
Terumi's Picnic

This morning, you're awoken by a scent: what smells like freshly cooked grilled cheese. You halfway crack one eye open, seeing a tray over your chest, with grilled cheese and a tall glass of what looks like lemonade on it. You also see Setsuko out of the corner of your vision, standing up straight from putting down the tray, wearing a light blouse and skirt, and starting to unbutton her top nervously.

Her expression is serious, as though she was on a time limit, and she backs up towards the door to your bathroom before locking it absently as she shucks off her blouse. She's not wearing a bra beneath it, her full tits hanging free, and she pulls down her skirt as well - she's not wearing panties under those either. You pretend to be asleep, enjoying her little strip show, and she finally crawls into bed, slipping under the covers, totally naked.

Then you feel her tits squish around your cock, and she starts to drool, dollops of spit splashing on your cockhead. "Good morning, Nanashi-sama," she says, in a kind of sing-songy voice, pulling the covers back, and you open your eyes fully, seeing her down between your thighs, tits sandwiched around your cock again. She smiles. "I thought you'd like waking up with breakfast in bed, and a beautiful woman with her tits sandwiched around your cock," she says, recalling your earlier comment from last time she woke you up. "Breakfast is a sandwich, too, for the little pun," she adds, with a cute little smile at her own joke. She nervously tucks her hair behind her ear, waiting for your response anxiously.

"Thank you for the sandwich, and the pun," you tell her. She smiles a bit more broadly at that, her nervousness fading. "You are just the cutest," you add, and she blushes.

"Thank you, Nanashi-sama," she says, with a sweet smile. You reach down for her, rubbing her cheek gently, her tits still smushed on either side of your cock, and she nuzzles your hand, her smile broadening a bit as she looks up at you.

"Now that's what I call service with a smile," you add, and she blushes a bit further.

She pauses momentarily, stiff with uncertainty. "Do you want me to hand-feed you? Or should I get to work down here and let you handle that?"

"Working down there is fine, I can handle this end," you say, and she nods, squishing her tits tighter around your dick. Her hands practically dig into the flesh of her breasts as she starts to work you, watching as you take a slice of your grilled cheese - cut diagonally down the middle - and take a bite. "It's good," you tell her, as you chew away, and she smiles brightly at that.

She gets more intense as she wanks her tits up and down your cock, even drooling on it, slobbering on your head, wet spit teasing you and making you grunt a bit. "You like my tits a lot, huh, Nanashi-sama?" She smiles brightly as she says it, and you nod, chewing on yor food. "I'm glad," she says, and you take a sip of lemonade. Her fingers smush your cock in her tits tighter, wrapping it in a tight sheathe, her breasts so smushed now you can practically feel her fingers through them. "I'm enjoying my breakfast too," she says, with a little smile, grinding her breasts against your cock as you take another bite of grilled cheese.

She works your cock, offering color commentary as she mushes her tits around it and you eat. "Mm, it's nice and big in my tits, I like how the head pops out." "It feels so good in my tits." "Mmm, I really love the look on your face right now, do you like my tits that much?" She actually orgasms like that, squeezing your cock and her tits as her eyes roll up, drool splashing out of her mouth, and you finally finish eating, leaving a small slice of your grilled cheese on the plate.

You reach down for her hair, as she comes down from her first orgasm, and gently direct her face downward. She takes to it with gusto, wrapping her lips around your cockhead and slurping and sucking noisily, drool cascading out of her mouth, the warm valley of her breasts growing wetter as spit slithers down and around. Her hands work your cock through her tits, like a pillowy handjob, and you just sigh and groan for a few seconds before reaching down for her perky, erect nipples, starting to play with them.

She orgasms almost immediately like that, throatily moaning on your cock, her lips suckling, her tongue lashing, her body shaking and shivering as she comes. You smile down at her. "The customer service at this dining establishment is absolutely exquisite," you say, and she blushes and hums in happiness at the little compliment. "I really enjoy the pillowy soft feeling of the waitress's big tits on my cock, and the meal's excellent as well."

She pops off, taking a breath, looking up at you with lusty eyes. "Make sure to give your waitress a real big tip then, Nanashi-sama," she says, with a cute little smile. "A big one, just throw it all over her, make it rain. Her last client was a real lousy tipper, you can do her one better, can't you?"

You direct her back down, and she slurps noisily on your dick, bouncing up and down with her tits, squishing and moaning and drooling your cock in the exquisite valley of her breasts. After a while she just gives up on using her tits, apparently wanting to get more of your cock in her mouth, letting them fall between your thighs, with little red marks from where her fingers dug in so tightly. She slurps and bounces and sucks with gusto, orgasming several times on your cock, sputtering and drooling, her lips forming a tight seal around your manhood as she grinds her nose into your pubes.

"There is one little problem with the service, though," you say mildly, and she practically freezes, looking up at you like a deer in the headlights. "The waitress needs some more confidence. She's extremely sexy, beautiful, and very attentive. She shouldn't be scared all the time." She blushes and smiles, slurping your dick a bit more luxuriously, slowly twisting her head from side to side. You reach down for her breasts, cupping the soft, plentiful flesh of them as she bounces up and down your dick, almost a hypnotic motion, eyes lidded, clearly enjoying herself.

She orgasms a couple more times like that, from the feeling of your cock on her tongue and your gentle groping of her sensitive, fat breasts where they hang down from her body. Finally she pops her lips off your dick and starts jerking you off hurriedly. "Come on, Nanashi-sama, give me your cum," she says, eagerly, desperately, fingers on one hand sliding up and down your dick, her expression wanton and desperate. "I want it, want to feel it, splash it on my face, mark me, mark me, I want it," she says breathily, and you finally release, splashing one long string from her forehead down to her cheek before she slurps you down, sucking you dry, her lips wrapped around your tip as you let out burst after burst into her mouth.

She pops off when you're finished, swilling your cum for a bit before swallowing. You take the last bit of the sandwich and lean up, gently running the corner along the string of cum and gathering it up before offering it to her. She takes it, chewing on it thoughtfully and with a smile. When she swallows, she gives you a warm look. "Tastes good, Nanashi-sama."

You put the tray aside, and guide her up to lie beside you, her naked body close to yours. Her tits still have pink marks from where her hands dug into them, an erotic little tinge to her already lewd body, and she blushes a bit as you look her over. "How are you settling in, Setsuko?"

She smiles. "I think I'm doing well. Being a maid isn't too different from being a housewife. It's less work, even, since I don't have that asshole of a husband to worry about. Plus I only really cook for myself."

"When is your next day off? I was thinking we could spend some time together; maybe you, me, and Noriko at the mall?"

She blushes at the suggestion, smiling. "I-I'm off on Sundays and Wednesdays, Nanashi-sama." So, tomorrow, and four days from now. "Kimiko-sama says it's better to have days off in bits for a daily job like this, rather than letting the workload grow over the weekend."

"And how are you getting along with my mother?"

"Pretty well. It's not really hard," she says, giving a nervous laugh. "I just... well, I kind of treat her like I used to treat my husband." She blushes at that admission. "Just keep my head down and act deferent. She seems to appreciate it, and it's not like she actually hits me."

