
Retaliation System

Theodoric Nightshade was cheated on by his girlfriend and stabbed by a mysterious group of people who broke into his house. Thinking he had died at their hands, Theo suddenly woke up with a strange system appearing before him. Thinking that it was his second chance to live, he was determined to find and capture the group of people who had stabbed him with the help of the system that had saved him from death. Unexpectedly, his steps unknowingly led Theo to an unimaginable revenge adventure. "Retaliation System: Not Your Average Ex-boyfriend" Story & Illustration by Bintang Hamal

bintanghamal · Fantasy
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104 Chs

I Have Some Business with Your Boss!

<Reward 15 150 coins have been added because you completed a special meditation to understand and control night energy for minutes!>

<Reward 18 4700 coins have been added because you completed exercises today!>

<Quest successfully completed!>

<Reward 18000 coins have been added because you successfully completed the quest!>

<Your current coins are: 6,320,450C>

<The quest will be automatically updated!>

Theo fell silent, gazing at the system screen that appeared in front of him. He had just completed a meditation session to enhance his abilities, aiming to better understand and control night energy. Since that night's incident, Theo was determined to become stronger to face the Bloodhound Cartel. He didn't want a repeat of the same situation. He had almost lost his life once again, and if it were to happen again, there might not be another chance to survive.

Theo swiped the screen in front of him and opened his Basic Information screen to check the progress of his martial arts abilities. As the screen appeared, Theo could see that his martial arts skills had improved rapidly compared to his previous training. He had now reached level 5 in martial arts, all thanks to the fight that took place the previous night.

<Ding! >

<Quest: Revenge begins!< p>

"A trail of vengeance lingers in the moonlight,

A hidden riddle, unreadable to the eye.

The grudge of a quiet night, revenge appears,

The true beginning is like a shadow in the shadows."

Category: Main

Difficulty Level: A+

Completion Requirements: Annihilate the Bloodhound Cartel with your current abilities!

Time Limit: Until what they've seized can be reclaimed by you.

Reward: You will receive special coins as a reward once this quest is successfully completed!>

Theo fell silent again as he checked the main quest status that remained incomplete. After rereading the quest details, for some reason, Theo found himself contemplating Alessio's invitation to join the Infero Ravens.

"Even though I've defeated them and completed the previous sub-quest, I can't finish this main quest because I haven't managed to reclaim what they took from me. What should I do now? Should I accept his invitation to join the Infero Ravens so that I can achieve all of this?" Theo spoke to himself, caught in a dilemma, weighing all the decisions he was about to make.

"What he said last night is indeed true. Maybe by joining with Infero Ravens, I will have more opportunities to retaliate against the Bloodhound Cartel and reclaim what they've taken..." Theo sighed deeply. Shortly after, his attention shifted back to the system screen in front of him.

<Ding! >

<Quest accepted!>


Time passed. Since the night of the fight with the Bloodhound Cartel, neither Alessio nor any other members of the Infero Ravens showed up. Theo couldn't understand why they hadn't come to the club as usual. Nevertheless, Theo waited for their arrival to discuss Alessio's invitation. It was time for Theo to resolve this matter so that Alessio wouldn't continue bothering him.

However, as Theo eagerly awaited Alessio's appearance, the man and the Infero Ravens were nowhere to be seen. Neither Alessio nor any of the gang members showed any signs of coming to the club where he worked.

"What are you thinking?" Berta asked, jolting Theo from his reverie. Berta stared at Theo, who had been silent and lost in thought. There was something odd about him.

"Huh? I'm not thinking about anything." Theo walked away to attend to a customer placing an order. Berta, who witnessed it, could only remain silent with a puzzled expression.

"He seems unfocused since earlier," Berta muttered softly, continuing to observe Theo, who was now busy serving customers. He began to focus on attending to the patrons.


As the night grew late, Theo walked alone along the sidewalk. Two days had passed since he last saw Alessio and the Infero Ravens, and so far, Alessio hadn't visited his workplace. It seemed like the man was busy with something else, preventing him from coming to the club as usual.

Theo walked, contemplating ways to meet Alessio and the Infero Ravens. His steps suddenly halted as he arrived at the location where he had met Alessio some time ago.

"Wait, it looks like I can find them at that place!" Theo smiled. He hurriedly ran along the road towards the restaurant they had visited after the night of the attack. Theo stopped there when he finally arrived at the restaurant he had been to with Alessio. "I'm not sure if he'll come here, but I hope he's really here."

Theo was about to step into the 24-hour restaurant in front of him. However, as he moved, he abruptly stopped when his ears caught the sound from an alley not too far away. Theo turned towards the source of the noise. There, he saw a man sprawled on the ground, looking disheveled with signs of recent blows on various parts of his face. In front of the fallen man, Theo could also spot several individuals standing with menacing expressions.

