
Responsibility or corruption - Marvel

*This story will be a slow starter for those looking for action. It will take time to set the groundwork.* When a doctor looking to save his world finds the Marvel universe it seems things might work out, that was when the plan went out the window. *Please note I use Fandom,com for some descriptions as I suck at them*

Celelond · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

A second home

Once David was sure Steph was awake and alert he gave her his instructions.

"Steph, I am sending you ahead to New York, you will be buying land and materials to be moved to the land, I will be joining you soon."

Steph looked up from the display screen she had been studying, she had been using it to learn about the time they were now in.

"Okay, can the girl in my head help me with it? Oh, and can I get new clothes then?" Steph asked.

"Yes, take her created body with, I will build another one we can leave here, between the two we should have a lot of coverage." Replied David, avoiding the clothes question as he knew she was going to anyway.

"Before I send you Steph, you have a decision to make. I can grant you more powers if you need any, or I can just advance your evolution. The difference would be that if I advance your evolution I will not be controlling what changes occur, so while you might become a lot more powerful if I advance you, you might gain physical changes as well." David carefully laid out options before Steph.

"I am fine if you think I need anything just grant it." Answered Steph without a moment's hesitation.

A little surprised David felt more at ease with her answer. He was planning on creating a serum to enhance physical abilities that he was planning to give all his people with nanite training implants, the grade of the serum would depend on their role and his level of trust in them. Steph just ensured a high grade one for herself.

With that sorted, and the girls packed, David sent them to the North Brother Island. They would set up a base while they were sorting everything there. Moments later a mental message came back, 'David, did you want any people found on the island kept al … never mind Steph has made the question irrelevant now.'

A few months later David was standing on North Brother Island, he had just finished creating room under the ground for the true workspace.

'GCA go ahead and start construction on the underground, please ensure below ground is undetectable, we will start hiring security next week. Make sure to use the nanites to ensure no leaks and depending on their performance, we will offer serums and training.'

'Yes, David. David should I ensure cloaking between the islands as well, Steph is flying again.'

'Yes, actually, just supply the both of us with a cloaking signal we can use on the islands.'

"Welcome home!" shouted Steph the moment David entered her sight as she kept flying at her top speed towards him. David grinned and made his body into a taffy-like substance just as the girl with outstretched arms reached him.

5 minutes later Steph was still glaring at David while he was still chuffed with himself.

"Shall I teleport us to the mansion?" David asked, testing if Steph was still sulking.

"Hmph; I can fly, and I have this device to hide now, I will meet you there, MASTER."

The last word was said with so much sarcasm dripping of it David was afraid it would melt the island, he might have overdone the greeting.

Work on the island progressed easily as above ground local contracting companies were used, while below nanites worked hard. Although this time already had some geniuses, there were none that David needed. In fact, the first person he was going to interact with was more politically inclined.

David had ensured he had a decently sized security workforce, and special housing for the trusted was set up for them to live on North Brother Island. Now was the time to see how well he understood human nature.

Before David stood 50 men, they were the ones Steph and GCA felt would be loyal and well suited to the island. Looking over them David sighed internally as he instructed GCA to cloak the area.