

The story is about a 23-year-old young lady, Eliana Cole. After a tragic car accident, the young girl was declared dead. But she wakes up, for everyone's amazement but loses completely her memory. Eliana is completely detached from her past and makes new friends and a New life. Every time she feels disappointed or feels alone, she chooses to leave the city and go to another one to restart for a new life. Love doesn't take long to appear. She falls in love with a young man, who will completely disappointed her. Dramatic moments appear in her life that will completely change her. She will meet someone from her past who will remind her everything. What will be her reaction? What will she choose? Will she continue with her new life or will turn to the past?

DIANAeM · Fantasy
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6 Chs


After hours of flying, I finally arrived. It was already 2 AM. Although it was midnight, the city lights were lightening even the dark sky. It was as if the stars were reflected over the city. The streets were paved with stones that gave the neighborhood a medieval touch. My heels could give away from moment to moment, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the view of the famous city Detroit, in The State of Michigan. It had an impressive architecture, and the surroundings were dazzlingly beautiful.

I was staying at a futuristic hotel overlooking the lake of the same name as the State.

When I arrived in front of the hotel I preferred to stay there for a few more minutes to look at the horizon and enjoy every second of the new beginning.

After 15 minutes I entered in a huge lobby of the hotel where I was shocked by the superbness of the room. The roof was extremely high and strongly supported a huge chandelier with bright white lights. The walls were covered with a kind of emerald-colored marble. The floor was covered with a massive transparent glass. Under the thick glass was inserted a kind of aquarium in which fish of different sizes and colors swam. They were like in their natural habitat.

The stairs leading to the indoor pool were "self piece" and were attached to the wall. Its seemed to be suspended, as if these stairs were levitating.

In the hotel window were placed women silhouettes of ceramic with well-structured shapes, which were part of the impressive decor. The pleasant smell gave a slightly exotic atmosphere. The scented candles in this hall were actually wax shapes of naked female busts.

Finally, after good minutes of analyzing that hall, the gentleman at the reception, very kind, comes to me accompanied by a valet.

'I couldn't stand aside and not notice your interest in beauty. I could also provide you with the most beautiful room with a view that could fascinate you at sunset.' His charming smile and kindness made me realize that this is the city where I want to spend the rest of my life.

"Eliana Cole!" I respectfully extended my hand to the receptionist to get to know him.

The young man smiled at the valet and motioned for him to take my luggage.

"Brian Adams at your service." He grabs my hand and leans forward in respect.

"I have already booked a room in this hotel. Please check." My eyes were still amazed at the image of the hotel. I already imagined the double room which I was chosen which would had to be 2 times more impressive than the entrance hall, which, by the way, put me in a state of total relaxation.

Brian handed me the cardkey at the door of the room where I was to stay for a few days.

'Have a nice evening, Miss Cole. Tomorrow mor.... '

"Call me Eliana please." Brian smiled at me and continued his idea.

'Tomorrow morning we are waiting for you for breakfast. The "M" key in the elevator will take you directly to the dining room. You already have a table reserved. '

I nodded as if I understood and I got in the elevator excited to see my american eccentric room.

The valet asked my permission to leave my luggage in front of the room door.

"Thank you very much for the service, sir ... Walter." I said struggling to read his name on the chest badge.

'With great pleasure Miss Cole. If you need anything, do not hesitate to call the room service, for a fee of course. ' His sharp face seemed to pierce my gaze.

<< A little arrogant Mr. Walter! >> I was thinking to myself, sketching a strange smile.

When I opened the room door I was deeply impressed by the chandelier that eclipsed the rest of the room. The ceiling of the room was dome-shaped, with a vault. This room was actually a mini apartment because I had a bedroom, a small bathroom, a small dressing room and an office room. The bedroom wall was made of stone, the rest of it had a royal wallpaper with gold details and fabrics. The furniture in all the rooms was made of massive white wood. On the bedroom floor was a huge black Persian rug on which you had the pity to put your foot.

I was simply amazed by the room I chose, which by the way, had to be a modest one.

"I don't even want to imagine what the luxury rooms in this hotel look like, if mine is modest." I said aloud to no one, still looking around; however, I burst out laughing, thinking I was talking to myself.

Looking out the window I could see the Lake Michigan in the distance where the water shone in the bright moonlight. It was a dream landscape. The lights of the city were also reflected in the clear water of the lake, thus forming a pastel of colors.

I was so excited about where I was, in that the fatigue was completely gone.

>> How about going for a walk near the hotel ..? << I tell myself, already wearing a brown velvet coat. I looked very pretty. I was looking in the mirror and I saw a young girl ready for new challenges.

Arriving in the reception hall, Brian noticed me and hurried after me.

'Hey, it's too late. It's midnight. It's quite dangerous for a young woman to go out at this hour. ' The tone of his voice sounded quite serious, and his gaze was fixed on my eyes.

"Dangerous? This place is safe. This part of town is very quiet." Relaxed, I was on my way out.

'Obviously you're not from here. You can get lost among the blocks and most of the buildings look the same and those had the feeling that you know where to go.'

" Are you proposing something to me, Mr. Adams?" I asked with a bold smile.

Brian blushed with shame and adjusted his voice, straightened his stature, and headed for the front desk.

'Just saying! Miss Cole ... 'He said through his teeth, looking ahead.

I went out with my hands in my coat pockets, looking for the receptionist to see if he turned his head after me.

>> Disappointing ...<<. Brian sat down at his desk without looking at the door. He was probably ashamed of the question I asked him.

Five minutes away from the hotel was a park with an amazing fountain in which thousands of lights "danced" in the water. In the shadow of the colors could be seen dozens, or even hundreds of coins on the bottom of the fountain, a sign that it was a fountain of desires. I take a coin out of my pocket and make a wish.

>> I want to meet someone who will convince me to stay for... <<

'Waaaatch Ouuut'! The alarmed scream that came towards me made me drop the coin in the water without finishing my wish.

* Buff *

'Please forgive me, I didn't do it on purpose, I completely lost my balance. I hope you're not hurt. ' She was a scared and agitated young woman on the rollers who helped me to get up.

"Everything's fine. I think I exaggerated when I told Brian that this place was safe from accidents." - I told to the young woman. I smiled at her and I began clean up my coat.

'I'm Nerina. Because of the pavement around the fountain, I lost control. ' She smiled at me, understanding the allusion about safety.

"My name is Eliana. I was trying to Wish something, but it looks like it will only be half fulfilled." Laughing, we reached out to know each other.


Nerina's phone rang loudly.

'Sorry I have to go. I had to be home for a very long time. Maybe we'll see each other around here if you stay nearby. Nice to meet you.' Her friendly smile covered half of her face.

"Interesting way to meet me. It would have been original of you to tell me that you enjoyed bumping me." - I laughed out loud, saying goodbye to her.

'Hahahhahaha. You're very funny, I'm glad you didn't get upset. ' She told me with a contagious laugh.

After she left, I headed to the hotel. I opened the door to the reception hall where Brian was very focused on his computer.

"I handled to get back. Furthermore , luck hits me...literally." I said aloud, walking quickly to the elevator without looking at him.

'Hm! You were lucky this time, Miss Cole!' - He exclaimed, smiling arrogantly, but with a fine tone of politeness.

I hurried to the elevator and entered my room to finally rest.

>> I hope that tomorrow wake me up again in Michigan and I hope it wasn't just a dream today. <<