
Replacing Rimuru: A Multiverse story

Raj a average guy struggling with poverty and his life dies by the hands of some not important bastard. While bleeding to his death he wishes to be reincarnated as Rimuru and by some luck Voice if the World fulfills his wish. Good thing is that he had been given a second chance with the abilities of one of the most broken characters. Bad thing? He has reincarnated in MHA instead of Tensura while being nerfed slightly. Now, it's only his desire to get strong that will push through all obstacles in this two faced world of Heroes and Villains towards greatness. ... First World[Mha(Currently)] Second world[???] Third world[???] .... Disclaimer: The image on the cover isn't mine and if the creator of this image wishes for me to take it down then comment me with a review. [No harem] [Neutral Mc] [Overpowered Mc] [Tensura] [MHA] [Multiverse travelling]

Akros_Zero · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The war ends and the benefits

(Author's Note: I know about the late uploads, but I can only focus on what I want to write, otherwise I just waste my time on others, though there is another way to make me focus, it is simple old work, and reward strategy, and yes I am talking about powerstones, just how my Poseidon fic topped it literally made me go and write chapters straight for a month, seven chapters per week which never happened before.

Unfortunately, after it lost the initial momentum, it lost a considerable number of powerstones gain and most of the readers left after comparing me to Ghostly Z when I just asked for powerstones. Anyway enjoy the chapter)


3rd Pov

For tens of minutes, the sounds of clashes kept ringing through the city, and the sirens of police, ambulance, and fire trucks kept ringing through the city. The clash between the Heroes and Villains proved far more deadlier than imagined, hundreds of civilians died in this clash, but in the end, Heroes prevailed, All Might successfully add another myth to his Hero career as he defeated Asia's strongest villain Glitch.

It wasn't without a cost though, his injuries were further deepened shortening the time he can be in his buffed mode. Still, he felt it was worth it, as he stopped a villain who had not killed thousands, but also prevented the death of the possible victims, even then when he got to know that more than a hundred people died in this clash, his expression became grim.

A regret swelled up in his heart as if he had failed in duties, he should have been the Pillar of Justice yet he couldn't prevent the death of the innocent, for him every life counted which made him feel guilty as he thought he was responsible for these deaths. He wondered what if he was stronger, what if he had taken action faster? Would he have saved others?

There was no answer to this question, in the end, he was forced to bear the guilt of not saving them for the rest of his life. In the middle of this, his consciousness remembered a certain blue-haired child which made his figure go pale." Akash!", he shouted as he remembered about his potential successor.

He forgot about him in the middle of the clash, the last time he had seen him going away from the fight, after that he was much relieved but now only worry was filling his mind. Even if he kept Glitch occupied other villains were still rampant, and some of them had managed to defeat some powerful Pro Heroes, it won't wrong to be say that the chances of Akash getting mixed up in this mess and dying were exceptionally high.

" Have you seen a long blue-haired child?! He should be about 12 years old!", he asked worriedly to the policemen, who glanced at him in confusion and shook their heads, if it was another situation he would have gotten even more worried, but in this case, he got a bit relieved, as it meant Akash was out of the harm's way since most of the dead bodies were collected by these policemen and doctors cooperatively.

He glanced around the destroyed field, the rubbles of buildings told of the clash that has happened here. He wanted to talk with his friend Tsukauchi, but there was no need. As the boy in question appeared in front of him going through the rubble, he wanted to call out his name, but the situation wasn't suitable. He was well aware that if others were to know that Akash was with him, things can get ugly.

He might have released this info among Pro-Heroes but releasing it among common people was just asking for trouble. Since he had already confirmed that he was fine, he decided to talk with him once things cool down, not to mention he has things to do as Japan's greatest Hero. This incident surely to shook not Japan but the entire world, although the number of death wasn't great as compared to some other incidents, the involvement of Asia's strongest villain was sure to create a stir.


Akash Pov

I went through the rubble searching for the DNA samples, yes doing it in broad light might be stupid of me, but as long as I have a reason for it, no one will question me. I had a planned reason, which was simply that I had lost an important item. One might think it won't work considering the situation, but it is more simple and usable than any other complex plans, and even if I was to be removed from here, and stopped, this will at least give them a reason for my search.

Thus after going rubble for a while, I had collected enough DNA, one of which was from that villain Glitch Lord or whatever he called himself. [Report! He referred to himself as Glitch Supreme], said Great Sage in an informative tone. My eyebrows twitched seeing that Great Sage is being helpful when it is not really needed. Well still appreciate the info though.

Thus after some time some Policemen approached me and asked," Miss, are you lost? Also, Please get away from here as this place is not allowed for people to explore", I wanted to clear the misunderstanding about my gender, but considering it useless, I replied," Sir, I am searching for a Pendant here, that I lost".

He gave me an understanding look," I understand, but you can't search here, also are you lost?", he replied, I shook my head in denial and said," No, my guardian is nearby", after that I left with no intention to talk with them, I got what I was here for, and after glancing All Might I quickly left for my home, though I made sure to give him and Tsukauchi a message saying ' I am fine ', after that went to a nearby hotel.

It didn't take me much time, and problem to get a room, although I did get some skeptical looks but telling them I have the mind of an adult due to my quirk, and after verifying my identity I got a room. Entering the room I quickly ingested all the DNA I have received from the battlefield.