"That's probably the best way to treat an employer you're not fucking," you tell her, tenderly kissing her cheek. "Do you mind if I just tell you about myself? We only barely know each other, and I want us to get to know one another better."

"Oh, no, go ahead Nanashi-sama," she says. It's almost rushed, and her eyes show real interest and fascination with knowing more about you.

You give her the broad brush strokes of your life up to now, about your interests in fencing, kakutogi, swimming, and dancing. You share a couple stories about playing with your sisters or working at school and other things like that, and she giggles at the appropriate points. "So that's me," you say, as you finish up a very abbreviated version of your life story (on this planet).

"I didn't know you were a dancer," she says, running her fingers along your chest. "I used to be really into dance when I was your age. My husband wasn't, so that stopped when we got together." She sighs. "Sorry for bringing him up."

You offer her a smile. "I don't mind you bringing him up when it's to compare me favorably to him," you tell her, and she snorts.

"Okay. You're much nicer, and I think sexier, and your cock is bigger, and you make me come a lot more, and you're richer," she goes on for a bit like that, half-teasing, but it's also very sexy to be compared so favorably to her husband. "Your name is prettier too. 'Goro,' what an ugly name," she says. "Hm, you don't drink as far as I've seen, you've got good taste in friends, you're kind and generous, you're sharper than a razor if you and Noriko's words are to be believed... does that do it well?"

You laugh. "It's very kind of you to say those things," you say, smiling.

"I meant every one of them," she says defensively, puffing up her chest a bit.

"I'm sure you did," you reply. "Tell me about yourself. I don't know you as well as I'd like."

"Oh, there's not much to tell," she says, with a warm smile at being asked. "Okay, well, hm. I went to high school, but I was never really a genius hard worker like you. I met Goro when I got my first job at a company... I don't even remember the name now, it was a small one, not one of the big ones. He was really sweet and kind and thoughtful, and he accidentally knocked me up..." she trails off, her brow knitting. "Or maybe on purpose. He said he forgot his pill." She frowns. "Well, after that, we got married, I quit to raise Noriko, and... it wasn't the happiest life, and it slowly got worse over time." She brightens up. "Anyway, now I have you, so that's behind me."

"Don't worry, Setsuko," you tell her, kissing her lips. "I won't accidentally knock you up. It will be planned, and you'll know."

She blushes and smiles.

"I'm glad you had Noriko, though. She's a very sweet and special girl, and if not for her, I'd never have met you. You definitely raised her right - I don't believe her dad helped her become the woman she is today."

"Th-thank you, Nanashi-sama," she says, with a nervous smile, clearly not used to receiving compliments like that. Her cheeks blush and she averts her gaze, and you turn her head back to you, kissing her lips tenderly and softly.

"Is there anything you'd like to learn? It sounds like you didn't exactly grow terribly much as a person, when you lived with Goro. If you want, I could help you take lessons on things you'd like, or get new qualifications."

She blushes. "M-maybe. I don't know if I'm really cut out for that sort of thing... I did like being a housewife, you know, in between..." she trails off uncomfortably, then her expression shifts from quiet humiliation to genuine anger. "In between that asshole beating me." She almost snarls as she says it. "You know what? I'm going to send him the picture from earlier, AND, I'm going to add some color commentary about how tiny his cock is and what a worthless asshole he is." She gets up from bed, gathering up her clothes from the floor and starting to get dressed again, frowning all the while with stony determination.

"Just... take a couple minutes before doing it, okay?" You say, and she pauses as she pulls on her skirt, her expresison confused. "I'm not saying don't. I'm just saying... think about it. It's your decision, and I don't want you to make it spur of the moment."

She nods gently, then picks up her blouse. "Okay. I'll wait ten minutes, then send him the pictures and tell him what scum he is."

"Hey," you say, getting up, and she pauses. "One last kiss," you tell her, running your fingers along her cheek, leaning down to kiss her. She sighs into your mouth in satisfaction as your tongues press against one another, then finally pulls back.

"Thank you, Nanashi-sama. For everything." She pulls on her blouse, buttoning it up as she speaks. "You're a good man." She then departs, leaving through the bathroom.

You take a moment to grab your phone, and find Terumi's daily deluge hasn't quite started yet, as it's only 7:03. You pull on some clothes, take your BC pill, and head to find Fumiko, who you discover in the entertainment room. She's playing some mocap type video game system. It's sort of like Kinect and the Wii and the Oculus Rift had a baby, maybe. She's wearing the 'gloves' that control it, swinging a pair of swords around on screen as what looks like an alien samurai dashes about in front of her.

"One, two, three," she counts verbally, as she blocks moves from her foe, "four, five, six, seven, eight, nine," and then she lashes out at the guy, slicing into him and taking out half his health bar right as his combo ends. "Yeah, fucker. No cheap ass bullshit today."

You gently move into the room as she keeps up her focus on her foe, who lets out some canned one liners. "We shall conquer the galaxy on behalf of God!" "This battle matters none!" And finally, "I am the doom of-" which is cut off halfway through as he's decapitated, his corpse ragdolling onto the ground.

Then you wrap her in a hug, making her squeak in surprise as you do so. "Ah, fuck Nanashi, you scared the shit out of me," she says, as she realizes who it is. She wipes at her face, which does something funny to the onscreen swords.

"Just wanted to congratulate you on your victory," you tell her, arms still wrapped around her. "Good work."

"Well, thanks. It's just a video game though, you know?" Your phone chooses that moment to buzz. "Want to get that?" She asks, as she raises her hand, palm up, to the screen and a radial menu pops up, freezing the ongoing cutscene. "Need to take a seat anyway."

You pull out your phone, surprised by the fact that it's only 7:14AM, then you see the actual sender - Setsuko. You open it, and it's one of the pictures from a couple nights ago - her, her tits, and your cum, her obviously happy as a clam in it - with accompanying commentary. She apparently sent it to both you and her husband.

I've got a new man, now! He's way sexier than you, that's his cum FYI. HE likes my tits. So don't expect me to come crawling back to you, because I won't! We're through, 100%!

"Anything important?" Fumiko asks, from where she's sitting on the couch. She's actually removed the gloves for a second, with them on her lap.

"No, just a friend. Stopping a crusade, I take it?"

She snorts. "Yeah, the evil aliens want to conquer the world for their god, and they use laser swords to do it. It's ridiculous, but the gameplay's fun." She snaps back on her gloves, standing up.

"Any co-op?" You ask.

"Nope, all duel focused, sorry. There's versus but I'm doing really well, gonna S-rank this," she says, with a firm nod to herself as she stands. You let her finish out the level, watching as she does so, before finally defeating the boss, who looks kind of like a bloated ant or something. She gets an S-rank, then saves and quits, flopping down on the couch next to you. "So what's up?"

"The opposite direction from gravitational pull?" She rolls her eyes. "I was thinking we could do something on Sunday, you, me, maybe Chou too?"

She smirks. "Chou, huh? Oh, just slip that in there. Hey, how's Chou doing? Did your date go well? Hey can Chou come on our brother sister date?" She laughs.

