
Resident evil : Rise of a Monster english

I'm writing a version of resident evil summoning version^^

geomichi506 · Video Games
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37 Chs

Chapter 6: A Great Generosity

(nda: I inform you here that you may have additional dialogue compared to the French version but the images which illustrate certain monsters or characters will only be available on the French version. Thank you for your attention and happy reading)

Suddenly, the lights flickered and then suddenly came on, illuminating the scene with a pale light. Before I could even react, a searing pain pierced my back, accompanied by the dull sound of a gunshot. I staggered under the impact, feeling the force of the projectile push me forward, but I tried to stay upright, not to succumb to the pain that shot through my body.

Turning around as quickly as I could, I was greeted by a chaotic scene. A group of ten armed individuals stood before me, their weapons spitting bursts of bullets at my zombies. My dogs, reacting to the threat, rushed towards the attackers, unleashing their fury on them.

Without wasting a moment, I threw myself into the fray, skillfully dodging enemy fire while navigating among the zombies. Projectiles whistled around me, some finding their target in my torso or limbs, but I tried not to falter, to keep my attention fixed on the objective: neutralize these aggressors before they overwhelmed us.

In the chaos of the battle, I managed to isolate the one who seemed to be the leader, the chief of this group of attackers. With a quick and brutal gesture, I broke his arms, leaving him screaming in pain as I turned to his accomplices, but the men were already on the ground, their throats torn out by my companions on all fours.

I hasten to convert them into zombie G before turning to the man screaming to death because of the pain.

"I will ask you only one question," I whispered in a deep voice, slowly approaching him. My words echoed in the room, laden with menace and dark promises. "Where is the money Umbrella gave you stored? Tell me, and your death will be swift. If not, you will discover a whole new level of pain."

His face froze, turning white before his eyes. Fear was painted in his eyes, temporarily chased away by the urgency of my request. Despite the pain that gripped him, he chose to answer, resigned to avoiding a more sinister fate.

"There is a safe," he began in a trembling voice, "hidden behind the painting in my office. But I do not have the code. Only the one who makes the deposits and the chief scientist know it."

His words echoed in the room, mixed with the palpable tension that hung in the air. Even in his vulnerability, he maintained a certain poise, knowing that his temporary cooperation could delay the inevitable. But for how much longer?

With a quick, determined gesture, I bit the man's hand before slitting his throat in a precise, swift motion. His incredulous gaze met mine for a brief moment, but I paid it little attention. My mind was already focused on the next steps of my plan.

Without wasting any time, I began the same process I had used with Jordan. I gave one of my dogs a command, telling him to bite the fallen man. He promptly complied.

The man quickly got to his feet, his throat wound closing before my eyes. A shiver ran through me as I realized the true extent of my regenerative abilities. This was going to be a lot more interesting than I had anticipated.

Making a decision on the spot, I attempted to bite the hand of one of my T-zombies, hoping to convert my zombie stock. However, my hopes were quickly dashed as I realized it wouldn't work. Apparently, I would need to bite a recent infected at the very least to achieve this transformation.

Determined to continue my goal, I followed the man to his office. My eyes landed on a painting hanging on the wall, a strange pattern of red roses delicately intertwined with white lilies, abstractly forming the iconic Umbrella logo.

"How original," I said sarcastically as the zombified boss returned to my storage.

The reinforced steel safe loomed before me, defying my efforts to force it open. Its safety mechanism, with its twisting knob, was reminiscent of movie heist scenes, but here, the reality was far more brutal. Despite the futility of my approach, I had no choice but to continue pushing my body beyond its limits, to push the boundaries of my own resistance.

I then began a series of frantic blows on the safe, concentrating all my strength in each impact. Each strike echoed through the room, accompanied by the metallic creaking of the hinges under the increasing pressure. A voice inside me whispered that it was madness to use brute force in such a situation, but I quickly chased away these doubts. After all, I had learned to embrace pain, to transcend it to achieve my goals. And besides, even if my body was suffering, I knew that it would regenerate, allowing me to continue moving forward.

The minutes seemed to stretch on forever, each second a struggle against the relentless steel of the vault. My fists began to protest, their skin tearing under the repeated impact, but I refused to give in. I had to keep going, no matter the cost.

Finally, after an eternity of fierce struggle, I felt a weakness in the structure of the vault. One last blow delivered with all the strength I had left was enough to break the last barriers of its resistance. The vault door finally gave way, collapsing with a dull thud in a cloud of dust.

I stared at my bloodied hands, silent witnesses to my relentlessness. A familiar tingling felt as my wounds began to slowly close, a promise of healing in this world torn apart by violence and destruction.


The host has finally suffered a powerful attack, its resistance finally exceeding 3000 kg/cm²

It is possible for the host to choose a bonus from the following choices.

- Strengthening the body's bones to become stronger than tempered steel

- Strengthening the body's regeneration speed and endurance

- Strengthening the flesh to become stronger than titanium

I immediately choose to opt for the regeneration reinforcement, convinced that this ability would be the most valuable in the merciless circumstances of this dangerous world.

All that remains is the gift for exceeding a certain level of speed, thank you to the host for making more effort.

