
Resurgence - A New Beginning

The original Author of Fourth Prince Debachuary was not updating the Novel from multiple days, so I just decided to make a Fanfic out or that was what I initially planned. The Story is initially just a copy but gradually It will change (After 15-20 Chapters). The Characters and World is Inspired from Many Novel: - Fourth Prince Debauchery by Aidka. - The Devil does not Need to be Defeated by Ruqing Rusu - Womanizing Mage - Grandeur Fantasia by Verglas - Heavenly Star by Mars Gravity - Infinite Apostle and it's 12 star maidens. - Shoujo Grand Summoning by Ruqing Rusu About the Story: Are you bored of seeing MC getting underestimated everywhere? are you bored of that weak to stronger trope? are you bored of seeing 2D female leads? If yes, than this novel is exactly for you! People looking for Justice hero stories stay away! MC in this story will not even protect a child till he gets some benefit out of it. He is whimsical, can even protect villain if he deem so. This Novel will completely follow a different route than others, The Main character will be overpowered and will not hide his power at all. He will view the people around him growing up and developing, he will act like more of a mentor. It is going to focus more on character development. Each character will be fleshed out properly and have it's own story, you will see them go through a lot, develop and till the end they will have completely changed. The MC will develop throughout the story as well but that will not be the main focus. The novel is going to Focus more on life of other characters and how their decisions are gonna change them. The Female characters are not just going to fall in love with him blindly after spending a night. They will have their own selfish motive of being with MC. This Novel is going to be a Very long one, as every character will be given proper screen time, each and every Female Lead will have at least 50 chapters. This is mainly to tackle the issue of most novels having Rushed Ending. The side characters also aren't going to get ignored, they will have their short arcs as well. Hope you Enjoy It! ....... Thumbnail not owned by me. Found on google. ....... Note:- R-18 Scenes are not original and copied. [ With Adjustments to suit the scene]. First 50 chapters are only for plot building, introducing world and many characters. Read till there before forming an opinion.

SKuLL · Fantasy
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69 Chs


"Master Leon is quite courageous, as expected. This Ana really admires you."

The door behind the pink veil was lightly pushed open to reveal a gentle and beautiful figure. She gracefully sat down by the table with the incense burner. Separated by the cotton veil, I could not clearly see her face. I could only make out a figure that was enough to dazzle ordinary men.

"You flatter me, Ana. You have given me such absurd praise. Compared to Madam Ana who never leaves this place, my so-called courage is really nothing." I said looking at her. My gaze seemed to penetrate the veil to directly look at her face.

Although separated by a veil, Ana brought a feeling that made me want to look straight at her. Her pink lips slightly opened to let out a soft voice, "This Ana is just an ordinary woman. How can I be worth your praise? Master Leon is an extraordinary man who saved the princess, killed James of church, even manipulated his own son to serve him. I has looked forward to meeting you. Now my wish has been granted."

I was slightly surprised. This woman really knows a lot.

"Really? I'm overwhelmed to receive such praise from you, Ana. Since you really wanted to see me, why don't you pull off the curtain that is blocking my line of sight, and let me have a look at your beautiful face." I said laughingly.

The wonderful figure behind the veil shook her head. "Master Leon sure is promising, but still not enough for me to surrender. Please forgive me."

"There nothing to forgive. I'm just asking, though I am not interested in your appearance. But…." I laughed coldly and unhurriedly said. "I have listened you possess the information about the whole Empire…...is it really so?"

"This is not a secret matter in Empire. " Ana spoke softly.

I put on a thoughtful expression. "I want information about Boread region attack 50 years ago and complete history of pair of sisters Yves and Ellen."

"Can be done in a day. But I was wondering is Master Leon spying on his lover?"

"Haha, what I am doing shouldn't concern you."

"By the way can you also get the information about Aria Mesteltien, her status inside the Imperial Family, all her connections and also of your beloved Ron Mesteltien."

"He is just a wimpy kid. Do not place this lady name with him."

"He would be really heartbroken if he heard it. Don't you think a position of Empress sounds good?"

"Empress... What makes you believe I am interested in it. The Emperor first choose me over that Lilia. It was me who rejected his proposal. Now, do you think i would marry to his kid?. Ana laughed scornfully.

I shrugged. "That's your personal matter. However, you are for sure a power-loving woman. Why do you even need this much information for? If I am not wrong even this brothel is just created for information gathering."

"What I am doing shouldn't concern you."

"Right it doesn't! Okay, tell me the price, what it would be?"

"The information about Imperial family is priceless, it can't be measured in money."

Information for information, huh.

I paused briefly and spoke. "... A God is siding with Maxwell house. I believe this should be the equivalent pay?"

There are many information which I can tell her but this should to do the work.

Ana's heart trembled violently. "Which God?"

Why did she suddenly get excited in God word?

"I don't know. But it's a god for sure."

"How can I believe it? "

"Don't believe simple. I never told you to believe. It's not hard for me to gather the information myself rather I want to have good relations with Madam Ana, it's up to you. I can walk out any time."

"Okay! It will do, come after a fortnight the information would be ready."

I nodded in satisfaction.

"Hmm... Everything has a price doesn't it, Madam Ana."


I put down the cup and stared straight at her eyes.

"What's your price?"