"Alright, so I want to hang out with her more."

"Yeah, I'll bet that's all you want to do." Fumiko scratches her cheek. "Yeah, alright. I can see you two getting along. I mean she gets along with anybody, really, but you're a close match."

"I've got something with the little sisters that afternoon, was thinking maybe after that?"

"Sure, the three of us could grab some dinner, I leave you two alone, you see where it goes."

"I'd prefer if you stayed," you say, smiling at her. "If I had to choose between spending time with one of you, it would be you, Fumiko." Fumiko blushes. "I can do something else later with Chou, if you'd prefer."

"Oh, well, I guess, sure," she says, seeming a little confused. Your phone buzzes again. "I'll, uh, let you get that," she says, hopping up from the couch and heading off. She obviously was trying to cut off the conversation at that point.

Good morning Master!

I can't wait for our picnic, I've already got the basket ready. Can I leave it in your car? It would be weird if I carried it into class, and I don't want to have to run around to get it.

This is great! I can't wait to be alone with you in a park!

Imagine me getting down and sucking you off while you eat, just casually petting me as I get my own special milk chocolate treat!

I'm so hot just thinking about it, Master. Is it okay if I play with myself a little?

Her texts come hard and fast before you can really put together a reply, but there's a delay with that one.

I'm fine with that, but only if you send me a picture, Terumi.

As you wish, Master!

Thank you for using a heart, Master!

I'm getting ready now, Master.

You wait patiently, and then there's a photo, a pair of fingers spreading her (very obviously very wet) sex, giving you a good look at her. Her thighs are beautiful and pale, and so is her smooth stomach, but beyond that you can't see much of her body.

You can't see my hymen anymore because ~you~ broke it, Master. (^.~)

There's a half minute or minute of lull before her next text.

I came.

Can you call me and talk to me? I want to masturbate to the sound of your voice, Master... to the thought of you pushing my head down... I want you to describe what you're going to do to me...

Your cock is quite erect in your pants as you read that last text.

Just a moment, Terumi.

Yes, Master! I will wait patiently!

You get up from the couch, finding Noriko where she's finishing up a prepackaged meal (sort of a healthier Lunchable kind of thing), tossing it into the garbage. "Oh. How are you doing, Nanashi?"

"Great," you say, putting your hand on Noriko's shoulder. "Let's go to your room, there's something I want to talk about privately."

"Very well, Nanashi," Noriko says as you walk with her to her room. When you arrive, you close and lock the door. "What is it you wished to speak about."

"Terumi wants me to call her and talk to her while she plays with herself," you tell Noriko. "I thought you might like to be involved."

"I would enjoy that. Thank you for thinking of me." She tilts her head. "How do you wish for the two of us to have sex? The most obvious solution would be for you to sit on the edge of the bed, and me to perform fellatio while you speak to Terumi. It would also avoid us having to disrobe more than is strictly necessary, as we will likely need to go to school soon afterwards."

"Once again, Noriko, you show that you are a very wise girl." She smiles gently at that, and you take a seat on the edge of the bed, her quickly descending to her knees. You call Terumi, and she picks up on the first ring.

"Are you ready Master?" She says, breathlessly.

You take the phone and put it next to Noriko. "Say hello to Terumi before you get started," you tell her.

"Hello, Terumi. I am about to perform fellatio on Nanashi. He will likely describe this in part or in whole to you. I hope that you find the resulting feelings of unmet desire and jealousy to be erotic rather than displeasing, particularly given that you will soon be on a date with him of your own."

You pull the phone up to your ear, and you can already hear Terumi breathing heavily as she plays with herself. Noriko undoes your pants the rest of the way, your erect cock popping out, and she wraps one hand around the base and kisses the tip. "Master..." Terumi pants. "Are you there, Master?"

"I'm here," you say, as Noriko licks your cockhead, big owl eyes staring up at you. "Are you playing with yourself?"

"No, Master," she pants. "I'm waiting for your order. Is it okay for me to?"

"Yes, it's okay." She immediately gasps as she presumably starts to finger herself. You gently tap the back of Noriko's head, and she starts to take your cock in her mouth, lips widening over it to accept you inch by inch into her throat. Her eyes lid as she slithers down your dick, drooling a bit, until she finally hits the base, then starts to pull back up. All the while, Terumi's squeaks of pleasure come through the phone. "She's engulfed me completely, now," you say, and Noriko slams back down on your cock, nostrils grinding against your pubes, looking up at you. "She's so enthusiastic," you note.

"Yes, Master," Terumi breathes. "I'll be enthusiastic for you, Master. T-tell me what she's doing, but pretend it's me," she half-begs, squeaking a bit.

"You currently have your face buried in my groin," you tell her, and she moans over the line. You gradually pull Noriko up. "I'm pulling you up by the hair, but it's hard, because you're so desperately attached to my cock." Terumi squeals in orgasm, her voice loud over the phone, and you pull it away for a second. By Noriko's expression, she's also on the verge of orgasm, so you slam her down. "I just fucked your throat," you tell her, "made you deepthroat me before you could really catch your breath." She whimpers and pants. "I'm going to do that a lot... push you all the way down my cock."

Terumi whimpers pitifully, and you put the phone right next to Noriko as you forcibly fuck her face. You can hear the loud squeal from the other end of the line, soon joined by Noriko's own as she orgasms hard from the rough treatment. She slurps and suckles on your cock, loud, some drool splashing down onto the floor as she sucks and slurps, eyes erotic as she's lost in a haze of pleasure from sucking you off. Both girls orgasm a couple times like that, with Noriko sucking you off and Terumi playing with herself.

You pull the phone back up. "Terumi?"

Terumi lets out a muffled noise. "Yef Mafter?" she slurs out.

"Take your hands out of your cunt." She lets out a small sigh as she does it. "Now use your mouth to clean your juices off your fingers." She moans a bit, and you can hear the loud slurping noise as she sucks her own fingers, loudly licking and sucking them, obviously working as hard as she can to make sure it's audible. You're gently fucking Noriko's throat at this point, the girl beneath you accepting the casual, languid pace you're using her face without complaint or suggestion of uncertainty. You bury her down to the base, grinding her face against your cock, and she slurps and gobbles audibly. The noisy sound of two girls sucking away so wantonly is intensely erotic, and you pull Noriko back up, popping her off your cock, admiring her half-lidded eyes and lewd expression.

"You can remove your fingers from your mouth," you say over the phone, and the noisy slurping stops, an anxious silence replacing it. "Play with your tit, tell me how it feels." Noriko pants a bit still, but you force her back onto your cock, and she readily accepts, allowing you to plug up her throat again.

"It feels good, Master," Terumi breathes. "I'm imagining it's your hand... since you ordered it here, it kind of is... since I'm yours, it kind of is..." she pants erotically as she contemplates that thought. "My tit... playing with it brings you pleasure... me obeying you..." she squeals in another, fresh orgasm. "Obey!" She pants out loudly, as she comes.