I peered into the inside of the safe carefully, discovering bundles of bills neatly stacked in impeccable columns. Without wasting any time, I transferred everything to my inventory, quickly calculating the impressive amount that was accumulating: more than 110,000 dollars. It was a fortune that could prove invaluable in the days to come.

In addition to the money, I got my hands on several research files, but my joy was short-lived when I found that they were all anonymous, devoid of any mention of the author or the company responsible. This frustrating discovery fueled my feelings of distrust towards Umbrella, strengthening my determination to expose the secrets hidden behind its mask of legitimacy.

Making a quick decision, I also retrieved the heavy door of the vault, considering its potential usefulness as an improvised shield. It easily weighed over 200 kilos, but my superhuman strength allowed me to manipulate it with disconcerting ease. Although I had damaged its exterior on one side during my previous assault, it was still a solid asset in my quest for survival.

With only one last place left to explore, I headed towards the pit where the corpses were dumped, ready to face the unknown that awaited me at the bottom of this morbid darkness.

The scene before me in the pit was far more nightmarish than I had expected. Corpses, some barely dead, were teeming with life, their rotting flesh writhing in grotesque spasms. Some of them had mutated, their deformed limbs and disfigured faces betraying the presence of the Head blades, a more annoying variant of the usual creatures.

But the real danger lay in the zombies that appeared dead, but were in reality the devious and powerful Crimson Head. Their reddish skin and feigned movements made them almost indistinguishable among the corpses. There were about ten of them for the white zombies and about twenty for the red ones, forming a dangerous group for anyone else.

Without wasting a moment, I brought out my G zombies, into the combat arena. Chaos ensued, but thanks to my quick mastery of the situation and the effective coordination of my troops, we managed to regain control of the situation.

Luckily, the Crimson only takes 10 seconds and while he is caught off guard, I turn him over onto his stomach.

Crimson Head or Crimson successfully absorbed available in the factory

1 Crimson will be produced every 12 hours. You have 5 Crimson directly in the factory.

In a ballet of quick and precise movements, I quickly converted 19 of the Crimson Heads, drawing them towards me and enveloping them in my power. In less than 30 seconds, they had become my allies, ready to serve my purposes.

Meanwhile, the Pales Heads were being subdued by the mafiosi, supported by Jordan and his clones. The fighting raged around me, but I remained focused on my task, knowing that each conversion strengthened our position in this deadly battle.

As the fight continued, I reached out to one of the Pales Heads, pinning its head to the ground.

Zombie T Variation Detected, Regeneration Material.

The regeneration of each monster in the factory will be strengthened as the same individual is collected

Immediate absorption

Determined to maximize my resources, I hurried to collect the other nine remaining Pale Heads, making sure not to leave any of these magnificent gifts behind. Observing their condition carefully, I noted that the regeneration capacity offered was indeed less powerful than that of the basic Pale Heads.

However, as long as I collect the monsters before they die, they will have a chance to recover. In addition, by collecting enough Pale Heads, the bonus will increase.

Once my task was completed in this part of the factory, I decided to leave the premises by taking the conduit through which I had entered. Embedding my fingers in the metal with disconcerting ease, I rose out of the pit, leaving this macabre place behind me.

I would take care to cover my tracks with obsessive thoroughness. Every trace, every sign of my presence, I methodically erased, leaving no evidence of my actions behind.

Luckily for me, I located a crate of grenades that I had missed during my previous exploration, a satisfied smile playing on my lips as I realized that fate had provided me with an unexpected opportunity. Without hesitation, I retrieved ten grenades, quickly sliding them into my inventory for later use.

The remaining three grenades were quickly pulled and thrown into various combustible materials scattered throughout the operating table room. A shiver of anticipation ran down my spine as I dashed through the hallways, leaving behind the impending chaos I had unleashed.

Less than six seconds after leaving the room, I was assailed by the roar of the three initial explosions, followed by much more powerful detonations. An intense heat gripped me as I approached the exit, my hurried footsteps echoing in the oppressive silence of the factory.

With a desperate leap, I tore the door open as I passed, feeling the consuming heat lick at my skin. Falling to the ground in a whirlwind of flames, I began to roll over to put out the fires that consumed me, each second feeling like an eternity in this hellish furnace.

"Fuck, that hurts!" I screamed, the stinging pain of my burns a cruel reminder of my own mortality. My clothes were now torn to shreds, my skin blackened by the flames, but I knew that it would heal in time, a small comfort in this night of agony.

The host has suffered x/fire damage. No modifiers are applied.

Fleeing away from the raging fire, I hurried to my building, reaching my apartment in the darkness of the night. Carefully, I sneaked in through the outside window.

I throw my things on the floor before going to take a shower. The water gently runs over my skin, dragging the pieces of charred skin in its wake.

"Body" I mumbled to myself

Body: ON/OFF

- Strength: 1943 kg / 80 kg

- Speed: 75 m/s / 10m/s

- Resistance: 3562 kg/cm² /3562 kg/cm²

- Slight resistance to flames and heat

Once I exit the bathroom, I store my burned things in my inventory to get rid of them later.