
Retired X Rank: Life Away From The Frontlines

The other title this book goes by: X-Rank Chronicles: Life Away From The Frontlines _________________ X-ranks. They are one rank higher than the average SSS-rank and two levels higher than the SS-rank. If the domain of touching the sky is SS-rank, and the realm of touching the stars is SSS-rank, then X-ranks should be depicted as beings capable of manipulating the stars to decorate the sky. On a continent called Sun Land, there exists a guild capable of producing X-ranks like they were uncommon level items found in dungeons. The country where the guild was created expanded the number of territories it controlled and ruled the continent with an iron might since their military strength has already been assured… Until one fateful day, the guildmaster of that X-Rank guild decided to leave the frontlines and retire. ________________________________________________ Disclaimers: 1. This novel will make your brain rot one way or another. 2. This is my attempt to make a novel where you only need to off your brain to read. 3. If you really don't like the story, leave your 1 star/2 star reviews here. I accept all criticism as I will not take it to heart. 4. Currently paused until July 1st 2024.

Lurking_Ancestor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Old Academy Lecturer

Once Ryuda finished greeting his students one by one, he then greeted Principal Judas along with the other teachers present.

All the while, he ignored Old Wang to the best of his ability.

'Want to steal my students away from me? Impossible, I won't let that happen.' He silently thought to himself.

Additionally, Old Wang didn't find Ryuda's attitude of him rude. He was just taken aback by Ryuda's familiar face.

'This young man is Ryuda? He looks familiar. Hmmm, where have I seen him before?' Old Wang squinted his eyes as he tried to recall the last memory of Ryuda's face.

Then it hit him.

"Lecturer...Lecturer Chaos?!" Old Wang blurted out with his eyes widened.

Old Wang's face became as white as a sheet of paper when he realized who Ryuda was.

Ryuda Chaos! Of course! An S ranked Teacher who was famous for his exotic teaching methods 50 years ago!

Old Wang recalled the weird teachings Ryuda often preached back when he was just a student.

"To make the abnormal normal, one must first make the normal seem abnormal…You're Sir Chaos, right?" Old Wang stared at Ryuda with an expectant gaze, hoping that his belief was incorrect.

After all, the Lecturer Chaos he knew was from 50 years ago.

There was no way for the SS ranked Sage, Old Wang, to remain young after 50 years had passed, much less for his lecturer who was only S-ranked.

"Lecturer Chaos? Do you happen to know Mr. Ryuda, Sir Wang?" Principal Judas overheard Old Wang's mumbling and asked.

To which, Old Wang shook his head before he replied. "Oh don't mind me. I was simply reminded of an old academy lecturer of mine. He had the same last name as Mr. Ryuda over here so I thought he was him."

"Oh, okay. Yeah, I guess the surname Chaos is common in the capital." Principal Judas noticed that Old Wang's demeanor had changed when Ryuda walked out, but he decided to avoid further questioning.

Ryuda on the other hand, sized up Old Wang with a glance before a lightbulb appeared above his head. An old memory from decades ago has resurfaced.

Squinting his eyes as he tried to remember his student's name, Ryuda revealed a bright smile and said. "Wang…Wang Ba Dan? Is that you?"

Old Wang revealed a look of extreme shock. In fact, words couldn't describe the immense shock he was feeling.

Not only was his old teacher still alive, he was more shocked by the fact that Ryuda was able to retain his vitality and youthful appearance.

"That slick black hair, that tan yellow skin, those skinny arms…Lecturer Chaos, it really is you!" Old Wang's eyes lit up and rejoiced.

Soon, everybody watched as Old Wang and Ryuda hugged while wearing smiles on their faces.

"Oh, so you do know Mr. Ryuda?" Moments later, Principal Judas broke the silence and spoke up.

"Ah yes, yes. He was a…Principal Judas?" Just as Old Wang was about to explain his relation to Ryuda, he noticed that the principal had become frozen.

Not only that, he also noticed that everyone around him had frozen in place as well. Well, except for one guy, which is Ryuda.

"Lecturer Chaos, what…what happened to everyone? Why are they…Why are they frozen–"

"Frozen in time? Yes, this is one of my original spells, Stopwatch. It stops the flow of time around me, freezing everyone and anyone that I don't want to listen in on our conversation." Hand in his pockets, Ryuda cooly explained.

"But I've never heard of anyone being able to manipulate the space-time elements before! How is this possible?" Old Wang was flabbergasted.

"Because I decided it was possible. Don't you remember what I've taught you decades ago? To make the abnormal seem normal, to the impossible possible. My motto wasn't just for show. I have proved and will continue to prove that the impossible is possible as long as one has education. This time spell of mine is the proof." Ryuda added on.

"Okay…Understood." Old Wang was too shocked to listen to Ryuda blabber about his beliefs anymore.

To him, just being to make time, an abstract object within their world, into a full fledged usable spell was already enough to blow his mind.

He felt that if he continued to listen to Ryuda's preaching, his head might just explode right there and then.

Nonetheless, Old Wang felt that he might feel happy despite having his head explode, since it meant that he could perceive and understand the mysteries of the world easily.

'There's nothing more a researcher could ask for than to listen and understand the reason for their creation as well as the reason for their deaths.' Old Wang grinned at the mere thought of it.

30 mins later…

Ryuda stopped talking to take a breather. He then placed his hands on Old Wang's shoulders and said. "Wang Ba Dan, we need to talk."

"Uh…Talk?"[Old Wang]

"Yes, talk. As in words to words." [Ryuda]

"I understand what talking is. But why do we need to talk?" [Old Wang]

"If we don't talk and you spill some secrets I don't want anyone to know…Doesn't that mean I would have to kill you?" [Ryuda]

"Eh? Eh? Eeeehhhhhhh?!" [Old Wang]

"Yeah, so we need to talk." [Ryuda]

"Uh, before that, my name wasn't Wang Ba Dan….It's Wang Xuanlu." Old Wang bowed his head and corrected. He didn't dare to look at his teacher.

A bit short, but oh well.

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