
Requiem & Redemption

He was an older brother, he protected his family, he gave them love, he gave them everything. Dying on his little brother's hand was a whole new thing. He wonders, where did he went wrong. He forgives his brother, that's all he could do. Forgiving wasn't easy, humans hold grudges against others but he wasn't the type to hate people for no reason. He was dying and there was nothing he could do. His brother would suffer from guilt if he didn't forgive him so he told his last word to him " I forgive you " . . Souta never really knows what the dreams meant but he believed that every dream has its own meaning. . . Strange things happens to him after that dream, Souta wonders if there was a connection between him and the dream

Yuki_09 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Uchiha Souta was 4 years old, There was nothing wrong with being a four year old. Well, there's where you're wrong. Ever since his 4th birthday, he had a strange dream where there was a silhouette of 2 people, he assumed it was a man and a boy who are no older than 17 years old. The boy had stabbed the man right in their chest, blood spilled out from the man's mouth, tears slipped from their cheeks. The man had said something but he couldn't hear it. The words were all jumbled up and the next thing he knew was that he woke up crying. The dream replayed every night he slept, causing him to have insomnia. Sometimes he would space out while many unfamiliar scenes played in his head yet it felt as if he was hit by nostalgia.. It had caused his family to worry him and asked him to meet with a doctor. Souta refused, his parents could only sigh and let him be.

Souta was a kind, obedient child. He never loses his temper and is always calm and collected. It worried his parents so much. It felt like he was growing up too fast. Seeing their child struggling to sleep, the dark circles under his eyes showed it and he always spacing out, it hurted them seeing their child suffering without them there to help. After all, worrying for their child was the parents' work. The Uchihas rarely showed any physical emotion but they cherished their bonds till the end of their lives. If they love too much, they will hate as much. The curse of hatred ran into their bloodline. Souta's parents were afraid that he had fallen into the curse. They had forbidden him to train without them or anybody they trusted. Souta could only nod and agree. His blank out became frequent lately, he felt afraid that he would injure himself without realizing it.




After a few months, his mother was pregnant with a child. He was going to be a big brother, Souta thought. Souta felt his chest tighten, He felt happy yet something inside him made him feel hatred,anger,sadness,grief ? He wonders why he feels like crying. Why does he feel like thrashing around and screaming at somebody? Why was he feeling these emotions when he absolutely had no reason to? Questions spiraled in his mind as he stares at the empty space. His father, Tajima puts a hand on Souta's shoulder making Souta stiffened and snap back to reality. Souta looked at his father, Tajima may not show any emotion but Souta knew that he was concerned. They just stared at each other until his father broke it with a sigh and went back, minding his own business.




It was the day, the day where his little brother was finally born. His father, Tajima, waited outside of the room along with him and his two older brothers. They could hear the muffled screaming coming from the room, making them feel anxious. Tajima's hand twitched, his ninja instinct kicked in. Souta saw his father being tense so he held his hand making Tajima grip his hand tighter. Souta bit his lip, they could only wait until it was over. There was nothing they could do to help.

After a few hours, it finally stopped. They could hear the rustling footsteps coming from the room. The sound of a baby crying could probably be heard in the whole compound. The maids invited them to come in and let them see the newborn baby. Tajima nodded and walked inside the room; Souta walked in after his father. Souta looked at his mother, her face was pale, sweat dripped down from her forehead. She was smiling slightly while holding a baby wrapped in a white cloth stained with blood. The baby cries slowly died down as his mother pampered the baby.

"Madara… Uchiha Madara. His name shall be Uchiha Madara." His mother said with a low voice as tears fell from her eyes. His father, Tajima walked up to her and said " Rest, you deserve it" and then her mother fell asleep along with the baby. The maids cleaned up the room and helped them move his mother back to her room with the newborn baby.

Suddenly, Souta felt a headache as a scene played in his mind. A tall man with long hair, the moon and the sky was red, the sharingan symbols burned in his head, the patterns of the sharingan slowly changed into many patterns. It was beautiful yet deadly. He knows how the sharingan works because he is an Uchiha himself but something tells him that there's more than it seems.

The scene changed, a woman with white hair and a porcelain face, she had three eyes and horns on her head. The robes she wore had the tomoe pattern. For some reason it made his heart ache seeing her. The woman was crying and she was calling somebody. The name that she called was-

" Souta." His father's voice rang inside his head. Ah, his father was calling for him, he thought. Souta tensed his muscles. He blinked a few times and then he looked at his father who was in front of him. His father looked at him with concern. He had been spacing out while his father had called him a few times. "Sorry, I was seeing things again" Souta spoke up. " Want to talk about it?" Tajima asks his son. Souta shook his head and said "Next time". His father nods and walks away. Souta tried to remember the name that the woman had mentioned but when he tried to, a phantom pain hit him. He hissed in pain and pinched the bridge of his nose. He then shook his head and sigh. He tried to not ponder about it.




" Relax your muscles, regulate your breath and try to sense your chakra and mold the chakra inside you." His older brother ordered him. Souta nodded and followed his brother's instruction. After a while, he was finally able to feel the chakra inside him. It was warm, Souta thought. He tried to touch his chakra but when he tried to, he felt as if he was being pushed away. Souta's eyes snapped, he felt dizzy and his chest felt as tight. He couldn't breathe- Was he going to die? No- He refuses to believe it- He doesn't want to die yet-



Souta! Listen to my voice." Who was that? Dad? "Breathe slowly with me." His father said with a soothing voice. Souta bit his lip and he looked up. His vision was blurry but he knew those eyes he was looking at, It was his father's. He followed his father's words. " Breathe in. Out. In. Out. That's it. Slowly." His gaze turned down and let out a shuddering breath.

"Are you okay now? Can you get up?" His brother asked him. Ah, he didn't realize that he was on the ground. Souta nodded slowly and tried to get up. His brother beside him lends a hand. His father glanced at him and said "Enough training for today. Souta, I'll talk to you later."

Before Souta could reply, he felt his eyelids heavy. His body limped and fell but his brother managed to catch his body before he fell on the ground. The last thing Souta saw is a blurred vision of the white haired woman.