
Requiem Of A Failed Hero

In a world where one's worth is determined by Archons—godlike entities who watch over everything—the least you can hope for is to get picked by the most lowly of them. Raith was chosen by the Archon of failure and death. Having emerged from one of the three greatest family, he was forced to leave the family and began a lonely journey of being a Hero as he has always wanted. Hero–that was the only way Raith could redeem himself and be acknowledged by the world. But this Archon is just too useless! However, everything changes on the day when Raith dies for the first time. [Congratulations! You have met the first condition] You can join this discord server for interaction with the author and character illustrations. https://discord.com/invite/9UPNyQN4

RighteousFilth · Urban
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443 Chs

Requiem Of A Failed Hero

'Shit! shit!! shit!!! shit!!!' Hunter Joon-Ho's face tumbled, and every one of his limbs. He wasn't scared of the monsters unlike the recruits, the only fear that plagued him was how to get these new guys out of the gate. But they were surrounded from all sides, any plan of escape was a suicidal attempt.

Even fighting right now was a suicidal attempt, whatever they would do with this horde of yeti, was going to be a suicidal attempt no matter how hard they try. Plus that shaking ground had now made it clear that these were footsteps, footsteps of something tremendous.

Hunter Joon-Ho, put his arms forward, clenching his hands into a fist and ready to protect the recruits even if it is at the cost of his life while trying to worry about the thundering steps.


With the last heavy step, Fenrir landed in the middle of a horde of yetis with his legs towering over the young recruits.