
Return from the Final Season

"So that was my end? I was just fated to die in the middle of the pack? I thought I could just coast by, thought I could just let humanity's heroes carry us through this mess... But it looks like I'm going to have to pick up everyone's shit. This time around, things are going to be different." Humanity has been chosen to participate in the Five Seasons, a series of competitions held by the gods to determine who is the strongest. Ronan Wilde was just an average college student when he was chosen to participate in the games, spending five years of his young adult life fighting for the sake of humanity. The five seasons were brutal and pitted the inhabitants of many different worlds against each other. The winners would move onto the next season, while the losers would perish along with their home worlds. Ronan was nothing special, only about average when compared to all the other players who were chosen to participate. He did his best to survive and relied heavily on the strongest players humanity had to offer. He trusted that they would be able to clear the final season and save the world. However, things did not turn out as planned; humanity failed, and everyone died. Ronan Wilde was the last one left, and he made a wish in his dying moments. He wished to return to the past, and the system granted his request. Having returned to the past, Ronan plans to use his knowledge of the five seasons to become the strongest player in the games. This story will take Ronan through all five seasons, starting in season one, where he fights to conquer the Verdant Abyss. The seasons last for three months out of the year, so while Ronan is not fighting against other worlds for the sake of humanity, he will be battling it out on earth with super-powered humans (and other threats) who seek to turn the world into their playground.

Pollution · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


Herald of the Apocalypse, Apostle of Judgment, and Sword Emperor were the three legendary options that I could choose from. Of the three, I was familiar with the sword emperor legendary class because someone had it in my past life. That someone was one of humanity's greatest heroes, Yamato Akiyama.

Legendary classes are locked the moment they are selected, so if I were to take that class, the Yamato Akiyama from my past would never emerge. Or rather, he would emerge, but he would not have the same power or influence that he had in my last life. I can't take what is his, so I ignored that option.

I looked through the available skills granted by the other legendary classes. The Herald of the Apocalypse and Apostle of Judgment were both excellent classes. The Herald of the Apocalypse class would allow me to be incredibly destructive. It seemed to revolve around massive area of effect damage and the ability to select other players to grant permanent buffs to.

The Apostle of Judgment was a strong class as well, but it had restrictions that limited its abilities to only deal the most damage to evil-aligned creatures. The amount of damage that the Apostle of Judgment could deal to a single evil-aligned target was unbelievable. Most of the enemies I would have in the future were far from good, so this choice would be a very good one. 

My attention kept on being drawn towards the unique class option, though. Something was telling me that I should select it, even though I didn't have any information about it. There were options that I knew would benefit me, but the unique class was an option that could be even better. I wasn't a gambling man, but that didn't mean that I would never take risks.

I checked the timer and was starting to feel the pressure. There were only a few precious minutes before the whole server would know my location, so I had to make my decision soon. I mentally decided that I would give myself one minute before I would just have to force a decision.

"I wish I had a coin on me right now that I could flip... Oh, wait..."

I extended my hand and summoned Tim, the mimic. He appeared on my wrist as a smartwatch, the exact same smartwatch that he had destroyed when I first summoned him. A tiny face appeared on the glass and frowned as it looked up at me.

"What took you so long to call me back out? I've been in a pocket dimension for 3 days!"

I shrugged. "Sorry, Tim, I was busy. Also, to be perfectly honest with you, I forgot."

Tim rolled his eyes. "Well, hello and fuck you too then."

"Can you turn into a coin for me? Any coin with just two sides on it."

"Really gonna ignore my feelings like that, huh?" Tim paused, then rolled his eyes again. "What do you need a coin for?"

"I'm picking my class options, and I can't decide. There's a unique option that has no description, and I want to flip a coin to decide whether I should ignore it or not. Just give me something with a heads and a tails."

Tim shapeshifted into a small coin. I flipped the coin over to see the two sides to make sure that I knew which side was which. One side had a picture of my face on it and the other side had a picture of a butt on it. I sighed and decided not to say anything about Tim's design choice for the coin.

"Alright," I muttered to myself. "Heads means that I will select from one of the legendary options. Tails means that I'll pick the unique class and test my luck."

I flipped the coin. Luck had determined what class options I could select from, and I wanted to believe in luck one more time. A unique class option was something that I had never heard of in my past life. The fact that it was blank was something that was perplexing. The system had never made a mistake before, so there's no reason for it to make one now.

I caught the coin and slapped it against my left forearm. I slowly lifted my hand to reveal the coin, not looking at the result yet. I bit my lip and looked down. There was a very prominent pair of butt cheeks on the side of the coin. I blinked a few times, and the butt wiggled. That must have been courtesy of Tim.

I wrestled with the thought of selecting the unique class and decided to act immediately before I ran out of preparation time. I hit select on the unknown class, and several notifications pinged as blue notification screens obscured my vision.


Congratulations on receiving a unique class! You are the second player to receive a unique class and have earned the following benefits: 

Title: A Unique Player

+15 distributable stat points


Congratulations on selecting your class for the first time. You have selected the class, Fateweaver. 


Unique Class [Limited:1]

Description: The Fateweaver is not bound by destiny but is its architect. A solitary figure cloaked in enigma, they are the sole inheritor of a forgotten magic—the power to mimic the very essence of others. With a simple touch, they weave intricate tapestries of borrowed talents, stitching together unique skills that reflect their new fate. From the stoic warrior's unwavering resolve to the cunning rogue's artful deception, the Fateweaver dances across disciplines, a living testament to adaptability. Their path is not predetermined, but a canvas waiting to be painted with stolen strokes of brilliance. They are the masters of their own legend, the weavers of their own fate. 

Skills: [4 of 13]

Acquire [Unique] <<info >>

■■■■■■ [???] <<info >>

■■■■■■ [???] <<info >>

■■■■■■ [???] <<info >>

I was speechless as I read the description of the class. The system had created a class that was perfect for me in every way. I was fortunate enough to return to the past and had resolved myself to fight against fate. I want to change the fate of humanity—my own fated death at the hands of the doctor. Now, I have all the tools I need.

I selected the info button on the skill, Acquire.