
Return Of The Ancient Celestial

"I want to be a God to rule across the Nations! Heroes are overrated!" In the world of Tarynla, where the defeat of Dragons by Humans has brought temporary peace to the Seven Nations. A man named Damon finds himself in a mysterious predicament after his death. His soul is unexpectedly summoned and thrust into danger and intrigue. Unbeknownst to him, Damon's purpose holds the key to the fate of Tarynla. Upon his arrival, Damon discovers that he is surrounded by a secretive cult known as the Obsidian Order. Driven by a fanatical desire for immortality, the cult seeks to harness the power of Dragon's Blood, a rare and potent substance found only within the veins of Dragons. Believing Damon to be the key to their ambitions, they try to manipulate and control him. However, Damon harbors his own aspirations. He yearns to forge his own path and become more powerful than anyone else, a God. Blessed by the Goddess of Love, he possesses a unique ability: the power to temporarily transform Dragons into human form. Fueled by this newfound gift, Damon embarks on a perilous journey toward the Dragons' lair, driven by a burning desire to fulfil his destiny. With a desire to manipulate the world to his own vision, Damon resolves to form an Idol Group, a team of Humanoid Dragons with extraordinary talents, aiming to gain control. Through their public persona, they would become revered and adored while secretly undertaking covert missions to protect their identities and further their own hidden agenda. With the awakening of Dragon Idol System, watch how Damon creates the first Idol Group in every Nation he steps foot in. ------ Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv

youneedsomemilk · Fantasy
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65 Chs

I'm a Human!?

Damon looked at the bonfire he created and tossed another twig to keep it steady. He glanced at the side where Mikha'el was sleeping with a blanket covering her body. 

They were currently at a Pooka's camp after Damon killed them and used their resources, such as their tiny tent and a makeshift stove. He also found some potatoes in several boxes. 

"Those Pookas are intelligent enough to learn basic necessities to survive," Damon complimented in approval. After all, he benefits from them. 

Damon had put the dead Pookas on the side to gather their heads later to be put in his inventory. He opened the Otherworldly Shop to look at the grocery section. 

"Ah, I need to earn more pera," Damon sighed after seeing his money. He had spent buying a cheap blanket and clothes for Mikha'el to wear when she woke up. 

Damon was surprised to learn the Dragon of the Wind was a female. He thought it was a male based on its voice, but he was wrong. 

"I should make us dinner," Damon stated and browsed the selection. The already-made food items made him cringe at how expensive they were, and that forced him to cook. 

Damon bought a bag of rice, chicken breasts, seasonings, and water. He planned to roast them on the fire. 

"Ah, this will be amazing," Damon stated excitedly as he clicked the 'Buy' option. A box appeared before him that contained all he had bought. 

"It's time!" Damon rolled his sleeves and started preparing the dishes. He marinated the chicken in oyster sauce and soy sauce, leaving them at rest. Then he prepared the rice, washing it three times before putting it in the pot he also bought through the shop. 

Damon pierced the chicken on the sticks and placed them around the bonfire, waiting for them to cook. 

"This is a nice way to camp!" Damon exclaimed before lying on the grass and looking at the moon above. It had two moons; one was bigger than the other. 

While waiting, Damon became curious about Mikha'el's abilities. 

"Maya, show me Mikha'el's status," Damon whispered. 

[ Mikha'el's Status: Unreadable ]

"Eh!" Damon face-palmed. He was expecting to see something interesting. "Well, what can I expect from a great Dragon. Of course, she's powerful enough… I guess," he added while glancing at Mikha'el.

As the chicken started to cook. Its fragrance lingered in the air and reached Mikha'el's nose. 

"Ah! I should turn it to the other side!" Damon exclaimed and hurriedly turned the chicken, hoping they would cook evenly. He had a hard time since his hands were small and tiny. 

Mikha'el's eyes snapped open, and sat up straight. Her mouth opened as her saliva dripped toward her chin. 

"You're awake!" Damon grinned, but Mikha'el ignored him. 

"Meat!" Mikha'el screamed and crawled toward the bonfire without hesitation. Her eyes showed determination to eat the chicken even though they were still a little bit raw. 

Damon flinched after understanding Mikha'el's aim. "Don't! You'll get burned!" he shouted, but it was too late. 

Mikha'el lunged over the bonfire with an open mouth, thinking she was still a Dragon. Her eyes widened after seeing a pair of human arms instead of her original thick scale. 

"Huh?" Mikha'el was in a state of confusion, but before she could process everything. Her body fell toward the bonfire. 

Damon's body instinctively moved and kicked Mikha'el away to avoid full impact from the fire. 

"What are you doing!?" Damon shouted and hastily grabbed the blanket, wrapping them around Mikha'el's naked body. 

"Why… why am I… a human!?" Mikha'el screamed in fear while looking at her own hand. She panicked and became highly anxious about her new body. 

"I made you into a human, but it's not permanent… for now," Damon explained to answer Mikha'el's questions. He glanced at the saved tab on his screen, which showed the time left before she returned to her Dragon form. 

Damon's current rank wasn't enough for Overshadow Transformation to be permanent, as it required a rank of 25. In the meantime, he could use the skill repeatedly with the set timer of 24 hours and had a cooldown of 3 hours before it could be used again. 

"I'm a human!?" Mikha'el was beyond shock. Her mouth opened while staring at her figure. 

"Mhmm," Damon nodded and took a stick of chicken breast that was already cooked. "Here, have this to calm you down," he added. 

Mikha'el stared at the chicken before grabbing it. Simultaneously, her stomach grumbled loudly. 

"Haha! You must be hungry," Damon chuckled in amusement. He opened the pot and took some rice for Mikha'el to eat. He gave it to her, but she shook her head. 

"This will give you energy," Damon explained after Mikha'el rejected the rice. 

"No, meat only," Mikha'el stated and munched on the roasted chicken that made her taste buds explode from the flavor. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed. 

"Thanks," Damon smiled and checked the other roasted chicken. He also ate his portion to give him energy for the next day. 

"How did you… give me a human body?" Mikha'el asked in curiosity. As a Dragon, she never expected to experience being human, even though she wanted to try being one. Now, her dreams finally came true. 

"It's one of your Master's abilities," Damon replied nonchalantly, but deep inside, he had a cold sweat at how he needed to act cool in front of Mikha'el. 

Mikha'el's eyes widened before lowering her head. She sat adequately on the ground and faced Damon. "Forgive my behavior just now, Master. I promise to serve you with all my strength, but can I ask a favor?" she muttered nervously. 

"As long as I can do it," Damon replied. He was a bit hesitant, thinking it might be beyond his capabilities since he was still at low rank. 

"Okay," Mikha'el raised her head and looked straight into Damon's eyes. "Master, after the war ended in total defeat. Our kind was washed away for years, but we sovereigns who used to rule the lands of Tarynla have been kept alive even after our powers were stolen from us. Being weak, our titles lowered, and we become a mere protector of a country," she explained. 

"I understand. Then what's the favor you want to request?" Damon asked. He was stunned and pitied Mikha'el's suffering, but that tiny information made him inquisitive and eager to know the entire history of Tarynla. 

"A cup of milk a day will give you healthy bones."

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