
RESTART [I'll start reuploading with changed content soon]

Growing up as an orphan, Zenil endured a lifetime of relentless bullying, with no one to lean on. One fateful day while getting beaten up as usual, a powerful master stumbles upon the scene. The man gives him the power to rise up, and take back his dignity. But, nothing is free after all. Zenil would have to endure suffering, misery, and misfortune far beyond what he had already known. According to the prophecy, one day, the whole world will be against him. *** [The name might keep getting changed. The original name of this work is "ShadowFall" I will change it to that once I get more readers...] [It's a fantasy/supernatural story and after the First Arc (30-40 Chaps) will have nothing to do with School Bullies/Street Thugs...] *** As of today (11 Dec 2023), this novel is currently in its initial draft. Once I am done setting things up, I will proceed to adjust the initial chapters accordingly. I have divided the volumes into different [Pages], with each Page encompassing a single arc or introducing crucial elements. Each volume is expected to consist of approximately 3-4 Pages. Until these first two pages are completed, please treat this work as WIP. Hope you enjoy reading this. *** I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad as well The cover was generated with AI.

Ganu · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Meeting (II)

"Hey Lila!" Amroh said on the phone. 

He was currently on the terrace of Bastille, sitting in the middle of it. A few of his men were currently with while, the others were patrolling around the school building. 

"Hello," Lila, the rep of White Atlantica the fifth ranked school replied.

"I heard you had a dispute with Cyrille some time back?" Amroh said with a smirk on his face, "I wanted to tell you something before anyone else got this info."


"Bastille is currently under my control."

Hearing this Lila's eyes widened.

"Also, the name of their rep in not Jin anymore." Amroh said.


[The day when Zenil told Cyrille his plan]

"Do we have a past dispute with either Elderwood or White Atlantica?" Zenil asked as he looked at the notebook kept on the desk in front of him. Many words and sentences were written on it, which were circled, underlined, or connected by arrows.

"I remember Lila and Cyrille having a dispute over territory dispute with Cedar Ridge, the neighbouring district," Audrey said.

"It was a few months back, at that time because of Jin, every one in seven ranked schools voted in our favor except for them and Elderwood," Cyrille said.

Hearing this Zenil asked, "Well, do we have a beautiful girl who could fight within our ranks?"



[Present time]

"I have been waiting for a while," Zenil said. Currently, he was standing with his back against the boundary wall of Bastille. 

The group of students led by Dexter had just arrived. 

"Well, unlike someone we were fighting a horde of more than fifty students," Dexter said as he walked toward Zenil. "This is our new rep, guys. Zenil."

Bathing in the warm yellowish-orange sunlight coming from the setting sun, both of them looked ragtagged, with dishelved hair and scratched faces. The students following Dexter were no different.

"Is that right?" Zenil said as he took out his phone and showed him the selfie he had taken earlier.

Seeing the selfie, Dexter and the students behind him widened their eyes in shock. 

Zenil standing in front of a pile of fifty bodies. This sight would astonish everyone.

"You did that?" Dexter asked.

"Who else, if not me," Zenil said with a smirk on his face.

Hearing this the group behind Dexter started murmuring within themselves. 

"Guys stop. It's time to get to work." Dexter said, "So what should we do now?"

"It's just you ten?" Zenil asked.

"Yes, before there were fifteen of us, but five of us got seriously injured." Eric said, "Also, nice to finally meet you."

"Hmm. We can skip the greetings, everyone." Zenil said, "Cyrille did inform me that a few more guys will be coming from the north. But,"

"But what?" Dexter asked.

"But, we are going in right now," Zenil said.

"What? Why?"

"Well, we don't know when they'll come out. If they exit then the fight would be a simple eleven versus forty-fifty students, but if we enter now, then we can isolate fights and get an upper hand, afterall I don't think they all would be hurdled together." Zenil said with his hand placed on his chin. It made him look like some famous detective.

"That's…" Dexter gulped.


Two boys walked through the dimly lit hallway of the school nicknamed Bastille. The only source of light was the orange sunlight pouring in through the windows.

The corridor was very empty, it felt desolate. Only the sound of the two of them echoed throughout the hallway.

"I wanna go home." One of them said he had a frail, tall, lanky body.

"I am also feeling quite hungry bro." The other one replied he had a bigger, wider structure. He looked fat, yet there was visible muscle in his biceps.

"Can't you think of anything other than food? You fucking pig." The lanky boy joked. "We are here to look for the dude who was sent by Amroh to look for edible stuff in the staff room." 

"What else is there to even think about? Food is life," The fat boy replied with a chuckle. 

"Can I eat at your home?" The lanky boy asked. "Your mom makes the best food."

"What about your dad? If you ea-" The fat boy said but was interrupted by a sudden sound.

𝄞 I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. You like to, move it! 𝄞

𝄞 I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. You like to, move it! 𝄞

Suddenly a song started to echo throughout the hallway.

"Who the fuck is moving it right now?" The lanky boy said.

"Let's see. The sound is coming from that direction." The fat boy said as he pointed towards a classroom ahead of them.

"Someone probably left their cell phone by mistake." The lanky boy said as he started to walk towards the room.

"The funny thing is who the fuck puts that song as their ring tone." The fat boy said as he opened the door to the classroom.

The door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit classroom where the infectious beats of the song continued to fill the air. As the room was on the opposite side, the orange sunlight wasn't illuminating this room. So it was quite dark.

The lanky boy entered, followed closely by his larger companion. As they scanned the room, the source of the music became apparent – a forgotten cell phone lying on a desk.

"Seriously, who has this as their ringtone?" the fat boy muttered with a chuckle, bending down to pick up the phone. The lanky boy rolled his eyes, still slightly amused.

Suddenly, The rhythmic music was abruptly drowned out by the scraping of chairs against the cold, hard floor. 

Hearing the infuriating creaking sound, both of them widened their eyes and turned around, only to see a few shadows standing in the dark. At the same time, the door to the room also got shut closed.

"Fuck," Both of them muttered simultaneously. They had guessed that they walked into a trap.

"What the fuck is that ringtone?" Dexter said with irritation in his words.

"Welcome to the party my friends," Zenil said ignoring Dexter's remarks. "What are you guys waiting for? Attack them!"

As soon as these words left Zenil's mouth, chaos ensued.

"I like to move it, move it!" The music seemed to mockingly continue as madness erupted in the dimly lit classroom. 

In about a minute or so, the two of them were knocked unconscious by the group. The group held a lot of advantages. They attacked them with the chairs in the classroom, they had a number advantage and most importantly their eyes had already adapted to dark, unlike their unsuspecting victims. Zenil and his group had been using the same strategy for about twenty minutes.

"Great work." Zenil cheered, "With this, we have easily taken care of thirteen individuals. Isn't that quite a feat."

"Let's go to the terrace now," Zenil said.


[Narrator's POV]

In a dark room somewhere a masculine figure sat on a throne situated on an elevated surface.

Another figure was currently kneeling on one of his knees, with one of his hands on his chest he looked elegant. He was currently in front of the stairs leading to the throne.

"Your majesty, we are done with the preparations." 

"That's great, Yu." The figure sitting on the throne replied in an overbearing, majestic, and powerful which was at the same time very soothing and elegant.

"Can I expect a hundred percent completion?" The figure asked.

"Of course, your majesty. Our target in New York will fall without a doubt." The kneeling person replied with a sinister-like smile on his face.