
Replication system

*A regular programmer with a copying power has traveled Into a mysterious cultivation world.He founds out that he can copy any pills or spirit stones to provide his cultivation. All he needs to do is rubbing his thumb and index finger together!In our world,Copying and pasting is just a piece of code in a computer program, but if this code appear in this world...what is he going to do? Could he defeat his enemies and make his own legend?

PainInTheAss · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 46

Unable to resist, Yan Yongjin has closed his eyes and waited to die.

With a loud bang, the expected steel knife did not cut on himself. Yan Yongjin opened his eyes and saw Chu Zhongtian standing in front of him bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

On the ground not far from me, there was a deep pit more than half a meter deep. I couldn't help wiping the sweat between my forehead.

Looking at Chu Zhongtian's trembling steel knife and the blood at the corners of his mouth, Yan Yongjin knew that it was because Chu Zhongtian forcibly changed the direction of attack, causing himself to be eaten back by power.

The feeling of narrowly escaping from death made Yan Yongjin reach out and wipe the cold sweat in front of his forehead. At the same time, he immediately stabilized his mood and hugged his fist to thank him.

"Chu Zhongtian, thank you for your kindness of not killing!"

With the attack of Chu Zhongtian Sabre technique just now, let alone him, even an expert at the top of the eighth floor during the Qi refining period, he can't escape his life under this move. I'm afraid only the ninth floor of the Qi refining period can barely stop this move. He knows that he can live now because Chu Zhongtian is merciful.

"You're welcome!" He waved his hand and Chu Zhongtian pretended to be indifferent.

In fact, he has long regretted that he forcibly changed his attack method.

Although Chu Zhongtian is not a murderer, he is not that kind of kind-hearted and kind-hearted person.

Yan Yongjin took the initiative to provoke, which has aroused his killing heart. During the competition, his moves were deadly, which strengthened his killing heart. Otherwise, after his breakthrough, when he can win by momentum alone, he still makes full use of momentum and knife technique to kill Yan Yongjin completely.

However, just when he just broke through, Yan Yongjin suddenly shouted out his words, which made him change his attention, and was therefore eaten by the power.

Fortunately, the momentum after the breakthrough is not familiar and profound enough. The reverse bite he suffered is not very serious. He can fully recover after adjusting his breath for a period of time.

"Yan Yongjin, you don't have to say much about thanks! I just want to ask you, what did you mean by potential just now?"

A year ago, after the meridian of Chu Zhongtian was damaged, in order to repair the meridian, he consulted most of the materials in the Chu family letter Pavilion.

It can be said that he has mastered knowledge far better than his peers, but there is no record of this trend in any book in the Chu shuge, and he has never heard of the news of this trend, so he has some doubts that there is no information about this in Qi, which is the reason why he finally decided to leave Yan Yongjin alive.

Hearing Chu Zhongtian ask him what potential is, Yan Yongjin looked at him with a complicated look and thought for a while. Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind and said with envy: "Chu Zhongtian, for the sake of not killing, I'll tell you what potential is!"

Maybe it's because it's a secret that only he knows. The depression originally caused by defeat suddenly rose.

"Chu Zhongtian, I'm afraid no one in the whole state of Qi can know what potential is. Now only I can tell you."

"Potential, in fact, is a kind of artistic conception and a breakthrough to a higher level of power. Those who can master this potential are demons and peerless geniuses that are rare for thousands of years."

"As for how to use potential and how to enhance the power of potential, I'm sorry, I don't know." At this point, Yan Yongjin shrugged, with an expression I didn't know.

He can know what potential is, not because he has mastered it, but because he has seen it and felt it.

Others don't know, he knows very well. Not to mention the state of Qi, even in the state of Yan, there are not many people who can know what power is.

If it wasn't for the master he followed, he was also an evil spirit and a peerless genius who mastered the potential. I'm afraid he didn't know what potential is, and he couldn't recognize the power after Chu Zhongtian's breakthrough at a glance.

"Forget it, you go!" Hearing Yan Yongjin's explanation, Chu Zhongtian frowned.

The reason why he didn't kill Yan Yongjin was to understand in detail the power he mastered after his breakthrough. Yan Yongjin's explanation didn't satisfy him.

However, since he has said what he knows, Chu Zhongtian can't continue to kill him. He can only reluctantly let him go.

"Chu Zhongtian, you are the champion of this hunting competition!" Before leaving, Yan Yongjin suddenly left such a sentence and five jade pieces.

Chu Zhongtian thought about it, and then he knew what Yan Yongjin meant.

Since he is not a member of the royal family of the state of Qi, the other person who gave him a creepy feeling at the beginning must be Yan Yongjin's companion.

This time, Chu Zhongtian was able to show mercy because he knew what potential was. In the next fight, Chu Zhongtian could not show mercy. In order to avoid his partner being killed by mistake, he would tell the truth, that is to say, another person would not do anything to Chu Zhongtian.

Liu Yongjun, the remaining master of the state of Qi, can compete with Chu Zhongtian. Even Qi Yilong and Wang Chao are unlikely to be his opponents.

Chu Zhongtian's confidence soared after he broke through the momentum and defeated Yan Yongjin, an expert at the top of the seven levels of Qi refining period with one move of sabre technique. He is 100% sure of winning the championship.

Put away the five jade pieces left by Yan Yongjin. With his original jade pieces, the number has reached 19 jade pieces, which is close to one-fifth of all jade pieces. These jade pieces are enough to rank in the top five.

Nineteen jade pieces can't guarantee his final title.

However, he is not in a hurry, because there are nearly two days before the end of the competition, and now he is getting closer and closer to the central position. Just grab some from others at that time.

"Are you Chu Zhongtian?" After Yan Yongjin left, Chu Yuping, who had been standing behind, summoned up the courage to go to Chu Zhongtian and asked in a slightly trilling tone.

"Brother Yuping, it's only one year. Don't you know me!" Seeing Chu Yuping, who was very nervous, Chu Zhongtian smiled and approached him.

Chu Zhongtian understands Chu Yuping's nervousness. After all, a year ago, he was still a waste who could not practice. After a year, he not only greatly increased his strength, but also defeated top experts like Yan Yongjin. Anyone will be nervous.

"Incredible, incredible!" Chu Yuping, who was confirmed, found that Chu Zhongtian was still the gentle man before, and his nervous mood relaxed immediately, but he felt extremely incredible when he thought of the prestige when he defeated Yan Yongjin just now.

Chu Zhongtian knew that his performance was too rebellious. Chu Yuping needed some time to accept it, so he was not in a hurry to leave.

What's more, just now, in order to forcibly change the direction of attack, which led to his being eaten back by power, it also takes a little time to adjust his breath. I'm taking this opportunity to adjust my breath.