

A youth named Delvin, is looked down by all people except his friends and family for his low cultivation. He then gets betrayed by his teammates on a hunting expedition and gets murdered. But destiny takes a turn and he gets reborn with another soul of a researcher from earth. Read further to know how the researcher steps on martial cultivation world and conquers everyplace that he visits. Reloading- 0% Reloading- 100% Welcome player to the end game Discord link- https://discord.gg/XB9hQbpK

King_of_Succubus · Fantasy
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54 Chs


He also noticed that a plant grew near the crystal and plucked it out of curiosity and hungriness. As far as DELVIN traveled from the deep pit he didn't even notice a single animal or plant that was intact, all the animals were turned into a meat paste due to an unknown reason, while plants were completely burned off due to thunder strikes. Also, all the blood of these meat paste beasts was spilled everywhere but the regretful part was that it was already dried off.

"I don't even know if this fruit is poisonous or not, but due to being hungry and tired, I really can't walk any further. I will just take a small bite and taste it, if it tastes awful, I'll spit it out and drink lots of water to eliminate the poison." DELVIN said to himself, but didn't eat it first rather smelled it, after making sure that it didn't smell like rotten or poisonous, he took a small bite as small as a bird.

After chewing it, a sweet juice began to flow out of the chunk of the fruit which he directly swallowed inside, which he definitely didn't intend to do. Actually, his intent was to first taste the fluid to identify if it was poisonous or not, but due to the fluid being sweet and he being hungry for days he involuntarily swallowed it all.

After the juice entered his stomach, it released very vast energy, which moved rapidly towards the liver, then to the heart, but after reaching the heart this energy which was being dominate turned docile instantly, as if this energy was just a kind of river which was flowing rapidly but soon it met a ocean which directly swallowed and dissolving it. After that the energy slowly entered all his body cells through blood, which brought a very refreshing feeling.

"Gulp", the piece that he was also holding back to eat was also swallowed voluntarily after experiencing the good after effects of the fruit. But soon he regrated his decision as the energy that the small piece of fruit contained was several times higher than that of the liquid, as there was no one to control this type of energy, it started to run rampant in the stomach and liver until it reached the heart. DELVIN vomited a mouthful of blood obviously due to internal injuries caused by the energy released by the fruit.

"I understand the saying now, that you should not bite more than what you can chew. So this is how a spirit fruit tastes, I should be more careful when eating these things." In fact, it wouldn't even have happened if he had chewed the chunk of fruit properly before swallowing it, which would have lessened the quantity of energy that he would be able to bear it. After that he waited for a minute to let his internal injuries heal, the best part of this energy is that after it merges with the blood it not only increases the refining speed of body cells but also the recovery speed of the body.

"Crunch", "Crunch", "Gulp". After noticing that the pain tormenting him from inside completely vanished, he resumed eating small bites of the fruit, but this time he was more cautious and chewed the chunk of fruit properly until there was no more juice left in it, only then did he dared to swallow it. The results also proved that this way of eating was correct.

"let's check my cultivation, I hope this spirit fruit lives up to its quality and doesn't disappoint me greatly." It was first time for both the new and past DELVIN to eat this fruit so he had very high anticipation for this spirit fruit. As long as he increased cultivation again and be promoted to mid leveled sky realm of genesis stage, he could have courage to re-enter bloodsoul realm to try if he could enter inside the altar to receive its inheritance.

"Buzz". After finishing eating the spirit fruit there was only a seed left, which he decided to keep for planting it at his home. After that he started to imbune his refined qi on the 'Genesis level indicator' crystal. Soon the crystal started to change its colour like usual it first turned violet, then indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, but this time it didn't just stop at orange rather it changed its colour again to dark red and finally stopped at light silver.

"Hehe, I finally stepped in the sky realm of genesis stage, early 8th stage of genesis realm. The spirit fruit truly lives upto its name and didn't disappoint me, I now finally have the confidence to visit the Bloodsoul realm again, even if I could not enter inside the altar I'll just try out the new divine pressure of level 2 and retreat." After increasing his cultivation again he had an impulse to try out the new Bloodsoul realm, humans were like this only they couldn't resist the suspense.

"Enter". A strange suction force covered his whole body which transported his soul inside the bloodsoul realm.

"This realm really has changed unlike the previous time, meanwhile this realm still should be able to carry things." After entering inside he didn't even have to look carefully and noticed many changes and placed the seed of the spirit fruit and the 'Genesis level indicator' crystal on ground. There were no pulsating veins all over the realm but only their deep marks on the soil, as if to tell that everything that had happened here was definitely real and not an illusion. Also, there was a square patch of green grass growing directly ten steps away from the tower.

"Hmm", "Where did the dead body of the beast go", he recalled correctly that there was still the dead body of the beast lying near the altar and it was definitely not damaged until it was only pushed back by the shockwave. Thinking over this mystery he moved towards the patch of grass and noticed that although this patch was growing grasses its soil was also in full green color.

He also noticed that this grass was somewhat different as it had a green circular small sphere on its top part. Also there were various parts of the missing beast like its scales, an circular shaped beast core, full intact skeleton bones, and its seven green coloured horns lying on the grass, apart from the flesh of the 'Goliath Bore', its every part was lying over the green soil. After giving some attention to the soil he picked up all the residual materials of the beast and placed it away from the green soil, concluding that the green soil had some kind of chemical that decomposed organic matter.

After giving the green soil one final glance, he took a deep breath and steped at the tenth step of the tower with all precaution. "Huh, there is no pressure acting on me now, as if it has vanished completely." Feeling no pressure acting on him he became excited and dashed inside the 2nd floor of the altar's room.

After entering inside the room he finally released his cautious breath and noticed that the room looked exactly similar to what he saw that day, the room was fully made of gold while the lanterns illuminated the whole room. Also, there were three shelves placed in the middle of the room forming an 'U' shape, with a glass tank containing a red liquid present in the middle of the 'U' shaped shelves space.

"Buzz". Just as he stepped forward a step to check the three shelves and the glass tank, the space in front of him distorted and a circular token emerged from it, which he caught with one hand and looked at it. The circular token was red in color and ["Floor no. 2", Chances left-3] was written on the red token.

[This token can help you to enter inside the altar, even when the divine pressure is active, while the chances represent the number of times you could enter. After every increase in the level of the tower, the token will restore the chances.] Some floating words came out of the token and soon disappeared, while the distorted space had already recovered.

[Second Floor]

[Boost of 1 day = 10 years inside. Requires high amount of blood supply to maintain it.]

When the floating words disappeared, some other words appeared on the golden floor.

"What is this boost thing? Even if time is boosted what use would there be, as I could not cultivate here because of the soul form. Never mind I just want to see what inheritance it is that nearly took my life several times."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

King_of_Succubuscreators' thoughts