"Tsk! Aren't you a member of the Infero Ravens? Why are you so weak?"

"It seems like the Infero Ravens aren't good at teaching their subordinates now. That's why he's so weak!"

Several people laughed raucously, mocking the man they had just brutally beaten. Theo observed silently, realizing that the man being attacked was one of the members of the Infero Ravens he had often seen.

Now I understand why he seemed so familiar. I just remembered that he's one of the Infero Ravens. But why is he alone? Where are the other Infero Ravens members? And who's beating him? Various questions flooded Theo's mind. He truly couldn't comprehend the situation he was witnessing.

The man Theo recognized tried to get up, but as soon as he did, one of the men in front of him struck him again, causing him to fall back to the ground. Theo, realizing the situation, couldn't stay idle. He hurriedly approached them to intervene and stop the fight.

"Before I was so excited to see an Infero Ravens member boldly showing up in front of me, but facing you directly like this, I'm truly disappointed because you're not as skilled as I imagined," the man sneered at Morgan. He looked at him with disdain, gripping his collar with one hand while the other was clenched, ready to strike again.

Morgan attempted to free himself, but his efforts were in vain, as he had little strength left. "Now, it's time for me to finish you!" The man was about to deliver the final blow when his action was suddenly halted as Theo abruptly appeared and grabbed his wrist.

"You coward! How dare you gang up like this? Don't you have the guts to fight one on one?" Theo scolded them.

The man shifted his attention to Theo. Just as he turned to speak, Theo suddenly landed a punch on his face, causing him to collapse on the ground with a bleeding nose.

"ARGGHH!" The man groaned in pain while holding his bleeding nose.

"Boss!" Some of his henchmen, witnessing the scene, immediately ran towards Theo and attacked him. However, it didn't take long for Theo to handle them. In a few moves, several men were lying on the ground, injured.

Theo remained silent, gazing at the fallen figures. As they saw Theo move, they all flinched with panicked expressions. "Wh-who are you? Why do you dare to interfere in my business?!" the leader demanded.

Theo squatted in front of their leader, staring at him with a sharp gaze. "You dared to disturb a member of the Infero Ravens! Don't you know who the Infero Ravens are?"

Their faces turned pale upon hearing Theo's words. They swallowed nervously. In panic, they all hastily ran away from the scene. Theo, watching their departure, remained silent, merely observing without any intention to stop them. For Theo, there was something more important than chasing them.

Theo shifted his attention to Morgan, who had been sitting on the ground with a shocked expression. "Are you okay?" Theo reached out a hand to help him up.

"I'm fine. Thank you for helping me." Morgan cleaned his clothes, which had become dirty from the fall.

"What's your issue with them?"

"They were trying to harass the street kids passing around here. Seeing that, I couldn't just stand by. Unfortunately, my condition hasn't fully recovered, so I couldn't win against them."

"You're a member of the Infero Ravens, right?" Theo inquired.

"How did you know?" Morgan asked.

"They mentioned it, remember?"

"Oh, right. I wasn't paying attention to that." Morgan chuckled softly, realizing he had forgotten about the thugs mentioning his affiliation with the Infero Ravens.

"It's a coincidence we meet here because honestly, there's something I need from you."

"Wait, you know me? Why do you say you need something from me?"

"Don't you remember me? I'm a waiter at the club you guys usually visit," Theo stated. Morgan fell silent for a moment, observing Theo. After a brief pause, Morgan's expression changed as he remembered that they had indeed met before.

"Oh! Right. I just realized. Sorry for not realizing it earlier."

"It's okay. By the way, why you alone? And why the Infero Ravens been rarely coming to the club lately?"

"We haven't been coming because we have important matters."

"I see. No wonder you haven't coming. I have some business with your boss. Can you take me to him?"

"My boss? You mean Alessio? Of course, I can take you to him."

"Really? That's great. Then show me the way now!"

"Alright. Follow me!" Morgan walked ahead. Behind him, Theo followed with a wide smile on his face.

Now, I'll finally be able to meet him and I will be able to settle my business with him.

<Quest: Allying with the enemy of enemy!< p>

"In the shadows of conflict, echoes of peace are heard,

Puzzles of cooperation, solved in due time.

Enemies of enemies, now alliances forged,

With them, against the foe, heading towards shared triumph."

Category: Sub

Difficulty Level: B

Completion Requirements: Accept the invitation from the leader of Infero Ravens and collaborate with them to achieve all your goals!

Time Limit: Until you join Infero Ravens and officially become their member.

Reward: You will receive special coins as a reward once this quest is successfully completed!>
