose all sanity and die from the sheer thought of them. Caepron then felt pain all over his body as it started to grow and become better and stronger. Adrollis smiled as he saw this and said one final thing before Caepron blacked out. "Good luck lad, Your gonna need it." Then Caeprons consciousness faded away and he lost consciousness. He heard a ding and then a mechanical voice rang in his head, "Welcome to The Awakened World."

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