
Return of abandoned son-in-law

He is a waste in the eyes of his wife, an oil bottle in the eyes of his mother-in-law, a pauper in the eyes of relatives, and a joke among all the population. He suffered humiliation in the eyes of his wife for three years. Until one day, your biological father came to the door and told him that as long as you want, you can own the whole world and you are the real rich man. "When you stand up, the whole world will be under your feet!"

DaoistjxgTY4 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Starburst

Chapter 5 - The Starburst

It is night.

The moon is like water, the breeze is low.

The lake of clouds and mists, but there is a young man standing quietly. His eyes were profound, looking at the brimming waves on the lake.

The city of Cloud City is a city of water and has been known since ancient times as Three Mountains, Six Waters and One Field. The name was given to the largest freshwater lake in the city because of the clouds and fog that surround the lake surface all year round.

"Young master, I've kept you waiting." If the Chu family is here, they will certainly be shocked, because this Chu family's big butler, the biggest red man under the Chu family head, in front of the man's face here, is even more respectful than in front of the Chu family head's face.

"He's gone?" The man looked at the lake in front of his face and asked indifferently.

"Well, young master, the family master has left. I've been told to keep an eye on you in the future, so it will be easier for us to contact each other in the future. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Ye Fan slightly cicada head, slowly said: "Elder Han, you have endured humiliation for me in the Chu family for so many years, hard work."

"You are very kind. If you hadn't saved me back then, the old slave would have been in the wilderness long ago. From that time on, the old slave swore to serve you for the rest of his life. Not to mention ten years of humiliation, even if a hundred years of ice, as long as I can help you fulfill your long-cherished wish, I have no complaints at all."

Ye Fan smiled gently and patted the old man's shoulder: "Thank you."

"The old slave has been given this day by you, too. In addition, these years, the old slave according to the young master's instructions, secretly in all parts of China for the young master to support the power, ten years of dedication, now also counted on the fruit. This cloud city dragon head big brother Li Er, is one of them. The old man told Ye Fan about his achievements over the years, as if he were a gardener proudly showing his master the beautiful flowers he had cultivated.

"Young master, when will you return to the Chu family? I believe that when you return to the Chu family, all the Chu family members who despised the young master and insulted her mother will regret it." The old man looked at Ye Fan, his old eyes were filled with hope. As if a veteran of a potential enemy camp, the king's teacher is no longer rolling up and sweeping the four directions all the time.


Ye Fan shook his head: "Elder Han, now is not the time. The plan is to continue with the Starfire project. However, it won't take long, when I come back to the Chu family, it will be the time to start a prairie fire!"

Ye Fan clutched his palm, but his eyebrows were flashing with inexplicable.

The old man at the side, looking at the young man in his early twenties, had a lot of admiration and respect in his heart.

I guess the old man would never have imagined that the "sinful son" of the Chu family, whom the entire Chu family despised, would be a true dragon.

Ten years ago, Ye Fan was just a teenager, childish, but the Chu family's humiliation of their mother and son has long made Ye Fan have a different heart than ordinary people.

In the years of humiliation in the Chu family, Ye Fan has drawn many Chu family slaves, Han Lao is one of them. After Ye Fan's mother and son were expelled, he even set up the "Starfire" plan, giving all of his mother's dowry to Han Lao, and using Han Lao's hand to invest in those who are down and out in China by using the Chu family's power.

"The best investment in this world is people!

"At the beginning, maybe they are just like a star, weak and unknown. But I firmly believe that, in time, the fire of a star will eventually start a prairie!"

Probably, no one would have thought that these words came from the mouth of a year ago. At that time, when Han Lao heard Ye Fan's words, he was undoubtedly deeply shocked by Ye Fan's foresight and calmness of mind far beyond his age.

Now that ten years have passed, Ye Fan's plan has undoubtedly been validated. This also makes Han Lao, to Ye Fan, more respectful.

Not only is it a favor, but there is also a profound admiration for Ye Fan's foresight and ambition!

"The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services. The first time I saw you, I was a little bit of a jerk.


The cold wind is cold, the cloud and mist lake, but is blowing up three thousand ripples.



At this time, after Qiu Mu Ying and Chu Wen Fei and others were driven out from Haiyuan Court, they changed to another restaurant.

After all, the engagement party must be finished, not to mention, the crucial part has not yet been played, so naturally, Qiu Mu Ying's family could not let others go back.


However, although it was purely an accident, the engagement party was kicked out from Haiyuan Court in the middle of the meal, which made Lao Si's family lose face.

Especially Qiu Mu Ying, she wanted to take advantage of the engagement banquet to pretend in front of all the family members and make a big show, but who would have thought that she was beaten up halfway, so naturally, Qiu Mu Ying felt extra humiliated, so she was full of resentment towards Chu Wen Fei.

"Ying Ying, you can't blame me for this, right?"

"Who would have thought that an adult would suddenly drop into Yunzhou?"

"It's not that your husband is incompetent, it's mainly because people like the director and the boss of the hundred billion group have been invited out, so we can't help it, your family will definitely understand.

"Outside the room, Chu Wenfei restrained Qiu Mu Ying.

But Qiu Mu Ying is still angry: "Humph, even if there is a reason for what happened in Haiyuan Court, but after all, it makes me lose face in my family. I don't care, when your family sends the bride price later, you must give me back my face, the more expensive the bride price, the better, preferably with a list of one million and one cash, otherwise I will repent of the marriage!"

When fifth sister Qiu Muhong got engaged, her in-laws gave her ten thousand and one, meaning one in ten thousand. Now Qiu Mu Ying is getting engaged, even if it is worse, it must be one in a million.

"Don't worry, Ying Ying. The bride price will be delivered later, so you will definitely have face in front of the Qiu family." Chu Wenfei patted his chest and promised.

"That's more like it." Qiu Mu Ying then let Chu Wen Fei go, and then went into the room to continue to eat with the Qiu family.

And Chu Wenfei is looking for a place where no one rushed to make a phone call: "Dad, I asked you to prepare the bride price you have no ah, more expensive ha, the more expensive the better, plus a million cash. This autumn family are in it, our Yunzhou Chu family can not lose face ah, or spread out, the loss is your people ah." Chu Wenfei he laughed.

"Get out, you rebellious son, weeping so my father!"

"The account book to get a marriage certificate without our own initiative, you really dare to do ah."

"If you have the ability, get engaged and married without us."

A man's angry roar came from the other side of the phone.

Chu Wenfei looked persuasive: "Dad, I'm in a hurry to give you grandchildren, to pass on the family name, right?"


"I can go to hell! The whole Yunzhou city high society circle, who does not know that the Qiu family's daughter, except for the son of the old third family, other than the money-obsessed gold-digging bitch, narrow-minded snobbish goods! This kind of bastard you dare to marry? My Chu family's face has long been disgraced by this rebellious son of yours!"

"And you want a bride price and a million dollars in cash? Tell that gold-digging bitch that even if I die, my Chu family's assets will never be captured!"

"Bride price? I will not give!"

"This kind of gold-digging bitch, want to be my Chu's daughter-in-law, for nothing I will not accept!"

A bang, the phone then hung up.

Chu Wenfei suddenly bitter, what to do now. He had promised to give an unusually expensive bride price to Qiu Mu Ying, and if there was nothing in the end, Qiu Mu Ying would have given him an unbelievable amount of tension.

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