

A youth named Delvin, is looked down by all people except his friends and family for his low cultivation. He then gets betrayed by his teammates on a hunting expedition and gets murdered. But destiny takes a turn and he gets reborn with another soul of a researcher from earth. Read further to know how the researcher steps on martial cultivation world and conquers everyplace that he visits. Reloading- 0% Reloading- 100% Welcome player to the end game Discord link- https://discord.gg/XB9hQbpK

King_of_Succubus · Fantasy
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54 Chs


With that being said he filled the cauldron again with water and burned the wood fire below it. While waiting for the water to boil, he withdrew all seven green coloured crystals of the 'Goliath boar' which were kept in the bloodsoul realm till now. The green color crystals were short in size, as short as palm of his, while they were just hard as a glass.

According to the 'Compendium of Beasts' these crystals were purposely made by beast to store extra amount of refined qi that they were not able to store in body, just like some animals which stored the undigested food on their hump. It also mentioned that even though the refined qi crystals were as hard as a glass and are made up of bone collagen, they would only require some time to melt and dissolved in water after boiling it.