
Forty-Fourth Day: Assfucking Fumiko, Noriko & Terumi Roleplay As Each Other And Suck Dick, Fucking Sumiko While Noriko & Terumi Eat Out Yuriko, Prone Boning Mariko

You wake up, finding your body absently grinding against Fumiko's as she remains asleep. Her breath is soft, her lithe body on lewd, naked display as you lie there with your big sister. She's finally accepted the full depths of your love, in the form of your cock. You gently wrap your fingers around her stomach, pulling her into you, and she lets out a little sigh of pleasure, still asleep.

A faint buzzing comes from your pants, presumably Terumi's morning texts, which are presumably responsible for you being awake. Fumiko seems fully capable of remaining asleep through it all.

You gingerly move to collect your phone from the floor, flipping it open and reading through the predictable batch of texts. A few more add as you scroll for.

Good morning, Master!

I thought about how to fantasize about Raya, Kiyomi, Kyoko, and Chanette!

I think they'd all enjoy dominating me, in different ways!

With Kiyomi's androphobia, she could order me around to pleasure you, to make herself calmer while also making you happy!

With Kyoko's natural severity, I think she'd treat me like Noriko does, except without the paper thin excuses, which is really hot! She'd probably insult and degrade me, and I'd suffer it all for you, Master!

Chanette's so confident and cocky and I can see why you like her (besides just her big boobs!), and I was thinking she could compare her tits favorably to mine during a double titfuck.

Raya is so shy, so maybe something like Kiyomi would be nice, where I'm hers to do what she likes, so she can get an idea of what a sexual position looks like, or make me give her advice, or things like that.

Those are my thoughts off the top of my head, though, Master! I'm sure it'll be even sexier in real life.

I love you! ♡♡♡♡♡

This was a really fun exercise, feel free to make me think about how best to pleasure you all the time!

(I already kind of do! xoxo)​

You text her back.

I'm naked in bed with Fumiko after a wild night of fucking.

That's so great, Master! I hope you had a good time!

I did, thank you.


You put down the phone, taking your cock and angling it at Fumiko's butt, teasing it gently as you move into Fumiko. She mumbles, eyes fluttering open. She furrows her brow, then glances over her shoulder at you, then rolls her head back. "You should ask before fucking a girl's ass," she says, in an exhausted tone of voice.

You kiss Fumiko's bare back, gently teasing the supple, muscular flesh of it as you move. "I've been having lots of sex in lots of different ways with our mother and Minori, and I wanted to make up for lost time with you. Anyway... can I fuck your ass?" You ask, in a slightly teasing tone of voice. "Please?"

She sighs. "Fine," she says, after a long moment. "Be gentle, though. Nothing's been in there but toys."

You absently lick your lips at those words, the thought of Fumiko's anal defloration making your cock throb.

You take your dick and angle it at her butt, slowly, diligently, pushing your cock into the puckered little hole. She takes a deep breath, her fingers tensing a little as you start to plug her up. Your hands slide up her body, running along her toned stomach to her modest tits, gently playing with them, groping them. "You have an amazing pair of breasts," you breathe out, as you play with them, giving them a bit of a squeeze in the process, making her pant. Your lips softly kiss at her neck as you wait for her response.

"Th-thanks," she breathes out, as you finally bottom out inside her. Her fingers clench into fists, balling up as your balls slap against her thighs. She visibly bites her lower lip, struggling to keep a lid on her feelings, and you start to stroke, steady, regular movements. She lets out a faint breath, her toes curling, fists tightening, before finally coming with a low groan, moaning as she orgasms for the first time of the day, her butt squeezing around your cock and forcing you to hold still for a moment to wait for her to calm down.

Your lips kiss at her neck, running up it to her cheek, then you finally draw her into a real kiss, your tongue sliding into her mouth. She kisses back, tentative at first, but then with more and more sincerity, fucking her ass, enjoying her body. Your hands run along her, groping her nice little tits, her strong abs, her firm, full buttocks, her muscular thighs. She lets you, wriggling atop you in the process, her breathing in your mouth heavy as she orgasms again.

You fuck her like that for a long while, your tongue playing with hers as you grope and play with her. She's putty in your hands, her sexy body eager as she orgasms repeatedly from the treatment, her juices leaking out of her sex and staining the bed as you spoon-fuck your older sister. She grinds back into you, her muscular butt serving to help milk your cock, every moment exquisite. You fuck her like that, kissing and suckling her neck, enjoying the feeling of her in your arms.