Noriko is still held placidly in your groin, choking her on your cock. She doesn't seem to mind being choked like this, and you just pet her gently, admiring her cute face as she sucks your cock. "Good girl," you say, to both of them. "You're taking my cock right down your throat, getting choked by it, but you're not complaining, are you?" Noriko makes a little 'no' shake of the head, and Terumi just quivers and gurgles on the other end of the line. "No, you're not. Now take it again." You force Noriko down, enjoying teasing her, holding her, pushing her.

She squirms, eyes rolled up, as you hold her down to the base in your groin. You choke her like that, enjoying Terumi sputtering on the other end of the line. "You have my cock in your mouth. You can't speak or even breathe. Your mouth and throat are just holes for my cock right now, and there's no resistance, because you understand." Terumi orgasms again on the other end of the line.

You finally yank your autistic little sadist up a bit, so just the tip of your cock is contained in her throat. You let go at that point, splashing cum all over the inside of her mouth, making her gurgle and pant as you douse her in milk chocolate cum. "Coming," you groan, over the line, to Terumi, who promptly orgasms as well. When you finally finish, you glance at the time - cutting it close, for sure. "Tell me thank you," you order Terumi.

"Thank you, Master," she slurs, while Noriko enjoys the cum in her mouth for a few seconds.

"Good girl," you tell her, making her moan a bit. "I'll see you at school."

"I love you, Master," Terumi says before you hang up.

Noriko swallows and rises from her position, and you hurriedly zip up before heading out to the car to go to school. The two of you ride in relative silence, and when you get to school, there's no time before class starts to really socialize with other students, especially with needing to deposit Terumi's picnic basket in Shiiro's car for safekeeping.

Class itself is fairly easy - Chanette receives her test back from yesterday and seems excited by the result, though she tempers it when she notices you looking. You get a perfect 100. Terumi is obviously full of giddy excitement by the date that the two of you will be going on shortly. When class ends, you're feeling relaxed and refreshed, Terumi practically bouncing in the seat next to you.

You step up to the front desk, leaning over it. Amaya-sensei's attention turns instantly to you, curious why the best student in the class is here. "Nanashi-san?"

"Hey," you say. "Can we set up a study date, after school on Monday? I've got some more stuff I'm having trouble with."

"Of course," Amaya-sensei says, removing her notebook and making a quick note. "I'm free that day." She fidgets. "I probably shouldn't be so quick to volunteer how little of a social life I have," she adds.

You just laugh. "I'm sure you have plenty of friends. Monday afternoon isn't exactly peak time for friendly hangouts, though." She blushes. "I'm sorry, I promised I'd take Terumi home, so I'll have to go now."

"Oh, of course, go right ahead," she says, smiling, tucking her hair behind her ear as you get up.

Given how obviously giddy Terumi is to get your date started, you can hardly let the sweet and giddily in love girl hang too long. You look at her and jerk your head to the door, and she excitedly follows you into the car, where the picnic basket still waits.

"Take us to Kamashiro Park," you tell Shiiro, before closing the privacy screen.

Terumi's smiling broadly, obviously excited. "Thank you for this, Master, I promise you won't regret taking your concubine on a date, I'll be on my best behavior," she says, raising her hand up as if to take an oath.

"I might want you on a little less than that," you say, running your eyes along Terumi's body. Your eyebrow quirks as you notice the long dress of hers - an unusual trait for school uniform, though not actually against school policy - and you smile a little. She obviously knows what you're thinking, and blushes back, thighs shaking a little. "You're a good girl, but you can get naughty, can't you?"

"Yes, Master," she says, readily. "I'll be naughty whenever and however you like to, I'm ready." She says it with certain assurity.

You don't like to have sex where just anyone can stumble upon you, but there is a bit of Kamashiro Park that's currently undergoing renovation, and the workers even have Saturdays off, so it's easy to slip inside and find a nice spot where nobody can see you and you might as well be in a separate world.

Terumi sets out the picnic blanket, places down a meal, and looks up at you with concern for how good a job she did. You pat her head. "You did good, Terumi. Come sit in my lap," you say. She nods, doing so, hiking her skirt up a bit. You take out your phone, flicking through it a little. "I plan on taking every girl in our class as mine, including Amaya-sensei," you tell her, and she flushes with arousal. "Plus my mother, my 'aunt,' my two sisters, and my half-sister. Plus your mother, and Noriko's, as well as Sumiko's sister. Probably a few more." She breathes heavily.

You hike up her skirt, pulling it up so her bare buttocks presses against your pants. "Place my cock inside you," you order, and she bites her lower lip and does so. She undoes your pants, slips her panties to the side, and slithers down, a little squelched squeak of orgasm escaping her lips as she comes right then and there. "Take a look at this," you say, showing her Setsuko's text from earlier, the one that went to her husband. She whimpers beautifully as she reads it.

"You're so amazing Master," she breathes out, eyes lidding.

"That's right, I am," you tell her, with a certain smugness to your voice. "Now. Feed me my lunch."

She nods breathlessly, grabbing food from the piles in front of you, squirming and panting a bit as your cock twists inside her. She grabs a bit of canteloupe first, offering it up to your lips, gently sliding her fingers along your lips as she pushes it inside, eyes wide as she quivers with arousal.

You start to pump your hips a bit, making her squeak, and take a bit of food as well, hand-feeding her and following it up with a kiss. She moans throatily into your mouth, practically sucking on your tongue, and orgasms again like that. You pull your lips away, admiring her features, and she hurriedly grabs a slice of meat, offering it up to you to chew on. You take it, smiling gently at her as you chew, your hands on her hips, grinding along her.

"You absolutely can't tell anyone about this," you tell her, and she nods squeakily. "No one. Not Noriko, not Sumiko, not Yuriko."

"Yes Master," she breathes, then orgasms on your cock, her cunt squeezing you tightly.

"This is a secret that only you and I know." She orgasms at that, eyes rolling up, as she comes a second time from the knowledge that she's being trusted with something like that. "One day the other girls will learn, but for now, they aren't to be told."

"Yesh Mashter," she slurs, a little drool splashing out of her mouth, onto her skirt. You hand-feed her further, and in between orgasms she reciprocates the favor, feeding you right back, her cheeks bright red with arousal as she does so.

"You've more than earned a boon from me," you tell her, wrapping your arms around her belly and pulling her into a tight hug, your cock still inside her. She squeaks and shivers on your cock. "Tell me what I can do to make you even happier."

"A~h," she pants out, eyes wild. "Just let me be yours, Master, let me be all yours! You've already done more than enough."

You give her a little swat. "I'll be the judge of that." She moans in her throat at your dominance even in this matter. "Now tell me."

Her eyes seem to spin as she contemplates it, and she orgasms on your dick, breathless. "Nn..." she pants out, breathing heavily, her chest heaving. "I don't, don't know," she pants. "Just for me?"

"Just for you," you tell her. She shivers on your cock as she contemplates it.

