

Jamir get always played by other and die regretting. He get 2nd chance to change his life. will he able to change anything or not.....

Youo420 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 15

Jamir careful pick the egg from the altar. For him the life inside the egg is as much important as his own life.

He carry the egg and start examining the altar. Under the egg there a large Chaos element stone present. But most of the energy incide the stone is already use. Only 5-6 persent energy left.

Element stone has two purpose they can be use as evolution material for beast. It is use when someone increase their circle.

A person can also use these stone to increase the temporary power of a skill but someone rarely use it for that purpose.

Jamir pickup the stone and start transfering remain energy inside the egg using himself as medium. He first absorb the energy which make him feel like he will bust from energy overload.

A person can only absorb element energy when they reach level 10 before that it will harm them. As Jamir immediately transfer the stone energy to the egg he does not suffer from it.

Jamir slowly keep transfering the energy. Every time egg gets the Chaos energy its shine like it is recovering. Even though only 4-5 pecent present in stone it take whole day.

Last life he did not see the stone that why it take to much time for her to evolve. After finishing that the transfer Jamir take few our rest.

In the school

Today is sixth day Jamir leave the city and 2nd day of school after 5 day break. When Jamir did not come 1st day everyone do not think much about that. But when he skip today also many teacher and student start inquiry about him.

As whole school know now that Jamir and Jhon has extreme element they become star of the school within a day. People start enquiry about him.

Jamir does not know about all these start contracting beast. First he cut his finger and place it on the egg then he start using his mana to infuse in egg. When his mana is completely drain egg start shaking.

After few minutes it start breaking from inside the egg a cute round fluffy beast come out of palm size. She has big round white eyes and her whole body cover in black fur. She has small arm and legs. Her whole body is round.

If one see her they cannot help but love her. She has a small face on her round body. Her face is round and she has small mouth.

From her large big adorable eyes she staring at me. Seeing her he cannot help but cry. See me she also star crying in her adorable voice.

He pick her carefully and hug her and start saying

" This time I will definitely protect you. I will never ignore you"

He start patting her to make her stop cry. Both see in each other eyes. They can feel each other from primary contact connection.

He give a smile to her she also start making voice cute voice voice. He then point toward egg shell.

"You have to eat that "


She tilted her head to see the egg shell. See the egg shell her stomach start growling. Jamir place her near the egg shell which she start chewing with her small mouth.

After waiting for her to finish Jamir pick her up.

" Now let me name you. I will call you Ava do you like that"

Hearing the name she start giggling telling him that she like the name. Jamir sit down and place Ava on her lap and open his status.

Name: Jamir Zoltan

Circle : 1st

Level : 0(60/100xp)

Mastry : Basic short sword, basic foot work

Element - Chaos, Dark, Cloud

Life companion: Ava(??)

Element skill - None

Potential : Higher

Seeing that in life companion Ava name written there. Jamir open Ava status also as she is her companion he can check her status.

Name: Ava

Species: ????

Blood line: ????

Circle : 0th

Level : 0(0/100)

Element : Chaos

Star: unknown

Skill: ???(bloked)

Seeing Ava status he smile. He already knows many of the details but he still not know as Ava has blood line. Status of primary and secondary beast are completely different. For primary beast you can see all information like your own but for secondary beast you only get minimum information.

Ava has a skill which is blocked as she is resently born so it take time for her body to handle the burden of the skill. He will also able to share her skill but all that take around 1 month after a beast hatch from egg.

If he form contact with already hatch beast he does not have to wait. He does not think much about all that and start observing Ava.

After eating the egg she is currently sleeping. It will take around 2-3 day to absorb the nutrition from the egg. During that time she will in a hibernate state.

Now he has to go back to city as its already 6 day from when he move from their. Jamir remove his shirt and tightly bind the sleeves of shirt on his chest. Using the front he make a pouch like shape and place Ava in front of his chest.

He cover her using remaining part of shirt and start walking toward city it will take atleast 4 day to reach the city.

Inside the city.

Whole school is in turmoil. It's already 5th day after opening of school but Jamir still doesn't show up. Everyone start assuming that he due after going in the forest.

Many of the students who spy on Jamir has pale face they knew that if something happens to Jamir they will also not survive.

Inside a rundown house. A man asking questions to the few student in front of them. "Where did Jamir go

"Why do you not able to find him"

Shivering few of them start taking.

" Sir we do not know anything"

" We even search near the house but did not find any clue"

Another one spoke" sir we also talk with gate gaurd but even they do not know about anything"

Hearing them the person frown. He threat then to find Jamir then allow them to move away.

After sometime room become quite. He mumble to himself "Where are you Jamir if something happen to you mon dad will kill me"

His follower enter the room. " Boss do we search for your brother"

" Nah wait 2-3 more day. If we get involved Jamir me know about me earlier than intended. If he still not come back we will start investigation".

Say that he walk out of the room.