
Requiem of Lightning

Still in the works, come check it out if you want to! don't steal this please. also reviews would be great! I trying my writing skills so anything helps! Right now, I'm just trying to get enough chapters out, and trying to see what kind of schedule works for posting new chapters! ========================= In this Fantasy world, nothing is that simple, what's the deeper meaning behind it? Why does everything seem so- perfect at first? Was it fate? In the Kingdom of Alivera, animals and humans live together. No normal animals too, animals of power, of great strength and wisdom. Follow two main characters, Cattaleya and Jameson as they see the world two different ways. What happens when they both meet? The unknown is a scary place, but the only way in is head first. Are you ready?

boobear_1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


It was late at night, the wind was howling, and the moon was covered by the dark clouds forming overhead. A path cut straight through a dense forest, trodden down from how many times people have used it, back and forth from one place to another. The sound of horse's hooves hitting the ground caused small rocks to jump out of the path from the force of the hooves. Within a second, a great horse, bigger than anyone imagined it to be, a pure stallion, ran down the path. Riding on it's back, was a cloaked figure, they carried no light despite it being almost pitch black out. No sooner the horse went by, about ten other horses' came running after it, not nearly as fast- they were smaller horses with heavier riders on them. But they still followed, fast on the heels of the hooded rider in front. "Faster Riptide, we have to make it there fast." the cloaked figure said to the horse in a hushed voice. It was a woman's soft voice, soothing with the underlying tone of urgency with it. Riptide seemed to understand, huffing before picking up more speed, creating even greater distance between the pursers and them. This was no normal horse as well, this horse has six-legs, called a Stuecorn. They were rare, and very few were able to see one, let alone ride it, or bond with it. 

They had been riding for almost two days already, with only small breaks in between, but this was a life and death situation for them. The rider shifted something in her arms, she had been trying to hide it- or who. There was a child wrapped tightly in thick cloth, sleeping. Blissfully ignorant of the situation at hand. 

Then there was a light come into view, the village. Feeling hope, both the rider and steed came into the village fast. Already waiting, a small group of four people waited for the rider, all cloaked because of the cold windy night. Everyone was on edge and uneasy. Quickly, the rider handed the child down to a cloaked figure. "Thank you, please, keep her safe. I cannot stay long, you must go too. I can't thank you enough." The rider spoke, looking down at the child in different arms, wiping tears from her eyes before the cloaked figures nodded their heads together. 

"We will do our best." The person holding the child spoke, it was female. And with that, all four of them went back into different houses quickly, turning out all the candles. All the houses looked quiet, undisturbed. Sighing, she sat there, looking at Riptide. 

'I hope she can grow up safely,' the rider thought in her mind. 

'It's only time before they find out, but now we have to go.' someone spoke bak. It was a deep voice, the horse looked back at the rider. Both nodded their heads before taking off again. They had lost the ground they made. Hearing the chasers, they made it obvious they went through the village, making sure they didn't stop, they had passed through many villages like this without stopping too, to make it less suspicious. 

It was just before the sun rose that there was the painful cry of a horse, a lady's scream- the crows cawing as they waited- and then silence. Something had happened, and the early risers from the village knew what happened. Seeing the guards coming back down, their armor shining brightly in the light- reflecting the horrified faces of the few townsfolk. A woman held a small child in her arms tightly, closing her eyes.

"I will protect you- for as long as I can. I promised."