
Resident Evil Los Iluminados (English version)

Laura is a simple young woman who is on vacation in a small town located in Spain, everything seems to be going well, until one day an occult group called "Los Iluminados" raises its church in the town and strange events begin to happen. Her life changes suddenly and when it seems to be the end of her story, an american unknown rescues her and promises to help her to get out alive of that damn place.

LoorayLopez · Video Games
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23 Chs

Final Chapter

We had continued until we reached the laboratory that Luis had spoken of at the beginning. It was a little wide, there was a stretcher accompanied by machines and computers.

The spaniard approached one of them, while Mazen observed what he was doing. I decided to keep quiet, I knew very well how Leon felt at that moment. Losing someone you love is extremely ... painful.

- Okay, guys. Who will be the first? - Luis asked.

- This hunk of junk? I don't know about this. - The president's daughter commented.

- Hey, lady, you're talking about my machine. - Sera was offended.

- Are you sure this will work? - Mazen hesitated.

- Oh, come on man, I made this machine with my own hands. What could go wrong? - Luis replied sure of himself and with a touch of ego.

- There is only one way to find out. - We heard the voice of Leon, who during the whole trip had not spoken. - I'll be the first. - He said sure.


- Are you sure you want to do this? - Asked the blond girl.

- Yeah. - The agent said lying on the stretcher.

Kennedy glanced at Luis indicating that he was ready, then the spaniard started up that machine.

I went to the computers and observed a radiographic image of the north american thorax and the parasite that was inside him, it was disgusting. And thinking that I also have it inside me.

Leon screamed in pain when the ultraviolet rays made contact with his body. I looked at him, imagining that it would also touch me. Once the process was over, the computer warned that the parasite had been successfully eliminated.

- How you feel? - Ashley asked approaching the agent.

- Like a million bucks. - He answered.

- I thought you were gonna die. - The worried girl commented.

- Well, who's next? - Luis interrupted and the squeaky looked at me, I rolled my eyes sighing.

Then I laid down on the stretcher and looked at the lights and arms of that strange machine.

- Are you ready? - Questioned Sera.

- Just do it I want to get out of here. - I answered a bit nervous.

And the machine did its thing. Damn, that was pretty weird, at first I wanted to throw up and then I felt like I was being stabbed in my chest, but soon the pain went away and I felt a burden less on me. I sighed relieved.

- Well done. - Mazen said helping me to stand up and I just smiled.

- Okay, miss. It's your turn. - Spoke the spanish to Ashley.

And the same thing happened with the president's daughter, although she suffered more and could not bear the pain. Well, that's what happens when you're pretty delicate.

The machine finished its work and the parasite was eliminated from her organism.

- You okay? - Leon asked worried getting closer to Ashley.

The blonde girl looked at him and without saying a word hugged him. That scene reminded me a lot when I hugged my uncle without knowing ... well, then I made a face of disgust, I hate the hugs, but in this case I think Leon deserved it.

- I don't know about you, but I think it's time we go home. - Kennedy commented breaking the link between them and he looked at all of us.

- How do you feel now? - I asked with a grimace and he just denied making a gesture, he knew what my intention was.

- Wait, the president's daughter just hugged Leon and ... now it's my turn, I need a hug too. - Interrupted the spaniard opening his arms.

Ashley denied him, then he pointed his arms at me and Mazen stepped in to lower his arms.

- Hey! - Sera exclaimed.

- We have to move. - The egyptian spoke.

So we continued our journey, what remained was to leave the damn island safe. We had reached a tunnel that led us to a construction site and there was a special lift for heavy materials.

Leon tried to contact the helicopter pilot but there was no signal.

- Something's not right  - The agent said. - I'll go to look around, you guys stay here and take care of Ashley.

- You will not go there alone. - I interrupted.

- I'll be fine. It's only a few minutes. - He convinced me.

- All right. - I nodded.

Leon Kennedy took one last look at Mazen and then went up to the elevator. We had just stayed down.

- Great, now we have to wait. - The spanish spoke with a sigh.

- Laura. - Mazen approached me, while I sat on a rock.

- Yes? - I asked.

- What do you think about all this? - He questioned.

- I prefer not to say it. - I answered and the egyptian kept his eyes on me. - Well, I thought this only happens in the movies, my life is getting worse, if we manage to escape of this I wouldn't know what to do, ha. - I commented.

- Do not worry, I'm with you. - He encouraged me.

I looked at him seriously. What's brought in mind?.

But soon my gaze was on Luis, he had a telephone device, which seemed strange to me. I noticed something suspicious in his eyes.

- What happens? - Mazen interrupted.

