
Restart the end of the world

resident Evil! Dead Rising The former friend is now rotting all over, and the claws almost tear him apart. I don't want to die, I can't die. In the end, only I can save

Daoistq71UBT · Fantasy
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70 Chs


Tommy, surrounded by everyone, is like a hero returning from killing an enemy on the battlefield, a victor, and it is true that one person has eliminated so many zombies, which is enough for these people to worship.

But Gavin didn't know, he didn't understand what happened in the afternoon, he aimed at Molly and Alice beside him, it was all due to instinct, Alice and Molly are really different, their temperament and beautiful appearance are in the It was very prominent in the hall, and Gavin's breathing suddenly became short, two beautiful women!

Immediately afterwards, he unavoidably looked at Tommy standing between the two women. Although he didn't hug left and right, it was enough to make people uncomfortable. His eyes moved down, and he looked at the iron ax in Tommy's hand. ;

"Hahaha!" Gavin suddenly laughed wildly, covering the crowd, making everyone around Tommy quiet down. He looked at Tommy mockingly and disdainfully, and pointed at the ax unceremoniously: "It's really an axe!" ? Eat with an ax, plastic?"

Right, how could a normal person be able to move this ax with one hand? It's so realistic!

made in plastic?

Gavin's words made everyone's expressions suddenly strange. They had seen the power of this ax before. When it pierced the zombie's head, the force was unimaginable. How could it be plastic!

"Gavin! Shut up!" Gerry couldn't stand it anymore, and his 50% loyalty to Tommy made him stand up and speak for Tommy: "Hurry up and apologize to Tommy!"

"Apologize?" Gerry's words irritated Gavin, which was completely disrespectful to him, and his face became ferocious again: "You actually asked me to give him the second in the base? An outsider, a trash, a bastard! Apologies ?! He is not worthy?!"

Garbage and bastard are the words he talks about most often, and at this moment, he said them without even thinking about them.

"Gavin! Stop!" Frederick, who has 30% loyalty to Tommy, suddenly stood up, and the narrow eyes behind the lens flashed coldly: "Be sensible!"

"Young people, don't be arrogant, say sorry, it's all right." Louis also said suddenly, looking at Gavin with a slightly different gaze than usual, with less teaching and concern, leaving only disappointment and helplessness.

"You're all talking for this outsider?!" Gavin couldn't believe it, and at the same time he was extremely upset. He pointed at Tommy viciously: "What kind of thing is he? You actually came to confront me for such a stinky bastard?"

"You! You!" Gerry trembled angrily, his head seemed to have stopped thinking, but he still couldn't say harsh words, and he felt extremely guilty for hitting Gavin in the afternoon.

"Bastard?" At this moment, Tommy's voice suddenly sounded, and there was some indescribable tyranny in his tone. He suddenly raised his foot, and the crowd on both sides moved away automatically.

He walked up to Gavin step by step, dragging the huge iron ax blade on the ground, making a piercing rubbing sound, and the floor tiles were scratched with a long trace by the ax blade. He walked steadily, and stopped less than one meter in front of Gavin, holding an iron ax, with a strong aura, looking directly at Gavin's face.

"What, what do you want to do?" Gavin was frightened by Tommy, a little flustered, he was arrogant, but he didn't have the courage to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

As for Tommy, he walked out of the dead, and he couldn't remember how many people he had killed.

"What are you doing?" Tommy suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were very meaningful.

He lifted his foot and started circling Gavin, pacing.

Footsteps could be clearly heard in this quiet hall, creating an extremely depressing atmosphere.

Molly, who didn't take it seriously at first, suddenly felt a jump in her heart. The familiar scene made her eyes widen, her body trembled violently, and her heart almost jumped into her throat. When Tommy killed Floyd, it was like this scene. Like Grim Reaper.

Tommy, he wanted to kill Gavin? !

Because Gavin scolded him?

"What's wrong with you?" Miranda looked at Molly inexplicably, she couldn't understand Molly's mood at the moment, having never seen the scene of Floyd's death.

The light in Alice's eyes flashed, and suddenly the corners of her mouth curled up strangely, and her body leaned gently against the doorpost.

Molly's mind was pulled back by Miranda. She wanted to step forward to stop Tommy. If she killed Gavin at this time, she would undoubtedly break with Gerry. It was a very unwise move in this base and in the last days.

Tommy in front of him stopped pacing abruptly at this time, and the disturbing pacing sound finally disappeared, and Gavin, whose forehead was covered with sweat, seemed to have survived a catastrophe. He just wanted to speak

"Do you know?" Tommy stared at him suddenly, his eyes had no emotion, as if he was looking at a dead person, his voice was still calm, but it contained some kind of murderous intention of a volcanic eruption.

"I will kill anyone who calls me a bastard."

A loud impact sounded, and the heavy iron ax slammed down. A crack about one meter long and half a meter deep appeared on the concrete floor. The toes are only a few millimeters, and he can even feel the coldness and hardness of the iron surface.

Dust and debris floated up all over the sky, and gray debris fell on Gavin's face and shoulders.

"You should be thankful that you have a good brother." After saying this, Tommy pulled the iron ax out of the gap lightly. The whole process seemed to be without any effort, just like cutting vegetables.

Tommy turned and left and went straight out of the hall. When he passed by Gerry, he took a deep look at him. The older brother had 50% loyalty to him, but the younger brother had this kind of virtue.

The hall was extremely quiet. They didn't react until Tommy's figure was gone. Everyone stared dumbfounded at the crack on the ground. This is a concrete floor, not dirt. This ax is really sharp!

Do not! It's the person who wields this ax, incredible!

The sweat from the tip of Gerry's nose suddenly fell and splashed on the ground with a ticking sound. This is definitely not the strength and speed that humans can do!

Frederick's glasses were crooked again, he didn't notice it, his eyes were full of surprise, just now Tommy was swinging this ax with one hand!

They only saw the scene where Tommy turned around after killing the zombies, and they didn't personally experience the process of hundreds of zombies falling under the iron axe. Now when they saw Tommy's shot with their own eyes, the shock was infinitely magnified, it was true. Feel the taste of death.

At their base, a monster came!