
Dystopia of Perception


Restoration Renewal are the first words I heard as I opened my eyes , they kept repeating in the background as I observed my surroundings. A female android voiced out authorizing the tube to become empty the water around me slowly began to disperse into the tubes that were around my tank.


And that's when it hit me, it was if my blood was freezing from the insides .The frequency of the alarms and the voices abraded my brain. I felt weak and my vision was everything but clear my stigmatized vision was blurry and I couldn't make out where I was at. I felt on my arms realizing I had no clothes I completely covered up and squatted on the ground and curled up to the back of the tank.

"Avil if you can hear me please give me a head nod it's imperative that your hearing is intact.

I nodded

"Good okay this is good alright Avil I know you are probably frightened but I'm just letting you know everything is going to be okay. What you are experiencing is your body reacting to the air around you. You've been in this chamber for a really long time so you have to grow accustomed to everything going on. Just letting you know that feeling of pain will go away and your hearing and vision will go back to normal in just a couple seconds. But for the time being you must feel the pain so you can experience what pain is. I'm your AI friend who is going to be here to help you out throughout this process and after the pain goes away you will feel this head rush that will contain all your memories before you were placed in this chamber."

All that was said happened my vision became accustomed and I could all of sudden see clearly. I observe the room I was in but wasn't much in there just a computer, the tank I was in and some walls with a metal huge door in front of me. The pain went away but instantly it was as if everything came to me and it's like I remembered and learned a new set of skills.

"Hey Avil now that I got your attention and you are feeling better let me tell you a little about myself."

I interrupted him

"Wait Are you Alpha 5 ?!"

"Oh yes I am Alpha 5 but Im only perceived like this because of you Avil."

"Me ? What do you mean Me there's no way an android from my favorite show as a kid is actually here right now."

The tube that was enclosing me slowly slid open and vanished above me.

"Here take this."

I got up off the ground and took the clothes that Alpha 5 was handing me and began to put on my clothes even though I was still damp.

"So Avil I am your personal AI but you can call me what you would call your peers in your old world , a friend. Also I'm not Alpha 5 after a long deep dive and analysis of some of your memories I came up with a solution to transform myself to a familiar figure you adore."

I stepped out of the tube and Alpha 5 quickly stepped in front of me.

"Woah there Avil you just came out of or restoration chamber after being placed there for a long time your body will need to adjust to everything in here so before we get you out of here let me explain some things to you. As your friend I need to explain some of the side effects of this operation so one you just went through the body renewal process part of this experiment would be getting accustomed to your surrounding outside of this place . Just letting you know you will experience sickness that's normal only because you have to experience it to feel it. Your body was in that chamber and the liquid inside of it was giving you all the nutrients and everything you needed since you don't have that anymore, your body will experience new phases which will have to deal with your mental and your physical being but that's only going to last 2 weeks. Don't worry I'll be sure to be there with you every step of the way to help you with anything you need I'm here for you, remember that."

I interrupted him

"So you're an AI robot who can transform into anything I want ? Do you have an extensive amount of knowledge on me or a name ?"

"Yes and yes and no what would you like to call me ?"

I looked at him

"Well you are clearly not Alpha 5 but the gesture is appreciated how about I see your true form instead of Alpha 5 maybe that can help me name you."

Alpha 5 dissipated in front of my eyes and became a glowing floating ball that seemed iridescent it floated and followed me around the room.

"Okay so you're a light ball? That doesn't help with me naming you"

The glowing floating ball immediately turned into Anna Kendrick one of my favorite actresses and one of my celebrity crushes. The AI began to talk in her voice as it stood in front of me in what seemed to be a monochrome outfit.

"Is this better I seen you were a big fan of this actress and have programmed to have her likeness in my system just for you. I see me being in this state has you just elevated your heart rate and your sympathetic nervous system as well. As we are speaking your body is increasing the level of hormones as well."


The AI quickly turned back to the light ball and began to move through the room startled from my tone.

"I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable some of my research shows I may have embarrassed you from the over share and i have noticed the error in my ways."

I looked at my clothes and back at him and back at the room we were in before stepping closer to the door. The door began to slide up where I entered an all white room that seemed never ending the AI floated around me following me out of the room.

"Okay so I can't call you light ball so your new name is gonna be Mecha if you want to stay as a light ball you can but just so I'm comfortable I would like you to be Raiden from Mortal Kombat a game I use to play but I'm pretty sure you already know that."

Instantly the light ball transfigured into a 6'5 lightning god and towered over me as he followed closely behind me as I kept walking to what seemed like a never ending room.

Anvil : "Mecha what is going on at the moment why is this room so big ?"

Mecha : "Well this room is transformative and is going to show you what all has happened and what to expect."

A voice echoed throughout the room as if a female god was talking to me.

"Hello Avil, welcome back congratulation you are one of the 9 who survived by now your memory and your body should be somewhat accustomed until you leave this room and experience the outside world. By now you have meet your AI companion and have been explained what the next 2 weeks will be. I'm here to give you a brief overview on what all happened since you been in your restoration chamber. The world you know now is gone but before it was you and 8 other individuals were selected to build the new world."