"Ahm, I kind of want to help you deflower all the girls you're going to ta~ake, and teach them to serve you better, b-but, I don't want to impose," she breathes. Her eyelids flicker up and down. "P-plus, I su~spect, you'll have me do, some of that, an-nyway." She squeals in orgasm again, coming hard on your dick, and you patiently wait her out. "I want to slee~eep with you, not in the sex sense, but in your bed..." she pants and squirms. "I want to smell you all night long..." She squirms. "A~ah, I don't know, Master," she gasps out. "I feel like you're already doing everything I could reasonably hope forrrr, with things as they are."

"Next Sunday, then," you tell her, with a smile. "And you know what?" You add, kissing her neck. "I'm going to throw in a little extra present." She gasps on your cock as you grind into her. "I'm going to put on a hoodie and do a whole bunch of exercise in it, really sweat in it," you explain, and her eyes seem to bulge at the thought. "Maybe a few day's worth, not wash it. Then give it to you."

She orgasms at that, at the thought of having something that reeks of you to cuddle with and smell and hold in bed. "Thank you Master!" She practically screams it out as she comes, breathless.

The remainder of your meal passes rather more quietly, though she comes a couple more times before finally popping off your cock, leaving your dick wet, but free of her holes. She looks down at it a little sadly. "You haven't come, Master," she says, sounding genuinely apologetic.

"I didn't want to waste it. I wanted filling up your womb to be the capstone to our date. Speaking of which..." you lie down, gesturing to her to sit astride you, her long dress sliding up to her hips as she straddles you, your cock rubbing along her wet slit. She bites her lip as she stares down at you, obviously excited about fucking you.

"You're going to do the work this time," you tell her, and she nods readily, starting to rise and fall on your cock, her cunt enveloping you. She's incredibly wet, her juices practically drooling down onto your cock, as she starts to bounce. Your hands reach up for her school blazer, which you undo and she shucks aside, leaving her in just her blouse. You start to unbutton that as well, and she whimpers and sighs, closing her eyes as she's left half-topless, wearing just a bra and her dress as she hops up and down your cock.

"Let me get the bra, Master," she practically breathes, still bouncing, but now starting to shift a little, working her hips forwards and backwards as well as up and down, her hands going behind her back. Her big, firm round tits pop out, and your hands reach up for them, groping one in either hand, and she bites her lower lip, hissing, as you knead the firm flesh like dough. "Ah, you're so good, Master."

You smile up at her, and she orgasms, spasming atop you. You lean up, towards her where she leans over your body, her hips working absently, her cunt squeezing your cock as she drools a little. You start to whisper in her ear, still groping her breasts in either hand. "One day, not very far away, I'm going to knock you up, just like this." She whimpers softly, breathlessly, her eyes squeezing shut as she rides out her orgasm. "These breasts of yours will swell up a bit, just for milk for our children. All our children, since my children with Yuriko, and Noriko, and Sumiko, and Setsuko... all of them will be yours too, won't they?" She whimpers, nodding rapidly, her cunt squeezing on your dick as she comes a second time, seeming almost to cry from how hard she's coming.

You grasp her chin, tilting her head, and kiss her on the lips, your tongue slipping into her mouth. She moans, sucking face with you eagerly, hands coming up to claw at your backside as she tries her best to bounce on your cock as she comes hard and constantly. She shifts from an up down motion to more a circular, back and forth thing, twisting your cock forward and back, making her sputter into your mouth as she comes again, juices splashing down atop your groin.

You let off your kiss and lie back down on the blanket, watching her nice tits bounce, your hands sliding down her stomach to her hips, groping her ass. "You have such a sexy body," you tell her, and she squeaks, smiling, as she bounces, at the compliment. "No... I have such a sexy body, since you're mine," you tell her, and her cheeks turn red as you say that. "This ass is mine. These hips are mine," you say, hands running up, "this stomach is mine, these tits are mine, these lips are mine," you say, running your thumb along her lower lip. You then thrust two fingers into her mouth, and she moans and orgasms again, eyes rolling up. "This tongue is also mine. It's all mine, isn't it?" Delirious with pleasure, she just nods rapidly, eyelids flickering as she comes hard.

"Yeah, of course it is. You're my precious, loyal concubine, my willing servant, ready to help me seduce a good twenty other girls just to satiate my lust, aren't you?" She gurgles around your fingers, nodding, as she bounces on your dick, her fingers clawing at your chest as she tries to keep her balance. Her expression is crazed with pleasure, trying desperately to keep going, to pleasure you even though she's obviously in intense pleasure herself, sputtering out drool onto your shirt every half-minute or so, her juices drooling onto your cock and thighs and even the blanket.

You pull your hand out of her mouth, then slide it down to her throat, gently teasing it, eyes cautious, thoughtful. "Even your throat is mine." She swallows, and you can feel it, the tension in her as she wonders if you'll do it, if you'll choke her, the way it makes her cunt squeeze around your cock as she realizes, knows, accepts, loves, that if you wanted to you could do that and she wouldn't even complain. You let your hands slide back down to her thighs, groping them through her dress as she continues to bounce. "All of you."

Your hands run along her body as she comes over and over. Any hope she had of communicating meaningfully with you is long gone, and there's just iron hard concentration and loyalty keeping her bouncing rather than simply collapsing atop you. Her whole body shakes, sweat dripping down, as her fuck goes on for what doubtless feels like an eternity by the increasingly crazed way she looks down at you. She finally pants something out, just one word: "Please." You don't release even then, just teasingly smiling up at her as you play with her nipples.

After several more orgasms she finally collapses atop you, her purple hair occluding the world as her chin comes to rest on your shoulder, tits pressing into your chest. She whimpers pitifully, as if she'd failed you, and you release inside her, coming up her cunt. "Good girl," you say softly, one hand stroking her head. "Very good girl." She hums in delirious satisfaction at having successfully pleased her master, and just lies atop you for a while like that, obviously completely exhausted by your long fucking.

You gently cuddle and kiss her, running your hands along her body, before finally letting her lie down. She mumbles blearily, hand reaching out, when you start to clean. "Don't worry, Terumi. This is pleasing me, letting me do something nice for the concubine I love," you tell her. She blushes and lets her hand fall downward as you finish cleaning up.

You lie back down with her, cuddling for a while, and she softly leans against you, humming sleepily. Eventually, she recovers enough to sit up, starting to get dressed again, a gentle smile on her lips as she pulls on her bra, her blouse, her blazer. "Thank you, Master, for everything. This was wonderful." She blushes briefly, looking down. "Ah... I can't wait for your hoodie, Master. Can I smell you now?"

"Go ahead," you say, with a smile.

She leans forward, sniffing your neck noisily, sliding her nostrils down to your chest, her eyes rolling up, nostrils flaring, as she moves to your armpits as well. "Ah, you smell so good, Master..." she sighs. "I wonder if I'm bonded to you and that's why it smells so good... or if it's just your natural scent..." she says it dreamily, sleepily, not realizing she dropped the b-word.

"Well, whatever it is, it doesn't matter. You're mine either way." You gently pet her as she sniffs your body a bit further. You check your watch and regrettably have to stop - you've got a hot date with a sexy lady (your mother). "Terumi, I need to be going home now," you tell her.

