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A player of Minecraft gets transported to a place in Japan after her Nether portal gets destroyed mid-teleport. Her friends try to find ways to get her back. Meanwhile, CreatorHere is living the life of a familiar anime. Will she leave the DSMP for a fantasy she loves for good, or will she return to her friends' arms again? Join CreatorHere, as she tries to find ways to see the SMP again while being in a universe she'd fantasized being in for so long, but in a place she doesn't belong to.

ChickenShower · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Trying to Meet Izuku


I'm falling! I'm falling fast! I don't know how to stop it!!!!


Wait! I have an elytra! My fireworks appeared out of my hand and I light it, but I was too late. I closed my eyes and hoped I had 'Keep Inventory' on. But the impact doesn't come. My face smashing into the concrete ground doesn't happen. I open my eyes and see that I'm...


This was too soon to meet Ochaco, and the ground isn't like the entrance grounds of U.A. I get lifted up by something. I look at my stomach and it's wrapped by oak? I look up in front to see Kamui Woods up to my face. My face turned red under my mask. My hand lifts up to wave hello to him. "Hello there, young lady. You're lucky I saved you, or you could've had a messy death," He says, his noble voice ringing in my ears. My voice is weak, but is still hearable. "K-K-K-K-Kamui... W-W-Woods..." He's still looking at me, but he puts me down next to him.

He's so tall.

"Are you okay? You must be experiencing sho-"



My body moves without thinking. My arms suddenly wrap around his body, hugging him tightly. "M-Ma'am?!" He says. Then, I snap back and let go of him, repeatedly saying, "Sorry." I can tell he's smiling under the mask, because of his tone. "It's okay, little one. You clearly idolize a hero like me." He says with a chuckle. I smile under my mask too.

I jump down, with the elytra helping me, and land safely. I glance behind and I see Kamui Woods waving goodbye, but his back is slouched and his eyes seem a bit gloomy. I wave back, and see Mt. Lady getting praised.


I see.

I walk away from the scene, and feeling glad that my mask is hiding my disappointed face. A green-haired boy goes past me. He looks familiar.

Is he...

Izuku Midoriya?

I try to follow him, but I lost him already. What a shame... I lift my mask, revealing my face, and take a deep breath. The city air and the feeling of people walking around feels nice. I let out my breath and hide my face again.

Time for a scavenger hunt.

sorry if it seems short. some chapters will look short TwT

ChickenShowercreators' thoughts