
Return of the Ancient Constellation

In this world where Hunters with various magical powers battle monsters from invading defenseless humanity, Jhin was the weakest of all the Hunters, barely able to make a living as he did his best to secure his living and food. However, a mysterious gate different from the ones that appear worldwide suddenly pops out inside his room. It sucks him and his girlfriend in, setting him on a course for an incredible and often times perilous Journey. Yet, after he became an Ancient Constellation he aimed to ascend through the holy gate and enter the Promising Holy Land. Unfortunately, a Titan beyond the understanding of Constellations kills him on the spot breaking all of Jhin's dreams to the ground. Follow Jhin as he embarks on an adventure to become an unparalleled existence through his “Devourer” system - different from any other being and unfold the secrets plus mysteries shrouding the unusual gates in his world!

Choka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs




' Wh...who I... who is whispering in my ears.'


' Ranking?'

'Tower of dreams?'

' Aghhhh!'

Intense pain could be felt by Jhin as he attempted to recall his life and long-forgotten past.

' Last I remember is the old man guarding the holy gate gently placing his finger on my dagger.'

' Did that single action kill me?'

' How!'



' I never had a chance to begin with didn't I old man? And those bastards who called themselves my allies didn't even tell me about such a frightening being existing.'

' No!'

' No! No, No!'

' I already knew that I had no hope to begin with, I just tried out of desperation.'

' Out of fear, helplessness and pain.'

' Damn it, It's all because of that damnable gate who sucked me into this hellish reality to begin with.'

' Well, there is no more reason to cry and regret about my life anymore. What's in the past would always stay in the past.'

' But...but, if there is a being.'

' Ah what am I thinking,' Jhin thought,' Well I have nothing left anyway, I shall at least try this before I take my last breath and my consciousness fades away.'

' The words I read on that demolished ruin back when my girlfriend cast me away and betrayed me inside the gate, choosing to side with a stronger man and leaving me to die inside.'

Memories of Jhin's life started flashing before his eyes, especially the painful ones. Memories from his world called 'earth', his girlfriend betrayal, and friends who tried to kill him multiple times for treasures after the tragedy of being sucked inside of a mysterious gate.

All the losses he experienced in his life after that life-changing day slowly turned him into a constellation of unimaginable strength and authority.

He then started slowly recalling the words from that time that even he doesn't clearly remember. The memories that are hidden at the very depths of his sea of consciousness.

' What were they again...'

' Ah yes, it should be like this... If there is a being stronger than us Constellations.'

' Stronger than us Guardians of the Holy Gate!'

With each word Jhin thought of. His vision, mind, and even consciousness began drafting away.

Alas, this whole strange phenomenon went unnoticed by him.

And Jhin kept chanting in words that now sounded alien to any being in all existence.

' Stronger than us Titans!'

' Stronger than us Ancient M!'

' Stron... Stronger...'


Without even feeling a bit different from his dying state, ignorant of all the pain and different sensations occurring inside his own sea of consciousness.

Jhin faded away from existence.

Or at least that's what was seen in the eyes of the old man watching over the dead constellation with eyes harboring great sadness and pity for the ones who have talent and great potential for the future.

" I warned you and even gave you a hint, yet you still chose to confront me."

The white-robed old man suddenly cupped his fists in the direction of Jhin's soul that just faded away and uttered some words before he vanished inside the gate, the holy gate disappearing right after him.

" Hope you caught the words I said dear constellation."

Even though the words he said looked as if they were meant to ridicule the falling constellation.

One particular guy who was watching the fight as everyone else smirked upon hearing what the old man said.

With a face shrouded in darkness and eyes glowing red like hot blood that just spurted out from a divine monster, he thanked him wholeheartedly,' I'll use your advice as best as I can... Master.'

Years passed since this event happened.

Countless beings died.

Constellations that existed from the beginning of time vanished out of the scene, disappearing from everyone's eyes.

Their survival or death was unknown to everyone.

Eras passed and Econs followed by.

Newborn Constellations came to life, and a new era followed.

Yet years kept passing.



Thousands, tens of thousands.

Millions and hundreds of millions of years passed till that reality check event.

Till a day came when everything that occurred that day was forgotten.


" He is alive! You don't have to worry about his safety anymore."

After the doctor checking on the man's health said these words, the woman sitting beside the bed exploded in tears of joy.


At the same time, a faint sound was heard from the other woman sitting on the other side of the bed.

Only, the woman on the other side that made that sound looked way younger and much more beautiful than the prior. It reached even a point where it left the doctor hearing the sound to instantly forgetting her rude behavior, entirely getting sucked with her perfect composure and body.

" Doctor," The middle-aged woman slowly said after she noticed the young woman's expression.

Still ignoring her words, Marina had no choice but to raise her voice a bit louder," Doctor!"

Finally, after yelling, did the charmed doctor look at Marina, his face red, ashamed of what he had just done to one of his top clients.

" Please forgive the image you just saw Ma Lady, it will never occur again."

Marina waved with her hand indicating that she didn't care and instinctively asked about her son's well-being," Is he fine? Does he have a sickness we don't know about or anything wrong with his head?"

The doctor awkwardly scratched his hybrid white-dark hair and said," He honestly has nothing wrong with him, he is just tired from the intense work he doing inside the dungeons. I'll advise you to give him some time to rest and not let him work for the next week at the very least."

" I'll excuse myself now if you allow it, Ma Lady," The doctor then bowed cupping his fists towards Marina.

Marina just waved her hand and cast a side glance at the young woman sitting on the other side.

The doctor didn't even dare to stay for even a second longer after getting permission from his client before he sprinted in the direction of the door like a terrified chicken on a chopping board.

' Hunters are truly scary, I'll have to think twice before accepting such a deal in the future.' The doctor thought as he closed the door behind him and left.

The young woman called Elina didn't even care to react after noticing Marina glance and just turned a blind eye to it.

' Bitch.' Marina cursed under her breath before also leaving the room.

Meanwhile, Jhin lied limp in the bed, looking left and right with his half-closed eyes trying to determine how bad his situation was.

' Well, well, well. What do we have here? The semi-old woman who just left is clearly my mother if memory didn't fail me. While the one on the side is obviously my dear girlfriend from back then.

' This is very interesting.'

Jhin was already awake for a few minutes, but he just didn't speak nor fully open his eyes in fear that all of this was a dream.

Facing the ceiling for a few more minutes without moving an inch from his spot and blinking in the process, Jhin finally exhaled a deep breath as he slowly swallowed the fact that was right in front of him.

' The chanting on that demolished old ruin worked! I have indeed made it back to the past and successfully reincarnated.' Jhin concluded with a smirk as memories of his time on earth stopped being blurry, while others began rapidly coming back at him.

Flashing back and forth with memories that Jhin has long forgotten, intersected with multiple boring and lovely ones. Intense pain pulsed in his head, sending shockwaves through his body, until Jhin's eyes fully snapped open once again.