
Restart: The World Savior's New Beginning

EARTH was destroyed but some of the inhabitants were send to a different world, which will be targeted next by the DESTROYER, who destroyed Earth. They were given a game like system and a mission to avenge EARTH. Elena was only a 16-years old girl that time and she was suddenly transported to another world full of betrayal, killing, plunder, debauchery and more. That world was also at the verge of extinction by the DESTROYER. But Elena was able to save the world after going through a lot of unimaginable hardship for seven years and became the World Savior. After fulfilling her mission now she have a chance to either stay in this world as hero, or go to another world to start a new comfortable life as a reward. So, what will she do? How will her journey go from now on? Join Elena who is a kind hearted, overpowered and ruthless girl in her journey to enjoy her life to the fullest after overcoming a lot of harsh trials. ______________ Elena is overpowered FMC and she is not involved in any kind of romance. I hate the idea of my protagonist to be a lovestruck maiden like many novels. She is strong, independent, kind and decisive. This story mainly focuses on the adventure and fantasy aspects more with slice of life and actions mixed in it. This novel is my take on creating a perfect Female Main Charector of my liking and to create a story of a proper hero and savior. ______________ The cover does belong to me, so no prob. discord: https://discord.com/invite/fYqDSEYVUM Have fun reading.

_OMNiCiENT_ · Fantasy
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394 Chs

Ch 67: Fate of Lux and Dic

The first one to speak was Ele -

"I don't have much of an involvement in this matter and I haven't been in the academy for long too. But still if it were me in Mister Lux's position, I would also do the same. So, I really think that the headmaster had gone too far with his actions."

After she stopped speaking Gonjalus spoke up -

"I disagree. Most of the strong individuals had done even worse things in the search of just a bit more power. In that sense, what he did was a minor matter. I believe what he had done was wrong, but if you ask me if it deserves death as a retaliation then I don't agree. You cannot get stronger by only thinking about justice."

"What the fuck you taking about, senile old man. Will you kill your colleagues to get more power? Huh."

Drux spoke up threateningly. Rizzile also supported him -