"Ah... yes, Master," she says, nodding. She smiles at you as she withdraws from your chest. "Thank you for this wonderful date again," she says, as she stands up, adjusting her panties a bit, presumably to help keep your cum from dripping down her legs.

"I enjoyed it a lot too," you tell her, giving her a peck on the cheek.

The car trip home mostly passes in silence, Terumi just resting her head on your shoulder and wrapping her arms around one of yours, pressing it against her chest a bit as she snuggles you. When you get out of the car and head inside, she's left for Shiiro to drive home.

You head up to your room, taking a brisk shower and changing into something more high-class and presentable, before striding down. You find your mother in an absolutely lovely dress, the kind with the open back and the thick straps around the neck making a cute sort of bow around the back of her neck. She's wearing high-heels that clack, making her an inch or so taller than you, an inversion of the norm. "Nan-chan," she says, warmly, as she sees you. "You're looking particularly handsome." She adjusts her glasses, and you absently adjust yours as well, making her giggle. "You always sympathetically adjust your glasses whenever I do. It's cute."

"It's cuter when you do it," you tell her, taking her into a hug and kissing her cheek, making her squeak and blush. "Besides, you're worthy of emulating."

"I can tell when you're buttering me up." She pauses, wearing a wry smile. "Though that doesn't mean I don't like it." She takes your hand in hers, guiding you towards her car. (She has her own driver too, naturally.) There's no privacy screen in her car because there's just an intercom instead - what happens in the back is always private.

"I've been looking forward to this," you tell her, sincerely, and she smiles back, crossing her legs primly. With her dress that does amazing things to her body.

"I have too. It's been too long since we spent time together like this, Nan-chan."

You move to sit next to her, sliding your arm around her, and she smiles and leans back against you. "All the guys at the club will definitely be jealous of me for hanging out with such a beautiful woman." You kiss her cheek, making her blush. "I'll be sure to show you the incredible dance moves that swept Yuriko off her feet on the dance floor."

She blushes a bit brighter at that, turning primly. "Well, I hope that they're as amazing as you seem to think they are," she says, a light tease to her voice. "I'd hate to find out that Yuriko is just hypersensitive."

You smile. "That does remind me. Yuriko and I had lunch yesterday, and I got another kiss from her. She orgasmed from it."

That makes Kimiko's lips curl up wickedly. "That's good. Keep that up," she says. "You'll have her wrapped around your finger in no time. Trust me," she says, patting your thigh, not sexually, just reassuringly. "Ah..." she sighs, leaning back, into your arm. "You know, you make a very handsome date yourself. I suspect I'll be the target of more jealousy than you. In fact..." she slides her ring off her finger, tucking it into her purse. "A mismatched ring might make people overly confused," she tells you. "And I'd like to see my special boy get lustful stares from a half-dozen girls who think he's being taken advantage of by an older woman," she says with a little sadistic smirk.

"It would be absolutely impossible for me to be 'taken advantage of' by you, Kimiko," you say, using her name. "You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever met." Kimiko blushes at the compliment, and the car soon stops at the Nadeshiko club, the intercom buzzing, and the two of you get out, with you first, and Kimiko following you, taking your hand to help her out of the club. She presses her glasses up against her nose, and again you automatically mimic the motion with your own.

Kimiko steps up to the bouncer, gives him a registration number, and she and you are let inside. "So," she says, turning to you. "How will you wine and dine me?" She says it with a teasing little smirk. "I want to see my Nan-chan's techniques, so I can give you a few pointers and tips to get Yuriko down on her hands and knees."

"Well, first, let's find a seat," you say, taking her hand, guiding her to a table and pulling out her chair, letting her be seated. Then you sit down across from her, smiling. "Then, if I know what she likes, I'll order for her. It shows both that I care about what she likes, and that I remember it."

You raise your hand for the waitress, who's a very cute girl but you're trying to lay the groundwork to fuck your mother. "One shared plate of Anaverian salad," you say, "extra garlic, hold the olives." Kimiko blushes as you pick out one of her favorite dishes. "And a side of Koketi in a bowl." She blushes even brighter at that as you name the little confectionary treat she enjoys as a side dish.

The waitress also requests your drinks, and she orders a glass of Maribian wine for herself, and you get some flavored water, being below the legal age to drink here.

"It's nice to see you remember details like that, though I am your mother," she notes.

"Well, Yuriko has her own interests I use to warm her up. For her, it's other women. For you... you're more complicated than that. I do have a little advantage in that you already love me and have mentioned missing my affection," you tell her with a small smile. "I'm taking that to heart." She blushes at the comment.

You chat about the household finances with her - it's only a couple days until you're going to be back on that particular grindstone, after all. The meal arrives, and you hand feed her, forking the salad and feeding it into her mouth. She blushes brightly but goes along with it, even reciprocating, and you also pop the Koketi in her mouth as well, letting your fingers linger just a little too long to see her reaction. Nothing negative at all.

Finally what you're waiting for comes on - Best of Two, which is a Kurogayan love song that kind of reminds you of the blues, in terms of sound. It also happens to be a slow, intimate, romantic dance associated with it. You stand up. "May I have this dance, Kimiko?"

"You may," she says, smiling and rising herself. You take her to the dance floor, hands together with hers.

You place your hand at the small of your mother's back and move, pressing your body's tight against one another, working her as hard as you can. You try to tease her breasts, to rub her cunt against you a bit, her dress obscuring it. All innocently, of course, just the natural course of a close, intimate dance like this, and while she blushes and smiles girlishly, occasionally tucking her hair behind her ear, in three long dances she doesn't come once.

You wind up sitting back down, a little antsy from your failure to pull off quite what you were going for, but she seems to be very pleased herself. "That was excellent, Nan-chan. I can definitely see how you could really get Yuriko's motor going. You should ask her out here again, see if you can make her come. I'll foot the bill."

"I don't know, mother. Don't you think my technique could use some refinement?"

She smiles. "You are such a little go-getter," she teases. "You made a girl orgasm from dancing, Nan-chan. You're an excellent dancer."

"I still can't help but feel like I have room to improve."

"Fine, if you ever want to practice, I'll help you out a bit, okay?" She pats your hand. "Really, it was amazing though. Don't feel like you're a bad dancer, because you're not."

"Well, thank you." You lean up. "Speaking of, do you know Raya-san from my class?"

"Hm. The name sounds familiar..."

"She's from Raj Haval?" You raise a hand to the waitress and gesture to your drinks, which by now are emptied out. "Her father's a contractor in the oil business."

"Oh yes! Raya Mikohana," she says, smiling. "Yes, I recognize the name now. She's not exactly the same class as you or Yuriko, but either kissing cousins or a step or two below, depending on how you count it. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering if it was the sort of relationship you approved of."

She smiles. "Well... she comes from a well-off family, something akin to ours, but they practice polygamy in Raj Haval, so her mother is actually the seventh or something daughter of her father's. More like Momo, perhaps, for a domestic example. Connected, connections, but not exactly heir to the throne." The waitress returns to your table with a fresh round of wine and flavored water. "Her father's title is some stringy thing that means he knows a lot about geology and chemicals so he can tell companies where to mine." She takes a sip of her glass. "Rich, but not our kind of rich, you understand?"

