
Resistingseas Random Reads

Just some random ideas that pop into my head and will not leave so I decided to move them here into words.

resistingsea · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Story 5 : Chapter 1 (ASOIAF, Essence)

After drinking the LSD-inducing liquid my body changed gone was the overweight and shabby appearance. Replacing it was now a body of a God; Tall almost two and a half meters tall four hundred pounds of pure muscle. Looking back at me from the water were two purplish red eyes with a silted iris like a dragon. Chuckling because that is what my new eyes did resemble.

Grabbing my chest-length Pearl White hair I was now a Valyrian Pureblood along with a master fire and blood mage. Oh, I can feel the magic beneath my skin waiting to be released along with the fury of my bonded dragon. Different rituals came to the forefront of my mind whenever I thought about magic. Different ones that had been created before the fall of Valyria in books lost to the ages. Now all that is left of the Great Valyrian Empire was me and a hand full of cunts over on the Island of Dragon stone. At least the ones with the dragons. Then you have the ones who murdered the Dragonlord families outside of Valyria over in Lys, Myr, Volantis, and the rest of the future 'Free' Cities.

The Essence of the Dragonlord is not the most overpowered of the vials but enough for Planetos. It also came with my dragon a solid Pink menace with glowing purple eyes. Looking over at my new mount flying in and out of the smoke-filled sky. I felt the love and affection coming from her. Even now I can feel her in the back of my mind a bundle of rage at anything but me waiting on my command to burn and plunder the world.

Not to mention the least is my new Valyrian steel Plate Armor, and a Halbert made out of the same legendary steel. Along with my Dragon Callers horn that won't kill me if I use it, and a clutch of Dragon Eggs ready to be laid at any time by my new companion. I also know how to become a great slave owner and how best to break and make the people more than happy to work anywhere even a live volcano.

Moving around and stretching with practiced ease I get the feel again with my equipment memories burned into my mind. Grabbing the Horn I blow letting out a soundless wave of intent spreading out for all to feel the Dread and Terror the Horn makes. It is a warning and a promise to all those who have wronged us.

I grinned as my she dragon dropped another castle-sized Fire Wyrm into the growing pile around me. Standing straight I slit my wrists deciding to use a language from my past life one meant to cause suffering for what in this world uses more suffering than a blood mage. Chanting in The Dark Tongue words that would fill whom ever heard them with terror and awe in equal parts as the boiling black blood from the fire worms started to flow around me. As if suspended in time they all froze as I flicked my wrists into the frozen sludge.

Sweat covered my body as the bodies of the Fire Wyrms started to break apart flowing between my outstretched hands and becoming a small thumb-sized gem. My chanting slowed down until I became quiet focusing on the surrounding area as the echoes of a failed ritual still hung into the air being sucked into my Ritual circle. The power the Fourteen flames has is now being redirected into the small thumb-sized gem before me.

A flash of fire spread out covering the whole of Old Valyria sucking in and sinking the rest of the Islands leaving nothing behind that I couldn't take with me. But I did leave behind a surprise for anyone foolhardy to try their luck in the seas. A secondary part of my ritual used the souls of the dead and dying Fire Wyrms as guards for this area having the ability to consume living souls and refining them into more Ritual parts for me to use. Almost like Soul Gems.

Looking around at Valyria one last time after I picked it clean storing the vast treasures in my storage bag hanging from my hip. Knowing my next move I carried my Dragon. Chuckling to myself a mighty beast came below the smoke-filled air. The bright Pink beast would have caused most to laugh at it if it wasn't big enough to swallow Elephants whole without needing to bite down. Four massive limbs crashed down and the massive she-dragon craned its head back bellowing out a sea of pink flames. As the whole of Valyria is now sinking below the waves I am done here. Nothing kept me here as I stored the gem in my pouch my mind coming up with more ideas on how to use them.

Shaking my head I flew to the back of her neck patting her on the side with pride. She was no Dragon knock offs no she was pure Mother Fucking Dragon. ""Fly, My Friend"" Calling out to her in a whisper as she flew off with a vengeance in the direction she picked out of my mind. At least Rob was kind enough to have sent me here with several months left before Aegon the sister fucker set off on his campaign to conquer and Unite the whole of Westeros. Plenty of time for me to carve out my little home. I need to come up with a name for her. Feeling amusement coming from our bond.

If I knew the Cyoa I filled out would make me the dragon I wouldn't have made her look as cute as I did. Her six feathery wings beat causing us to propel forward as she rocketed off North.

Even when he comes knocking hoping to knock me down a peg he will find out why the Blood mages from Valyria were so feared. As we flew I grinned as the boiling sea was below us passing fast. Leaning back into Rex's saddle more like a small home built for comfort and war. Enchanted by the blood and fear of slaves. I wonder how the Starks will react to me showing up.

Leaning back onto my throne I rested my eyes as my new partner flew off to our future. Trusting her to get us there as my body changed growing with the new power boost I had received.

A/N: Just a plot bunny I had in my head. It was bugging me so I may expand on it in the future.

Dragon -