Instantly, the breathing from the hidden crevices became heavier. If even a person without any cultivation were to walk in, they would clearly be able to discern that there were people hidden in the dark.

I smiled. "Madam Ana, the people besides you get offended very easily."

Ana made a halting gesture, reeling in the restless people in hiding, then slowly said, "Master Leon, please do not misunderstand us. They are always with me, left and right, all year round to protect me. They will not do you any harm, Master Leon."

I chuckled. "Haha, protection? Why does a demigod need protection? And why do all of them have the same cultivation technique, what about the symbol on their left hands? If I am not wrong you are a member of a sect and as well they are. Isn't it Madam A-N-A?"

Ana's silent and calm glance suddenly fluctuated violently. Originally, she had a mildly curious posture while facing me, but it had quickly turned into a strong quiver like a heavy pressure had fallen upon her. Just like that, she was suddenly very terrified.

"Judging from Master Leon's wisdom, if you are able to say it so publicly, you must have come prepared. Ana wouldn't take that risk. Please state the reason why you are here." Ana said. Her statements confirmed that what I said was true. Though separated by a layer of veil, she still feels like she was followed by a gaze so if she continued to deny it, I would only look down on her.

Although she is also a demigod but she has already heard the rumours of him being even above it or if not at least peak demigod. It would be unwise to risk her people's.

I laughed and said, "Madam Ana is indeed an extraordinary woman, such kind of forbearance has really earned my respect. Today, I came here to make a transaction with you."

"A transaction?" Ana raised her beautiful brows.

"You tell me what you guys are searching for and I would find its information for you. In return, I need you, not only your body but everything including your connections, this whole place, your people, Everything!"

She faintly sighed, her voice like a breeze, "Master Leon, if what you've said were to come true, I would be willing to follow you. However, my people should be free to go."

"Deal! Tell me what your desire and I would fulfil it." Previously I was just interested in owning this place, but now she herself included doesn't seem a bad bargain.

"I can not take this decision alone. Why don't Master Leon come tomorrow, we can also arrange a room here for your stay..." Ana said softly.

"Then I would stay here, however, please don't send any girls, they don't suit my taste, of course, if Madam Ana herself is ready to welcome me I am more than willing."

"Master Leon can go to the last room on this floor. It should be empty. No one will disturb you there."

Did she ignore the last line? Doesn't matter tomorrow she will fall.

"Thank you, Ana"

"One takes what one needs; no need for thanks."

"Hahaha! Then I have already achieved my purpose of coming here. I'll take my leave."

I did not linger as I grabbed silver and headed out. The moment I opened the door, a thought came. Inclining my head, I said, "Look out for Quentin Family they are putting their hands into many places at once. Their greed shall be the reason for their fall. Keep an eye, maybe you can get some gains out of it."

After that, I closed the door behind and departed at once.

The room had suddenly gone silent. After a short duration, those hidden in the dark exposed themselves one by one, and gathered in front of Ana. Their ages averaged above the hundred, the minmum was of eight level while two were at the peak of the like tenth level of cultivation. They already had half a head full of white hairs. But without a doubt, every one of them, who were bound to protect her, were extremely powerful.

"Miss, that person…"

"A very horrible person."

"Miss, are you going to tell him about us?" one of the elder women asked.

Ana shook her head. "No our existence is meant to be a secret. However, if he can help us get the medicine for Grandpa it would be enough. Although it is risky but he is the only person whose existence can give me slight hope. He is mysterious, I tried finding all the three Empires but his origins can't be traced... And the information about the Quentin family is half-correct, they tried to force Emperor's beloved daughter to Herra's. Now the Imperials have him as the support I don't think Emperor will sit down quietly but on the other hand, Emperor's own son is engaged to the Quentin family. What was he signalling? Does he mean the engagement will be broken... Whatever we have to trust him, we don't have much time remaining."

"But doesn't it mean Miss you will have to.."

"Ehehe, are you worried about me? don't forget what are we, we aren't allowed to take decision by emotions. If he wants to play with my body let him play."


"Which room it is? Is the right or left."

Although Ana told me to go to the last room but there is room on both sides left and right ... Which side am I supposed to go.

Let's use the power, whichever is Empty I will go there.

I tried using my powers but suddenly my head started vibrating.

I stopped my steps, my heart started beating faster and faster…

What is this ... Ahhh!

Finally, I touched the place where my brain is, kneeling on the ground, then my whole body started to severely tremble. On my forehead, a thin but dense cold sweat quickly integrated together then those beads of sweat quickly dropped down from my forehead.

"Uh… ah…" Even though I gritted my teeth with great efforts, painful groans still came out of my mouth.

Instantly I leapt inside the right door and open the cabinet. Numerous bottle were lined in succession containing shining liquid inside them. Without caring about anything I grabbed all of it and poured all the alcohol bottles inside my mouth directly.

*Gulp* *...gulp.* *gulp*

In unbearable killing pain, my consciousness eventually wanders and gradually runs away. I heavily fell down onto the ground while touching my head.

It ended already... even if it didn't even start?

I whispered, then world finally turned all grey, not a light at all. I completely lost control of my body. Although the pain disappeared but this alcohol affected me.


Leon felt slight cold near his neck on looking down there was a shining dagger held to his neck.

Next two chapters will be from 3rd person perspective, as it will better suit the scene.

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