"A good paycheck, but not independently wealthy."

"Precisely," Kimiko says with a nod. She takes another drink of her wine. "Making friends with her would be an excellent idea, Nan-chan, if you can manage it." She laughs. "Well, of course you can do anything you set your mind to, you're my special boy." She sips at her wine some more.

"Friends certainly sounds manageable," you say, with an even smile, already plotting out how to make her orgasm before the night's through. You chat, making sure she has several more glasses of wine, before finally requesting the check. She calls her driver, signs the check when it arrives, and the two of you are off.

She actually stumbles a little at one point, but manages to catch herself, laughing, a little red hue from the alcohol to her cheeks. "Maybe I had a little too much to drink," she says. "Too bad you can't get Yuriko with this," she adds, as she gets in the car, still smiling. "A girl who's tipsy is a lot easier to seduce, and all that," she says, lounging on the seat, closing her eyes and breathing softly.

You snuggle up next to her, putting your hand on her thigh. Her dress prevents it from being skin to skin contact, but she doesn't resist or really even seem to notice, as she rests in her chair. She leans over and kisses your head at some point on the trip. "Such a special boy," she says, running her fingers through your hair.

When you arrive home, you know that this will be your last opportunity to press the attack. With the dance, and the drinking, and the romance, you might just be able to manage something.

"I'm going to hit the bath," you say, removing your dinner jacket. "That dancing worked up a bit of a sweat." She blushes at the reminder of the dance - perhaps it worked up more than a sweat in her? "Care to join me?"

"That sounds nice," she says. "You're going to have to do all the work, I'm feeling very lazy right now."

"Of course, mother," you say. You run the bath, the water level starting to rise, and she disrobes before you even get done with that, pulling down her panties without a second thought, clacking her glasses onto the sink counter. She hops into the bath, a little splash, and gazes up at you.

"Going to get undressed, Nan-chan?" She asks, a little teasingly. "I don't think you want to ruin those nice clothes."

"Of course, mother," you say, stepping back, pulling off your glasses and clothes hurriedly. You don't want her to realize your intent.

You hop into the bath, the water splashing about, and she smiles gently at you. "You're a real looker," she says, gently running her finger along your shoulder. "Handsome, smart... that Yuriko girl should count herself lucky and just bend over to get it over with, honestly."

"I'm sure she will," you say. "Turn around, let me wash your back." Kimiko obediently turns around, showing you her naked, lovely backside, pale supple skin presented to the light. Your hands run along her skin, rubbing in water and soap, wanting to get her worked up, working subtly to keep her on the edge. "If only she were as wise as you," you tell her, and Kimiko giggles a little.

"I do have an unfair advantage, in that I know you're so smart it's hard to convince friends that you really can do the things I claim."

"Do you have any other advice for me? Thus far, it's been very helpful. I want you to teach me as much as you can."

"Mmm..." she sighs, closing her eyes. "Hard to think of anything particularly good... Yuriko... mm. A lezzo," she says, sighing as your fingers press against her shoulderblades again. "Maybe get her a personal whore? Oh, that's stupid," she mumbles. "I'm drunk, sorry."

"It's fine."

"Whatever you can think of to make her come, that's what's most important. It's best if she doesn't realize what you're doing, though that can be difficult at times." She sighs. "Just take her to the club and make her come from dancing until she's a puddle," she decides.

"I have such an intelligent mother," you say, smiling at the irony. You push your chest against her back, taking hold of her shoulder and pulling her up a bit, using the other hand to rub soap along her neck. She just sighs, letting you pamper her like this. "You're feeling lazy," you tell her, "let me pamper you. Wash everywhere."

"Mm, that sounds nice..." she hums, eyes closed as she leans against you. Your hands gingerly run down her breasts, and she barely even reacts, though you make sure every single finger runs along her nipples on their way south, making her pant a bit. You push one leg between her thighs, gently teasing her cunt as you run your fingers along her stomach, soaping everything up beneath you. She just enjoys herself, putty in your hands.

As your hands gingerly run back up her breasts, planning to slide around and massage her shoulders, she jerks, squeaking a bit, fingers suddenly grasping the edge of the bath. Her eyes blink rapidly, her body tensing and then going slack, and she pants in relief.

"You alright, mother?" You ask, pretending to be confused.

"Fuh, fine. Excellent. L-let me wash myself," she says, waving you back, and you dutifully slide back in the bathtub, now mostly full. She rubs at her face for a couple seconds before flipping around and slouching down to take a seat, offering you a plastered smile.

"Did you have a nice date? I'd like to spend some more mother/son bonding time with you," you tell her, with a gentle smile, not letting your expression reveal your true intent.

"I did. It was very nice. Your father's been so busy with work he doesn't even have time for me, lately. Getting ready for the trip on Monday," she explains. She slinks beneath the water's surface, closing her eyes, before popping back up and taking a deep breath.

You turn around. "Could you wash my back?" You ask. "Since I did yours."

"Oh, sure," she says, hurriedly. She gets up behind you and starts rubbing, her perky nipples and firm tits occasionally brushing at your backside as she works before she rapidly pulls them back. You can practically feel the warmth of her cheeks as she works you over, before she finally finishes, giving your back a quick slap. "This was nice, Nan-chan," she says. You hear her withdraw from the water, grabbing a towel and starting to dry off, before getting clothed and heading towards her room.

You do much the same. After putting on your glasses, you check your watch, and it's pretty clear your date went long, but at least you've got Kimiko close to falling in lust with you.

You decide to find Noriko and Setsuko, who are currently in their room. Setsuko is using her phone, furiously typing away on the little 9-pad to text on her flip phone, her expression enraged. Noriko, on the other hand, is lying on the bed, facing away from her, as you enter.

Noriko turns around as you come in, offering you a small smile, whereas Setsuko takes a few seconds to finish whatever she's typing before angrily turning off her phone, practically hurling it down onto the bed when she does, breathing heavily.

"Good evening, Nanashi," Noriko says, sitting up. "How was your day?"

"It was good. Yours?"

"It was also pleasant."

Setsuko looks to be pouting, but she tries to wipe the expression off her face, forcing on a smile. "It's nice to see you again, Nanashi-sama," she says. She pauses for a moment, then smiles, genuinely this time, the sort of smile that says somebody is about to have an unhappy night. "How about another photo tonight? This one of me and Noriko both bouncing on your cock," she says. Noriko just tilts her head in confusion, not quite understanding.

"It sounds wonderful," you tell her, unbuttoning your shirt and tossing it on the ground. Setsuko soon starts stripping herself, a certain sadism in her eyes as she removes her nightwear, that same innocent teddy from last night. Noriko removes her simple pajama shirt as well, just sort of moving on autopilot. She's not wearing a bra or anything underneath it.

"What is the purpose of this photograph?" Noriko asks.

"To send to your father."

"Why would we send him such a photo?"

"To really piss him off. He made that comment about oyakodon when we left, remember? Well, let's show him our oyakodon," she says, puffing up her chest a bit.

