
death of rose Firestone

Rose pov

On a starless night in the town of willow woods stood a blazing mansion, inhumane screams could be heard by the people of willow Grove, the mansion was once the mansion of the Firestone family and the screams belonged to the family of Firestone who were burning alive by the towns people because they found out that rose family was a family of witches.

Rose stood among her family chained to the mansion her eyes filled with regret,anger and pain as she watched her family die one by one,all because she told her so called best friend about her family hidden secrets.she could not understand why the town people were so angry at them to the point of falsely accusing them of various deaths and burning them alive in their own mansion,"why did you do this to us when we helped you" she asked.but all they said was burn the witch.

As the fire slowly consumed her , she cursed the towns people.with pain she said"I will come back and avenge, your water shall be the blood of your loved ones , I will take revenge on your children's children.no one shall go unponished .then she said her last words and died


In a house in the town of willow creek,there was a cry of a baby as a girl was born.she had red hair and her eyes reflected fire rose is born

hey guys hope you enjoy it

Akachi_Ayocreators' thoughts