
Return Of The Ancient Celestial

"I want to be a God to rule across the Nations! Heroes are overrated!" In the world of Tarynla, where the defeat of Dragons by Humans has brought temporary peace to the Seven Nations. A man named Damon finds himself in a mysterious predicament after his death. His soul is unexpectedly summoned and thrust into danger and intrigue. Unbeknownst to him, Damon's purpose holds the key to the fate of Tarynla. Upon his arrival, Damon discovers that he is surrounded by a secretive cult known as the Obsidian Order. Driven by a fanatical desire for immortality, the cult seeks to harness the power of Dragon's Blood, a rare and potent substance found only within the veins of Dragons. Believing Damon to be the key to their ambitions, they try to manipulate and control him. However, Damon harbors his own aspirations. He yearns to forge his own path and become more powerful than anyone else, a God. Blessed by the Goddess of Love, he possesses a unique ability: the power to temporarily transform Dragons into human form. Fueled by this newfound gift, Damon embarks on a perilous journey toward the Dragons' lair, driven by a burning desire to fulfil his destiny. With a desire to manipulate the world to his own vision, Damon resolves to form an Idol Group, a team of Humanoid Dragons with extraordinary talents, aiming to gain control. Through their public persona, they would become revered and adored while secretly undertaking covert missions to protect their identities and further their own hidden agenda. With the awakening of Dragon Idol System, watch how Damon creates the first Idol Group in every Nation he steps foot in. ------ Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv

youneedsomemilk · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Soar In The Sky

The tree's shadow outside the walls moved like a jelly, and Damon emerged. He was astonished at what just happened, and the feeling of using a skill made him giddy. 

"Ah, sh^t. It isn't that far!" Damon hissed upon realizing that he might get caught at that distance. He looked at his surroundings and had nearly forgotten that the city was surrounded by a river and only a bridge connecting it to the other side. 

Damon knew how to swim but wasn't confident using his new body as he might lose stamina and drown. He made sure to hide in the tree first while observing the knights roaming around. 

After 10 minutes, the knights outside went in as they held a meeting for the future plans to counter the Dragon's next attack. 

That gave Damon time to escape. He ran as fast as his tiny little legs could take him. 

"This is tiring!" Damon complained after running for ten minutes straight. He stopped to catch his breath, but fate had other plans. 

Damon ran close to a new Pooka camp nearby and drew their attention.    

The Pookas immediately wielded their weapons and directly attacked Damon. 

"Damn it!" Damon cursed and ran away as fast as he could. He found it hard to kill one Pooka, and there were five of them chasing him. 

That made Damon rethink his choice of staying in the Acedia's city until he was strong enough to fight on his own. 

"F^ck this! I can't run away forever," Damon shouted in frustration before stopping and facing the Pookas, who kept screaming at him. 

"Urah! Patyon Takah!" 

Damon gulped and hastily touched his pelvis. "Obsidian Long Sword. I summon you!" he shouted. 

A black array appeared on top of Damon's d1ck, and appeared the sword's handle. He grabbed it and swung to an upcoming attack. 

"Can't you wait a little, hah!?" Damon exclaimed and swung on the other side, which broke two of Pooka's clubs. 

Damon kicked the other one but forgot the other two holding a bow instead of clubs. An arrow flew and hit him in the arm. 

"Ah!" Damon yelped in pain and glanced at the arrow buried in his flesh. He gritted his teeth and snapped at the other incoming arrow, dodging it. 

The Pookas, who no longer had weapons, stepped back and started digging into the ground. They spat on the soil and formed it like a ball before throwing it toward Damon, who dodged it. 

"Sh^t!" Damon flicked his tongue and began running away. He was surprised the Pookas had the capability to think of an alternative after their weapon was destroyed. 

Damon opened the map and followed the path that went straight to where he left the Dragon, hoping its presence would drive the Pookas away. He grabbed his wounded arm and flinched in pain, but it wasn't the first time he felt that kind of sensation. 

Damon had been physically bullied and beaten multiple times for his appearance and knowledge. After all, he was always on top of the academic ranks. That made several students take advantage of his brain; if it didn't go well, they would beat him. 

"No, I need to level up," Damon muttered. He hid behind the tree to give himself extra time to prepare. He grabbed the arrow and broke it in half, didn't pull it out, or else he would bleed. 

Damon winched in pain but kept his mouth shut. He glanced at the Pookas and saw them searching for him. 

"This better be worth it," Damon whispered before charging toward the enemies while gripping his sword tightly. His eyes burnt with determination to kill them all. 

A black smoke coated Damon's body, but he didn't notice it. It boosted his strength and morale to finish his goal. 

Damon had killed all five Pookas in the blink of an eye, and the black smoke vanished. 

"Huh? What just happened?" Damon asked in confusion. His memories went hazy, and he just remembered the time he launched an attack. 

"Ah, I must have exhausted myself," Damon whispered, grabbing his head. He felt lightheaded as his energy was running low. 

Damon turned around and started walking, but he felt his body swaying from side to side. 

"Why is this body so weak!" Damon exclaimed in irritation. He stopped and sat on the ground, resting to regain some strength. 

After several minutes, Damon felt a strong wind going his way. He looked up, and the Dragon was flying above him. 

"Dragon," Damon yelled and gestured for it to come down, which obeyed him. 

The Dragon landed before Damon and roared loudly. "You abandoned me," it said roughly. 

"I didn't. I came back for you," Damon replied, showing the Dragon the meat he carried. "See," he added with a bright smile. 

Cold sweat formed on Damon's face as the Dragon remained silent and stared at the meat he held. 

"I-I haven't found animals to hunt since I encountered some hindrance," Damon explained and glanced back at the Pookas he killed, hoping the Dragon would understand. 

"Grrr," the Dragon growled lowly and stepped closer to Damon, towering his size. 

"I bought this meat from the city," Damon added in case the Dragon deemed him lying. 

"Understandable, Master," the Dragon replied, biting the meat from Damon's hand and eating it peacefully. 

Damon sighed in relief and watched as the Dragon enjoyed its feast. "I'm sorry. That's the only meat I got from you," he stated, worried it wouldn't fill the Dragon's stomach. 

"Don't worry," the Dragon replied and started going to the dead Pookas. It slowly devoured each of them while leaving their heads. 

Damon watched with a grimace. He felt disgusted, but he couldn't look away. 

"Bring the heads back in the city and compensate them for money," the Dragon explained, pushing the heads toward Damon. 

"Okay," Damon nodded in understanding. He stared at the Dragon for a few seconds, and a smile appeared on his lips. "I'm grateful you've healed enough to soar in the sky," he added. 

The Dragon was taken aback by Damon's statement. It turned its head away in shyness. "O-of course! I'm a Dragon!"

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