"If this would make him unhappy, then I would enjoy that," Noriko says, as she pulls off her pajama pants. Her mother similarly removes her panties, and the three of you are naked. You quickly bolt the door shut as you remember to do so, before clambering onto the bed with two beautiful ladies - the sweet and motherly big-titted Setsuko, and the secretly sadistic little Noriko.

You lie down between the two of them, stomach (and cock) up. "How about we get started with a double blowjob?"

"That sounds pleasant, Nanashi," Noriko says, while Setsuko just channels her angry energy into immediately getting down there and wrapping her tits around your dick while slurping on your head. Noriko crawls down, looking confused briefly, before getting between your thighs and leaning forward. Her little tongue lashes out at your balls, then her lips start to suckle, while Setsuko greedily slurps and drools on yor cock, making a lot of loud noises, as if, were they to be sufficiently loud, her husband would hear and break down crying.

Noriko's tongue and lips leave your balls, instead slithering down your taint to poke at your butt. You pump fruitlessly in Setsuko's tits, and she comes from the sensation, moaning, her fingers digging into her tits and smushing them around your cock, making you groan even more. As Setsuko comes down, you reach for her hair, pulling her up a bit. "Setsuko. Tell me about what you were texting Goro."

Setsuko blushes as she realizes how obvious it is who she was texting. "I sent him that text, that I also sent you," she says, still coming down from her orgasm. Noriko pulls her head out of your thighs and crawls around a bit, grabbing her mother's tits, smushing them around your dick and just sort of staring, lifting them up and down. Setsuko lets go of her own breasts, giving Noriko control, and your cute little girlfriend leans forward to suckle on your cockhead, glancing up at you out of the corner of her eyes. "He sent me back a text calling me a big-titted whore, so I called him a worthless ass, and he said I was only good as a sex aid, and it went back and forth like that. He never seemed angry, which is the part that pisses me off," she says, frowning, and Noriko squeezes her tits, popping off your cock for a second.

"So you do not mind being considered an onahole? For example, if I were to state that I am using your tits as an onahole for Nanashi's cock right now, that would not bother you?"

Setsuko blushes. "N-no, you know, I don't care about his opinion, of course I love you sweetie." Noriko leans forward again, kissing and licking at your tip, watching your face for a reaction. "A-anyway." She squeaks and orgasms again from Noriko's rough playing with her tits, and Noriko lets go of them, letting her breasts fall away.

Then she slurps your cock to the base in a single stroke, a smooth motion that's so well-prepared that, combined with the twinkle in her eye, you can't help but wonder if she made her mother come just so she could deepthroat you. She twists her head from side to side before popping up, then slamming back down, fucking her face on your cock until she comes, eyes rolling up, from sucking cock. Her body shivers, and her mother pulls her little girl's head off your cock, leaving her panting, head lying on your stomach, before straddling you and just shoving you in, big tits bouncing as she starts to ride you cowgirl.

Noriko awakens and leans forward a bit, licking your cock when Setsuko's too high up on it, her mother's tits bouncing freely, eagerly, from the force with which she rides you. It doesn't take her long to come, and you let your hands grasp her hips in either hand, keeping her pumping on your cock as she orgasms repeatly, tits bouncing. Noriko pulls up, reclining next to you, and stares up at her mother. One hand snakes down between her legs, fingering her, making her squeak in surprise, then bite her lip gently and simply enjoy your fingering, while her mother eagerly bounces up and down your cock.

"Do you enjoy bouncing on Nanashi's cock?" Noriko asks, tilting her head. "Do you like having his large dick fill you up?" Setsuko blushes and nods rapidly. "Do you prefer sexual activity with him to sex with your husband?"

"Yes!" She half-hisses, half-screams it, orgasming as she does, her cunt squeezing and milking your cock and trying to drag every last drop of ejaculate out of you. You release inside her, and her eyes roll up, her hands planting on either side of your body as she comes, panting, drooling a bit, trying to catch her breath. When you're finished, you gently roll her to one side.

Immediately, Noriko clambers atop you instead, filling her tight cunt with your cock. "Please do not be done yet, Nanashi. I have been waiting to feel you inside me since class today." You smile up at her, gingerly grasping her hips, starting to fuck her in earnest, making her bounce up and down your dick. You just pound your cute girlfriend, while her mother gently leans against you and nibbles and suckles at your neck, humming throatily as her daughter gets fucked up and down your cock.

"I-I see," Noriko pants out, "that, your daughter, being, atop," she sputters, "Nanashi, doesn't stop you," she swallows and orgasms, eyes unfocusing for a second as she stifles a squeak. When she comes down a bit, she continues, still breathing heavily as she's made to bounce on your dick, her small body easy to manipulate, "doesn't stop you, from showing him physical, affection. Do you, not care? Or does it actively, bring you pleasure, to know, that," she swallows, nearing yet another orgasm, wincing a bit as she tries to hold it back, "your daughter, is, c-coming!" She moans the last word, fingers grasping your chest as she comes, a little spittle escaping her lips.

Setsuko blushes, squirming at the question, and Noriko just keeps repeating it as she bounces on your dick, coming several more times, a certain cruel smirk starting to appear on her lips as she asks over and over again, as though she was happy to have found a question so embarrassing her mother couldn't answer it. At last, after being asked probably five times straight, Setsuko just goes, "Okay, it makes me happy! I'm happy Nanashi-sama makes you feel good!"

Noriko orgasms at that, her tight cunt growing ever tighter, and you finally unload inside her, making her arch her back and roll her eyes up in triumph, before finally slumping on top of you, your cock still filling her up. You gingerly lift her and place her atop her mother, so their pussies are lined up, and then get off the bed, fumbling for your phone before snapping a quick few pics of their double creampied pussies, as well as one profile shot that excludes their faces.

You wrap your arms around them, gingerly drawing them into a hug with you, snuggling both. "You're part of a new family now. Not just me, my sisters, my mother - but also Sumiko, and Terumi, and it will just keep getting bigger and bigger. You're part of a much better family now."

"Thank you, Nanashi-sama," Setsuko says quietly. "For everything. You saved me, and made my life so much better. Even if you only care about me to enjoy my body... well, that's okay." She offers you a warm smile, genuine and almost soul-crushing in its sincerity. "I know you'll take care of me, and I know even just being your maid is better than being married to that asshole." She kisses your cheek, smiling at you.

"You're a wonderful woman, Setsuko," you tell her, with a gentle smile. "You're kind and caring, even to a fault. You're cute, when you make silly little puns, and you're sweet and thoughtful. You went to great lengths to save your daughter from Goro, and I know that... this, was part of that." You kiss her lips tenderly, sweetly. "I love you, now, and that love will only grow as I get to know you better."

She's crimson by the time you finish. "Ah... you didn't have to say all that," she says, shyly.

"Come on," you say, hefting Noriko up off her mother, standing yourself. "The two of you are going to sleep in my bed tonight."

The two girls get dressed, still a bit tuckered out from all the fucking, and the three of you sneak over to your room before locking the doors and getting naked again. Noriko snuggles against you on the right, Setsuko on the left, and the three of you go to sleep like that.