
Return Of The Ancient Celestial

"I want to be a God to rule across the Nations! Heroes are overrated!" In the world of Tarynla, where the defeat of Dragons by Humans has brought temporary peace to the Seven Nations. A man named Damon finds himself in a mysterious predicament after his death. His soul is unexpectedly summoned and thrust into danger and intrigue. Unbeknownst to him, Damon's purpose holds the key to the fate of Tarynla. Upon his arrival, Damon discovers that he is surrounded by a secretive cult known as the Obsidian Order. Driven by a fanatical desire for immortality, the cult seeks to harness the power of Dragon's Blood, a rare and potent substance found only within the veins of Dragons. Believing Damon to be the key to their ambitions, they try to manipulate and control him. However, Damon harbors his own aspirations. He yearns to forge his own path and become more powerful than anyone else, a God. Blessed by the Goddess of Love, he possesses a unique ability: the power to temporarily transform Dragons into human form. Fueled by this newfound gift, Damon embarks on a perilous journey toward the Dragons' lair, driven by a burning desire to fulfil his destiny. With a desire to manipulate the world to his own vision, Damon resolves to form an Idol Group, a team of Humanoid Dragons with extraordinary talents, aiming to gain control. Through their public persona, they would become revered and adored while secretly undertaking covert missions to protect their identities and further their own hidden agenda. With the awakening of Dragon Idol System, watch how Damon creates the first Idol Group in every Nation he steps foot in. ------ Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv

youneedsomemilk · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Skill Possessed

Damon gulped and slowly lifted his hand, touching the envelope. To his surprise, it opened precisely like a screen. 

[ WELCOME Descender! You have successfully activated the ( Nameless ) System. You can now operate the system to your liking. As a reward, you will receive 1,000 Pera. ]

Maya's voice rung in Damon's ears. He hated how she sounded, as if she was forced to say those words to him. 

Damon clicked accept, and the empty tab above him showed the amount of money he had. 

"Hmm, so that's the currency," Damon muttered in understanding. He had played different kinds of games as his past time before and deemed it more accessible to adjust to the new life. 

"What… mean?" The Dragon asked in confusion upon seeing Damon talking to himself. 

Damon completely forgot about the Dragon as he immersed himself in the system he had gotten. 

"Nothing, I just feel good," Damon replied and stood up. He walked toward the Dragon's head and used its eyes to see what he had become. 

Damon's features were exactly like Alfie's, except the eyes. He had black eyes, while Alfie had brown ones. 

"Hmm, I don't look that bad," Damon sighed. He was glad he got a physical body, but he was still naked. 

Damon shrugged it off and glanced at the Dragon's condition. It was still weak but surviving, which relieved him. He went on its back and saw the wound was still unhealed. 

"This is bad," Damon whispered in concern. He glanced at the arrow he had thrown on the ground. 

"Maya, analyze the arrow," Damon commanded. A scan appeared on his vision and a box beside the arrow. 

[ Silver Arrow: Poisoned Effect: Prevent Recovery ]

Damon squinted his eyes. He thought his problems were over, but it's not. He touched the wound, and it made the Dragon flinched in pain.

"Hmm," Damon hummed and looked at the icons before him. He clicked the top circle above, revealing rows of icons which showed his rank and everything he needed to know. 

Damon darted at the shop icon that sparkled with glitter and clicked it.

[ Skill: Otherworldly Shop! ]

A smug appeared on Damon's lips while scanning the store. It was the skill he had chosen among thousands from Wyverna's selection. 

"Hahaha! With this, I'm free!" Damon exclaimed delightfully while extending his arms. His action made the Dragon look at him peculiarly. 

Damon browsed and went to the medication set. He saw a kit, and the price nearly sent him to heaven. 

"300 Pera!? Are you kidding me?" Damon shouted in disbelief. He smacked his head after getting ahead of himself, forgetting he needed money to access the items he wanted. 

"You better serve me right. You're expensive," Damon pointed at the Dragon with a sneer. He purchased the medical kit, which dropped into a box. He opened it up and began cleaning the wound. 

The Dragon remained silent and decided to let Damon do his thing. After all, he was its master due to desperate times. 

Damon patched the wound and nodded himself in satisfaction. He placed the kit in his inventory to use it for another time. 

The only problem Damon had was how he would take the Dragon with him. It was too big to hide its body in an open space. 

"Maya, what did Wyverna reward me with?" Damon asked. He remembered the Goddess gave something to him before he departed. 

The thorned heart mark on Damon's chest lit up, and Maya's torso appeared. She punched the top of Damon's head in annoyance. 

"Don't call the Goddess by her name!" Maya shouted before she got swallowed back inside Damon's body. 

Damon was in utter shock. He didn't expect that symbol was Maya, but the idea of her being inside made him nauseous. 

"Are you… well?" The Dragon asked in concern. It couldn't ignore how Damon was talking to himself. 

"Don't mind me. I am alright, haha," Damon smiled and gave a peace sign before leaving. He didn't want to create another misunderstanding. 

Damon settled behind the ruined tower and talked to Maya again. 

"Maya, show me the reward Wy— the Goddess gave me, hurry!" Damon whispered, lowering his voice to prevent the Dragon from hearing him. He wanted to appear collected, strong and domineering to the Dragon, not a coward or crazy. 

[ Reward: Overshadow ]

[Skill Possessed: Overshadow, Otherworldly Shop ]

Damon nodded in understanding. He opened the Overshadow skill, and a series of tabs appeared that contained information for him to use. 

"Hmm, I need something to hide the Dragon in public while being with me," Damon whispered while swiping on the tabs until he landed on a skill. 

"Shadow transformation…," Damon whispered and glanced at his level, which sits at 1. "Too low for me to use this," he added. 

Damon went back to the Dragon, who was taking a rest. 

"Do you need something? Like food or water?" Damon informed so the Dragon wouldn't be confused. 

"M-meat," The Dragon muttered weakly while licking its lips. It had been a while since it had eaten, and it was starving for something juicy. 

"I'm not surprised," Damon sighed while shaking his head in amusement. "I'll be back. Don't go anywhere," he added before turning around and waving goodbye. 

"M-master!" The Dragon called but was ignored. It desired to follow Damon, but it didn't want to rebel against his wishes. So it stayed there and waited for him to come back. 

Damon looked around for possible meat resources since he needed to eat as well, but all he could see were vast plains. 

"Maya, show me the map of Acedia," Damon commanded. A vast circle appeared next to the Home icon he had. He clicked it and showed Acedia while the rest were empty. 

"Hmm, interesting," Damon closed the map and looked at his surroundings. He walked around and followed a path which led him outside the Dragon's lair. It took him 20 minutes of walking, but he didn't feel tired. 

There were fruit-bearing trees and bushes nearby, which made Damon sigh in relief. He went to grab an orange when he felt someone's presence. 

Damon turned around and saw three primitive-looking goblins charging him with wooden clubs. 

"There's never a problem that milk can't solve."

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