
Requiem of a Godslayer

Caius Withide was just a farm boy. He lived working the fields with his family. There was magic in his blood, so he was used to the usual inspections that were meant to scout young sorcerers. Despite this, his blood was thin. He never thought magic would awaken in his veins. But when it inevitably does, how will he handle it?

Fatal_Peasant · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 1

"You will be hated,"

The words echoed in my mind as I slowly read the words on the parchment in front of me

"Detested. Hunted. Killed. They will string you up and burn you until you're ashes. They will stop at nothing to end you,"

As my one and only fear was being realized, I could feel my hands start shaking violently, as worry started creeping into my mind.

"As they should. You would put anyone around you at risk, whether you want it or not,"

My grandmother was truly a blunt person. The words going through my mind currently were several years old at this point. Oh, 11 years or so? I don't remember the exact day. Just the words. Probably not something you should say to a child of 5, but she wasn't one to shelter.

She was telling me about magic. How her father was a sorcerer, or something of the like. She would recite tales like that.

"There are many elements you may be attuned with, but fire is the best," she would say.

An objectively untrue statement. Of the prime elements, each has their own uses. And that's not even considering the combo elements, which make up for their slightly inferior firepower with incredible versatility

"Earth is too defensive, and light is just a more boring version of fire! And don't get me started on water!" Such an opinionated woman.

"But there is one you do not want, above all other," she drilled into my childlike mind.

"If you have it, you will be hated," yada yada yada, we heard all of this already.

The parchment in front of me had a list. Information about me. Simple.

Name: Caius Withide

Race: Human

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 165 Lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

No discerning marks or features

This information is not what was distressing me. Well, the name was. Caius is a mouthful. I go by Cai. But that wasn't my issue. It one of the last two lines.

"Hope to all the Gods, pray you're very heart out, and beg that you're elemental affinity is not,"

Elemental Affinity: Kura