The room around me started to transform the white room became a holographic sense that was real but was fake that showed the earth destroying itself after a cataclysmic global war that ended with nuclear warfare. My body could feel the heat and some how the devastation that came about the end of the world , a inkling of depression came seeping in as I realized everyone I knew and loved was gone and it was just me. The voice continued to speak in the background explaining everything that happened and lead up to this.

"Humans became so greedy with technology that it drove your world leaders to fight and forget the impact of peace before this happened selected individuals were placed in chambers and put in a lottery. Only 9 people were selected globally and are going to be use to build a new world so just in a couple of minutes you will meet the other 8 you guys are going to be our fate in this new world. Before leaving this room just want to let you know some of your prize possession are placed in your room you will be staying in and we also got some rules and protocols that you should follow.

•Never travel out at night alone

•Don't travel so far out of the wall

•Never swim out to far

In order for us to maintain this facility and this world some of the worlds greatest in their field of studies were also selected so you will see many people outside of this room but they are not as special as you 9."

Mecha:" See Avil you're special"

I heard Mecha and I heard the voice but all I could think was past memories and why did I randomly get selected with this task of being apart of this new world. How did us as humanity just give up and give into the dark I mean our downfall was technology but who calls all the shots in this new world.

"If you are ready to leave and experience this world simply say the word and the walls will come down."

I took a deep breath in.

"I'm ready let the walls come down."

The white room became to seem less spacious as the walls immediately came down all I can hear was the walls reconstruct into the ground.

Mecha: "Are you ready Avil"

Avil: "Ready as I'll ever be Mecha."

As I took my first step out of the white room all I could think of was my past, past memories keep ricocheting in and out of my head. Everyone I knew was gone dead and forgotten I trudged down this long passageway as a door appeared out of the air.

Mecha: "Alright Avil on the other side of this door is a civilization we like to call Arcadia remember you will be dealing with some minor side effects for the next 2 weeks."

Avil: "By side effects do you mean nausea ,pyrexia, rigors, and parasomnia ?"

Mecha: " Exactly that, I can see your explicit memories and your reminiscences is coming back to you now from all the medical terminology you just spewed out."

He was right just a couple minutes ago I couldn't tell you what any of those words meant but it was as if me leaving the white room congregated or unlock a part of my brain. As I twisted the handle and open the door I was immediately welcomed by the wind of Arcadia it honestly looked like an Oasis. The door lead me out to some hill top on a mountain and I can see the horizon and everything that followed. It was a mixture of a Utopia but had some future elements to it, I could see building cascading over building and wild life and various biomes that hosted different kind of climates and animals. I looked up and saw the birds migrating and saw the stars and the planets just orbiting around Arcadia it was a sight I never seen before and I was inheriting it all.

Mecha: "It really is a beauty sir "

Avil: "It is, it's really breathtaking that this is what the future has come to. Mecha why is there wildlife and how did you guys manage to sustain different ecosystems?"

Mecha: " Well sir before your planet eradicated itself our team of highly skilled individuals gathered 4 of all the different species and animals on your earth for repopulation we call that Project Ark. All the ecosystem and biomes you see are use to imitate what certain weather and living arrangements is needed for all of these species to inhabit and live without any extremities that can prevent them from living."

Avil: "You guys really thought of everything but my question is where are the other 8 at and my room I will be staying in."

Mecha: "Well sir the other 8 should be roaming around you were the last one to wake up and for your room well that is specially made for you. You are more then welcome to live in any of those biomes or you can live in the city, once you chose where to live your room would be manufactured to your liking with all of your personal items we brought for just you. "

Avil:" Do any of the 8 live in the biomes? "

Mecha: "Well some do but the majority live in the city."

Avil : "Well I guess to the city we go , wait the city looks far how are we gonna get there by feet ?"

Mecha: "Don't you fear sir as an AI I can turn into anything and by I mean."

Mecha suddenly changed from a 6'5 Thunder god to a puffy white cloud with his likeness still attached to it.

Mecha: " Alright sir get on."

Avil: " This doesn't look stable what if I fall through."

Mecha: "It's my job to protect you, I won't let anything happen to you just step in the middle and the rest I will take care of."

Avil stepped in the middle of the cloud as the cloud apparatus began to transfigure a bit to add latches for his feet and a bar for his hands just in case he wanted to hold on to something. The cloud slowly levitated into the air, as he began to ascend and fly through the sky Avil was in awe of this new world and was eager to see this city. Mecha flew him over the lakes and oceans they had and across the landscape and flew over various biomes in which Avil experienced different temperatures and climates as he approached the city. Avil was observing everything and saw certain marks plastered everywhere a symbol of peace he thought .

Avil: "Hey Mecha what are those marks all over, I can barely make out what they are."

Suddenly Mechas cloud transfigured a bit more this time releasing a telescope in front of Avil seating so he can get a better look.

Mecha: "Well sir that's our insignia in Arcadia you will see it pretty much everywhere it translates to Rejuvenation."

As I felt the air and approached the city I felt this weird sensation in my body my lungs felt bloated and my vision became gravel blinded and all I can remember was falling off Mecha.

Mecha: Sir I'm getting the sense that your heart is slowing down and your blood pressure is dropping extensively. OH NO!"

Mecha realizes that Avil is freefalling and quickly catches him before hitting the ground, Avil lands on him still passed out experiencing some of the side effects he was told earlier about.