
Resurrected Legend

This is the story of a young man named Elen, who started his life as an insignificant creature in the world called Celestia. He fought his way from there to the very top of the world, leaving behind a legend that even the powerful hands of time can't wash away from the annals of history. I know you are reading this to see if my story is your type, right? Let me help you then. I will mention the characteristics of my story below. These will be the core principles of my story. Just go through them. First, yes, the main character is overpowered. For those who say that this is the same in all the other novels out there, let me give you a valid reason for this: HE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, GODDAMMIT. Do you seriously think anyone can become the main character just because of pure luck without potential? Sorry, but this is a fantasy world, and if you are a donkey, you won’t become a divine dragon just because you work hard 24/7. Second, Elen won’t be a multiple-women-loving bastard who builds a massive harem with thousands of beauties and goes on seducing women everywhere with his god-like looks. Third, although he is overpowered, that doesn’t mean everyone around him is weaker. Also, being overpowered doesn't mean he can destroy anyone with a flick of his hand. It will be a gradual process of going from weak to strong, using his brain and muscle. Fourth, this is not going to be a typical cultivation story. The power system in my story is a unique one, with many fantasy elements mixed in. I can guarantee you this is going to be a unique experience, completely different from the traditional ones.

PHYNIC_SHA · Eastern
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First day in Goldenrose

Next day, Elen's home.

"I have put your book's and some money for meals in your bag." Elena rubbed Elen's head affectionately. "After I become old, I won't be able to take care of you. So you have to study hard and become a researcher quickly. Mom only has you when I am old."

Elen, who was wearing a blue school uniform with a bag on his back and a water bottle hanging around his neck, said with a serious expression, "Don't worry Mom. I will study hard and earn so much money that, next time we go to that Flavours restaurant, like how all of them respected that girl's father, they will also respect you."

Elena was momentarily stunned by her son's reply. She then squatted down and hugged Elen. "Silly boy, Mom only wants you to live a better life. Nothing else matters."

After that, both of them started walking towards the SkyTro station. The transport system in this world is not as simple as on our Earth. Celestia is a world where technology and battle arts flourish like a paradise.

There is SkyTro, which is similar to the metro of our world, connecting all cities and important places inside the human world. As the name suggests, SkyTro travels through tunnels constructed in the skies, and every 10 minutes, a SkyTro train starts from the station and visits every station inside the human world. This creates a loop where every 10 minutes, a train will be there to take passengers to different places.

After buying tickets at the counter, Elena and Elen boarded the train. It was Elen's first time traveling in a train. Through the glass of the train window, he could see tall buildings, birds, and clouds, which thrilled him to the brim.

Elena patiently explained everything to him with a smile. After half an hour, they reached Golden Square, a sub-city of Starshine.

Oh, I forgot you guys don't know what a sub-city is, right? Actually, it's a part of the main city. To put it simply, the human world is divided into 9 cities, and each of these cities is divided into many sub-cities.

There were many cars parked outside the SkyTro station, waiting for passengers. Elena called for one, and they headed towards Goldenrose Academy.

"So, is our young hero attending Goldenrose Academy?" the taxi driver, an old man, asked Elena with a smile.

Elena nodded. "He is starting his schooling from today."

"Study hard, kiddo, otherwise you will end up like me, working like an ox at an age where I have one leg inside my grave," the old man said with a bitter laugh to Elen.

It didn't take long before they reached their destination. After paying the fare, Elena and Elen walked into the academy.

Although Goldenrose was at the bottom of the list compared to all other arcane academies of the human world, what Elen saw in front of him was a paradise.

The academy building was so big that inside the academy gates, there were transport buses to different areas and classes. You could say that wherever you looked, you could see people moving here and there in a rush.

Elena had been here before when she came for Elen's admission, so she was familiar with the place. They boarded a bus to the area of 1st-grade classrooms and got there in no time.

There were many cars parked outside the classroom. Actually, you can't say it's a classroom because this classroom for 1st graders was actually a separate large building.

When they reached the front of the building, a girl around the age of 14 jogged towards Elena. "Good morning, ma'am. My name is Misel. Parents are not allowed inside the buildings. I will lead little brother to his classroom from here," Misel said with a smile.

Elena nodded. She then touched Elen's cheeks and said, "Mom will come to pick you up in the evening. Don't quarrel with anybody, okay?"

"Ma'am, you can register for the academy's special SkyTro train pass. It will be the same charge as a regular metro, and the academy will drop little brother at the nearest SkyTro station to your place," Misel said to Elena.

Elena was unaware of this. "That's a relief. Where can I register for the special SkyTro?"

"It's in the transport service building. You can take a bus from here," Misel replied.

"Thank you, young lady," Elena thanked Misel. After saying goodbye to Elen, she walked to the bus stop, which was some distance away from there.

"What's your name, little brother?" Misel asked Elen with a smile.

"Draven," Elen replied.

Now, don't think that I made a mistake here by saying a different name. Actually, his full name is Elen Draven, a name Elena came up with after combining both her and Raven's names. So those who are close to him call him Elen. His mother, who thinks he is even more beautiful than goddesses, calls him Elly, which is actually a girlish name, and others call him Draven. A total of three names.

"Come with me, Draven. Sister will take you to your class." Misel took hold of Elen's hand, and both of them walked inside the building. There were many senior students like Misel who were guiding kids inside the building everywhere.

Misel took Elen to a counter where a man was sitting in front of a computer-like machine. The only difference was that unlike our computers, this one was only a blue screen placed in front of him. Names were displayed on the blue screen.

"Full name?" the man asked Elen without looking away from the screen.

"Elen Draven," Elen replied.

"1st grade, class number 16," he said to Misel, who started walking with Elen towards his class.

"This is your class from now on. Senior sister will leave you here. See you later," Misel said to Elen and left after she told something to the woman who sat inside the classroom.

"Hi Draven, my name is Ancy, your class teacher," Ancy, Elen's new class teacher, introduced herself with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Miss," Elen said.

"Oh, that's unexpected. Among the 70 students here, you are the only one who greeted me back. Guess we got a gentleman in our class," Ancy said with a chuckle.

"Mom taught me," Elen scratched his head in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Ancy's smile widened.

Elena calls Elen "Elly" not without reason. It was evident from the way he looked, coupled with his shiny blue eyes, that he would be a lady killer when he grew up.

Ancy rubbed Elen's head and said, "You see that girl over there on the first bench? You can sit next to her."

Elen nodded and sat on the empty seat in the first bench.

"Hey, Knight, we meet again." Just as Elen placed his bag and water bottle in front of him, he heard a cheerful voice next to him.