
Aftermath of Eikadir's Battle

Levi made his way to the bustling port, where the warships of Ryntum stood anchored. The clang of metal and the creaking of wooden planks filled the air as crews worked diligently to resupply and maintain the formidable vessels.

Seeing Levi approached, wariness plastered on the face of the sailors. Their gazes followed his every move and their hand couldn't help but point their guns at him.

With a steady and reassuring demeanour, Levi raised his hand in a gesture of peace. "Easy there, sailors," he said in a calm tone. "Don't you see the uniform I'm wearing? I am Commander Levi of Ryntum's forces."


The crews hesitated for a moment, their guns still trained on Levi. "Apologies, sir," one of them said cautiously, recognizing Levi's rank from his uniform. "We were told to be on high alert and to treat any potential threats with extreme caution."

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