You pull back from your kiss, admiring the lewd expression on her face, her lips slightly parted, her eyes wild with lust. A trail of saliva stretches from her lips to yours, and your hands grope her amazing, olympic-tier abs. "Your body is absolutely amazing," you breathe out, as you continue to fuck her. "These abs are so muscular and tight," you note, your hands sliding down to grope her butt. "Your butt is amazing too, as hard as iron." You groan as she tenses her muscles in there, and she wears a certain little smirk as you're distracted by it.

"Keep going, little bro," she tells you, and your cock throbs at those words. "Come on. I'm sure you've got more compliments in you."

"Your thighs, too," you grunt out, as she tries to milk you with her ass, forcing you to become breathless from the sheer pleasure. She smiles, enjoying every moment. "Muscular, a-and tight," you breathe out. Your hands continue up to her breasts.

"You already complimented those," she notes.

They keep going, up to her throat, absently teasing it. "Seeing this, b-beautiful thing, bulge with my cock, is so, fucking erotic," you pant out, as you fuck her. Your hands go up to her mouth, playing with her lips teasingly before slipping in to play with her tongue. "And this sensitive tongue," you groan, as you fuck her. "It's amazingly dextrous, too. You're so sensitive and pure, it's easy to tell you're a virgin, but I'm eager and happy to help break you in and make you a woman."

The fact that you're playing with her tongue keeps her from objecting to the description of her body, and you fuck her in steady, rapid strokes, increasing your pace in her ass. She doesn't complain, just getting wetter, some of her juices splashing onto the bed as you fuck and use her body.

"Toys can't compare to my cock, can they? Your little brother's going to make you come every day from now on," you groan, making a promise you're not sure you can keep. "I love your sexy ass, your lewd tongue, your eager body," you manage to get out before she orgasms again, her buttocks groping and milking your dick.

At that, you let go, exploding in her ass, filling her with a prodigious, thick load of cum, splattering it all up inside her and making her sigh and twitch, her hot breath in your mouth teasing and eager.

When you're completely spent, you slowly pull out, letting her heave and pant as you break off your kiss.

Your phone buzzes, and you glance at it - it's Setsuko, not Terumi, so you check the texts.

Good morning, Nanashi.

I have a little surprise for you. I hope you like it!

I was thinking of sending the picture to Goro too. Is that okay?​

Your cock throbs at the sight of Setsuko proudly celebrating her new impregnation. Back on Earth, it takes like ten days or two weeks or something for a pregnancy test to be accurate, but here, it's basically overnight.

If it makes you happy, go for it.

Alright. I'm going to send it!​

There's a brief pause.

I sent it! I bet he'll really react to this.​

He probably will. A man like Goro might not care about his woman back-talking him via text, but he certainly will about her getting knocked up by another man and parading it around. You slide over to Fumiko. "Hey, want to check out some texts?" You ask. She shrugs, giving you a 'why' look. "Remember when I asked you for advice on that abused wife? Well, here she is now," you say, showing her the phone.

Fumiko reads through the images, and gives a somewhat awkward smile at it. "Good for... you two?" She says, uncertain what response exactly you wanted.

"Setsuko's really happy now that she's my girlfriend. She's able to pursue something she really wanted but couldn't before she met me."

Fumiko puts two fingers to the side of her head, as if attempting to perform some difficult mental task. "This is... a metaphor for us," she says, at last. She slides out of bed, heading directly into the shower. She doesn't bother to close the door as the water starts rushing down on her.

You follow after her into the shower. You wrap your arms around her as the water comes down around you both, her braid let loose on her back. "How are you feeling about all this?" You ask her, your voice soft and gentle. "I want you to be happy."

"I'm happy," she says, with a shrug. Your hands absently run along her stomach. "It's kind of weird, but I just need to process it, or whatever. I don't want to have a big talk about it."

"Fine, no big talk," you say, kissing her neck, suckling at the bare flesh. She sighs, leaning back into you, but she clearly doesn't actually want to fuck by her body language. You let her, enjoying a shower with your sister for a while before drying off, getting dressed, taking your pill, and otherwise making yourself presentable and ready for school.

You head downstairs, finding your mother already at the breakfast table, and have Akiko make you something too, as you settle down. "Morning, Nan-chan," she says pleasantly as you take your seat.