- Nothing, I have to talk to Ashley, thanks for your support anyway. - I stood up, still feeling pain in my body.

I looked quickly at the spanish when I crossed to his side, I just smiled at him, so he wouldn't notice my suspicions in him.

- Ashley Graham. - I approached the american and looked at me quite worried. - How are you? - I asked.

- Fine, I suppose. - She answered.

- Do not worry Ashley, we're going to get out of this mess. - She just smiled.

Suddenly we heard explosions. We all looked worried.


- I will take a look. - Mazen interrupted with the guard high.

But when turning, Luis Sera appeared behind him and hit him with the butt of his weapon leaving him unconscious on the surface.

- No, no, everyone stays here. - The spaniard said aiming his gun at us.


- What are you doing? - Ashley asked.

- Just stay calm, honey. - He answered and winked at the american.

- You're a son of a bitch. - I interrupted.

- Oh, that's not a proper language for a girl. Your highness, come with me. - Luis pointed his gun. - Adiós. - He said goodbye.

The spaniard took Ashley and they got on the elevator, I couldn't do anything, I just went to Mazen's body, he was still alive but he didn't wake up.

I grabbed my gun, and called for the elevator until I managed to go up leaving alone the unconscious egyptian.

When I went to the site I looked at Ada, she was alive.

What the hell?.

The one in the red dress was aiming her gun at the head of the north american agent, and next to that woman was nothing more and nothing less than that spanish asshole holding the president's daughter.

I hid behind some barrels and prepared to shoot with my right hand. I was sweating and trembling, I tried to control my breathing to hit a target.

First I thought that I would not succeed until I felt a voice inside me that said:

"Keep your eyes on, the gun and you are one."

It was that phrase that my father repeated when we went hunting.

Then I considered it, took a breath, aimed and shot. The bullet had hit the spaniard's left shoulder.

I showed up where he was and the four put their eyes on me. However, soon a chopper appeared, Ada took an object off of Leon hands and got into the helicopter with Luis.

My eyes focused on that spaniard who was pressing on his shoulder, I aimed the gun and pulled the trigger but no longer had bullets, I could see a mocking smile on his face.

- You're lucky. - I mumbled frustrated and approached the two americans.

- Ada! - Kennedy called.

- Don't worry I'll take good care of it. - Said the woman in red dress showing what I could see was the sample from Las Plagas. - Gotta go. If I were you, I'd get off this island too. - Pressed the button on a device.

- She really pushed it. - The agent murmured amazed.

- Pushed what? - I asked confused and didn't receive any response.

- Here, catch. Better get contact with the chopper. See you around. - Ada threw an object to then move away in the helicopter with Luis and the pilot of it.

- Mmm, just what I needed. - Leon said, the one in the red dress had thrown a radio.

The north american agent began to tune in frequency until contact with who would take us out of this hell.

- What happens? - I questioned.

- The chopper is coming, where is Mazen? - Leon replied.

- Shit. - I mumbled I had forgotten about him. - It's down, I'm going for him, just give me a minute.

- Hurry, this island is going to blow at any time. - He warned.

- Ok. - I said quietly but then I understood. - What? - I asked surprised.

I quickly took the elevator and went down in search of the egyptian. I found him waking up.

- Mazen, we gotta go. - I helped him stand up.

- What's going on? - He asked confused.

- This place is goinna blow. Let's move on. - I replied.

Then we went with the two blondes and the helicopter arrived.

- What happened here? - Questioned the egyptian when saw blood on the ground and I just realized that.

- It's Saddler's. Is dead. - The agent replied.

Then Kennedy helped us up and we managed to get out of that cursed island.

I could see how that place was falling apart by the explosion, I felt relieved to have survived this nightmare but may never forget it, knowing that the people I loved most had died in my own hands.

I let out a few tears until I felt someone's hand leaning on my shoulder, I looked up and it was Mazen.

- You okay? - He asked.

- Yes, I am. - I answered by wiping my face.

- I'm glad that you guys are alive. - The pilot interrupted.


- Thanks for the backup, Mike. - Leon said.

- It's nothing, it's just my job. By the way you owe me some beers. - He commented.

- Yes, drinks are on me. - Kennedy affirmed and we all smiled.

- Mission accomplished, right Leon? - Ashley asked after a few minutes of silence.

- Not quite. I still have to get you home safe. - He answered.

- So who was that woman anyway? - She curious questioned and Mazen and I look closely at the agent.

- Why do you ask? - He blushed a little.

- Come on, tell me. - She insisted and I was almost laughing, but I tried to take it seriously.

- She's like a part of me I can't let go. Let's leave it at that. - Leon commented.