{Extra Skill: Black Mud has been acquired!}

{Extra Skill: Cannibal has been acquired!}

{Extra Skill: Wolf Morphism has been acquired!}

{Skill: Water Splurt has been acquired!}


{Unique Skill: Spatial Distortion has been acquired!}

I took a deep breath seeing the rewards, I have acquired 12 new Skills, out of which 8 are Normal Skills, three are Extra Skills and one is a Unique Skill. Obviously, this was surprising as when I copied One For All it only resulted in me gaining two Extra Skills, but again one of these is a growth type Skill, and according to Great Sage it can become a Unique Skill after fifty-three years, and an Ultimate Skill after One thousand, one hundred, eighty-six years, on its own.

' Great Sage show me my status ', I called out in my mind and soon a holographic screen appeared in front of my eyes, though that was done by interfering with my vision rather than creating a real hologram.


Name: Akash Alpheus

Blessings: None

Rank: A+

Intrinsic Skills: Conversion, Self Regeneration.

Unique Skill: Devourer(Predator), Wise One(Great Sage), Spatial Distortion.

Extra Skill: World Link, Water Manipulation, Virtual Programmer, Fire Manipulation, Wind Manipulation, Stockpile, Eyes of Suppression, Telekinetic Fly, Ice Manipulation, Dragonification, Black Mud, Cannibal, Wolf Morphism.

Skills: Venomous Bite, Night Vision, Eagle's Eye, Keen Smell, Sonar Sense, Bear's Strength, Steel Nails, Transfer, Enhanced Muscles, Steel Shot, Steel Body, Rippling Jaw, Bone Pincer, Eyes of Confusion, Screech of Banshee.

Resistances: Pain Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Thermal Fluctuation Resistance.

I glanced at my status satisfied, other than the fact that I have gained no new resistant-related skill, I have gotten a dozen of new skills, but most of them have very less use. For example, I can only use skills that can be explained by the two quirks I have listed, so I can't use them with my identity now, and even if someone of them are strong and versatile I will need to learn the different ways to use them to bring their full potential.

Also, some are too weak and can be used only in specific situations, to be honest, I really feel bad having no way to synthesize a new skill by mixing two otherwise I could have gotten too strong easily, just by creating Unique skills after mixing several skills, I need to get a skill like Degeneration similar to Rimuru, it is one of the core reasons he got so many Ultimate Skills.

I have decided that after getting four more Nuclear generators to maximize my Magicule generation output I will go for a quirk hunt, I will get all the quirks that I consider strong and powerful, but even then I would have to carefully choose quirks and not just take them all, as my soul can handle only so many skills, and if I was to get an excessive amount of Skills it would be extremely detrimental for me.

Having made up my mind, I decided to rest before meeting with All Might the next day.


" You had me worried", said All Might sighing in his buffed form, I took a sip of my tea and said," Once, I found out something was wrong I quickly hid in a faraway fairly safe place", he nodded hearing that, though there was a small tint of disappointment in his eyes. It was rather a subconscious action or thought, but he fully supported my actions.

After all, it can be only said to be stupid for someone to have no hero license to do a hero job, not to mention when that person is a freaking kid, with not much experience in battles and fight. " Well, I am glad that you are alright, and well-*Sigh* Since the recent accident has taken place, villains have been rampant off lately, so...", he said pausing in the end without completing his statement.

I looked at him, and he was sweating slightly, I almost had the urge to punch his face seeing this,' Hey man, stop acting like that I am your fucking daughter, I can understand what you want to say ', I thought and said bluntly," So you won't be able to train me right?", he nodded and said," Yes, I have been given the task to do more patrols so the villains get in control, otherwise it will be a disaster if another such task was to occur".

I gave him a thumbs up and said," Well, then go ahead, you are the pillar of justice, All Might, and people need you, we always feel a sense of security and think even if things were to get bad, you will be there, with a big smile on your face and your cri*ahem* famous words,' I am Here ', ready to protect us and fix the situation somehow".

I can see he was emotional after hearing my words, and thus with a big smile on his face, he said," Haha! You are right! How can I All Might rest easy when some villains dare to disturb the peace of normal citizens, Young Akash, don't worry, because I am Here!!", I clapped my hand with tears coming out of my eyes, but not because of happiness or sadness, but due to,' It's so cringe!!! ', I thought as my defense against cringe was almost nonexistent.

(A/N: Poor Akash, he has no cringe resistance like me, muhahah!!)

I could almost hear God, laughing at my misery. All Might started panicking wondering if he has done something wrong and I said that it was just I became emotional. After that, he gave me a serious look and said," Young Akash, there is something I want to tell", hearing his words I thought,' Is she really gonna do that ', he stood up from the chair and then with a poof, his body was reduced to his pale, sickly look.

He glanced at me with a resolute face, I almost felt nostalgic seeing this,' Did I replace Midoriya as well or what? ', I thought amused, as All Might revealed his biggest secret.


"Achoo!", Midoriya sneezed and then quickly rubbed his nose," Is someone thinking about me?", he muttered, and then with a shrug focused on the Misfit of the Demon King Academy Manga, he held in his hand," Woah! As I thought Anos is really a noble hero!", he said.


To be continued...

(Author's Note: Yes, the quirk hunt is going to begin, after which we will be getting on canon.

P.S.: What is my real name any guess? It ends with u.)