

"God saw that Adam was lonely, so he put him in a deep sleep and took his rib and made Eve. Then Adam woke up and said, 'This was made out of my bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman.' "

"This shows that God only made man and woman for each other. That means that no man can love another man and a woman can not love another woman. It is a sin! Do you want God to be happy with you?" the priest bellowed to all the little children.

"Yes Father! We love God and must follow his word!" the children cried in response.

This is how they brainwashed us kids. Loving the same sex was a sin. A sin...a sin. I have to admit I too also believed in what this small fat man told us when we attended Sunday school. We were all taught from young that homosexuality was a sin and anyone who practiced this was the child of the devil and is a sore sight to the Lord. That never changed until I turned 12 years old.