

They were getting closer right now, I didn't know what do at that moment. Many thoughts ran through my mind; those guys seemed more dangerous than they looked; I am the only child of my parents to the best of my knowledge, if anything happened to me that would definitely cost my father a lot after loosing his two sons seventeen years ago.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

" Mom why do I still have to take three slices only, I'm way too big now" Victor lamented.

"And how old are you young man?" Father asked looking uninterested.

" Dad, I'm ten years old. Peter was already having five slices at eleven. He eats as much as he wants and no body says anything about it."

" Yeah, he was eleven but you are ten now. You have to be patient."

" You heard that looser!" Peter gave him a face." Anyway, Mom, I need a baby sister this time around, brothers suck!"

"Don't say that, Vicky is your brother and you owe him a lot as his big brother ." Mother warned with a stern face.

The next moment, footsteps were heard at the back yard, Peter noticed it first. He stood up walking towards the back door.

" Hey, where're you going?" Father asked.

" I think it's about to rain, the weather's not looking good, I think I need to check on some stuffs." Peter replied with fright on his face. Before Father could say anything else he dashed outside immediately.

" Peter's really acting weird lately." Mother said.

" Oh, come on, he's fine"

" Does it look like it's going to rain? This is January for God's same and the weather is very hot"

" What do you expect mom?" Vicky said rolling his eye balls.

" What do you mean by that?"

"he's got miscreants as friends at school, they bully other pupils including me and Peter would only watch and stare at me with wicked eyes."

" Unbelievable! Are you sure about this?"

" Yes Dad"

Father stood up in fierce anger and walked towards the door. " Peter! Peter!! You'd better answer to me." But there was no response "Peter are you kidding me right now? We have some talking to do" He walked round the house but couldn't find anyone. Mother was busy arguing with the police men in front of the house in a very scared tone, she was shouting as well.

" Honey, what's going on?" Dad asked as he approached them.

" They are looking for Peter"

" Officers my boy is barely sixteen what has he done? " He asked confusingly.

One of the men brought out some photos and handed them to Father" your son was caught on camera stealing from a supermarket with some other kids."

" And is that why you are here? How is this even possible? " turns to Mother " Please go inside and rest, I'll sort this out"

Mother was really heart broken but didn't know what to do. She went to her room and laid on the bed only to scream out loud ten minutes later.

She had seen some guys taking away vicky through the window, across the fence.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

" Please help me!" I shouted for help but the road was lonely and quiet. People barely took the route.

" tua, tua " the gun shot made me stop and I lifted my two hands up in surrender " Please don't kill me. "

" why were you shouting? " one of them asked.

" no....o...o"I stammered

"We did not require an answer dummy. You shouted so that the police would hear you and then arrest us isn't it."

I was sweating profusely, I have never been in such a condition before.

" Now listen carefully, don't you ever tell anyone what happened else...." Tua!tua! He shot me on my left leg." You will die, I know your school, hostel ....and I will soon get to know your friends and family. They could be in danger because of you. So keep off. Have a nice day." He turned to the other two and they left .