"Good morning, mother." You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath. "Setsuko is pregnant and very happy about it, and I've now fucked Fumiko in all three holes."

Kimiko smiles. "That's my Nan-chan," she says, reaching over to briefly cup your cheek. "You're such an amazing young man."

"How did things go with Raya's grandparents?"

"Oh, very nicely," Kimiko says, with a nod. "There's a bit of formality left, but I think they're quite enthused. I gave them some papers to read over, I expect they'll get back to me with a yes before the day's end."

You take your foot, kicking off your shoe, and gently brush at Kimiko's thigh, absently running along it. She glances at Akiko as the woman brings your breakfast - a nice toast and drink. "Why don't you take the rest of the morning off, Akiko? You work so very hard. Setsuko can fill in if we need her."

"Ah, yes Kimiko-sama," Akiko says, giving a quick bow of her head before heading off in her own direction. Kimiko turns her gaze towards you, licking her lips.

"So, Nan-chan. Were you just teasing your mother, there, or did you want to actually do something?"

"I wanted to actually do something," you tell her. "This, specifically," you say, getting down on your knees under the table, surprising her as you start to lick at her sex. She sighs, squeaking a little, as your lips and tongue kiss her cunt.

You pull aside her panties, suckling, slurping, nibbling, licking. She sighs, groaning a little, running her fingers through your hair as she lets you work. "Oh, that's a good boy, Nan-chan," she breathes out, eyes closing as she enjoys you eating her out.

She doesn't fight you on it, just lets you enjoy yourself, suckling and slurping and licking at her wet cunt, her fingers running through your hair delightedly, humming, moaning a bit, biting her lower lip as she does so.

By the time you're done, you have only just enough time to quickly chow down on your breakfast and head to school. Noriko gives you a very delightful blowjob on the way there, helping to clear out some of your excessive arousal from your mother's delightful taste. You suspect Kimiko will want to repay the favor regardless, though - she's more a giver than a taker, after all, and cunnilingus is already odd to perform as the entirety of sex in a way fellatio isn't.

Noriko swallows and burps after she finishes you off, before taking her seat in your lap and snuggling into you. You kiss her neck and pet her hair.

You get to school with a few minutes to spare, most of your classmates already there. Only Masahiko and Shichiro are missing, in fact. You have enough time for a brief conversation, at least.

"Hey, Chanette, Raya," you say, stepping over to the pair with a wave. "How are things?"

"I am well. I mean, things are good," Raya corrects, absently pulling at her aja.

"Yeah, one thing is good, and it's below Nanashi's waist," Chanette says, then pauses as she realizes what she just said. "I mean, it thinks it's good. But it's not. It just thinks that because it gets stuck in everything Nanashi can find to stick it in. That's what I mean."

"That eager to try it out, huh?" You ask, with a teasing smirk.

"No!" She says, forcefully. Then she crosses her arms. "You just want to stick it in whatever you can find."

"I'm sorry, what is 'it'? Is it some kind of device?"

"Oh, it's a tool alright," Chanette replies, then promptly blushes. "A-ah, you know. Anyway. These aren't things to talk about around Raya, are they, Nanashi?"

"Well, I suppose not, Chan-chan," you say. "Have you seen anything interesting on television lately?" You ask. "I was just watching Empire's Conquest Maiden with my sister last night, it seemed pretty neat."

"Oh, I watch that. It is a very interesting show," Raya explains.

"I've seen a couple episodes too!" Chanette agrees. "I really like Ai Fuifu!"

"Feifu," Raya gently corrects, and Chanette blushes. The two girls babble about the show in rapid sequence, mostly to one another, and unfortunately you don't really know it that well to offer much contribution besides a bit here and there. Amaya-sensei soon enters the room and you have to take your seat, settling in to review your own materials.

There's a quick test, but you easily ace that and settle back into your studies as Amaya-sensei keeps an eye on the classroom as a whole. When lunch rolls around, you have a free moment, to talk to Kiyomi about the other night, or to arrange an orgy with six different girls, or to do something else entirely.

You take a moment to text Mariko.

Hey, Mariko. Since dad isn't asking for any, why don't you take some lewd pics for yours truly? Be creative.

Can do.​

Accompanying the text is one of her, sweaty, nipples hard, and topless. She's standing on the treadmill; you'd guess she was exercising before being texted. She's wearing an unsure smile, a light pink tone to her cheeks, as she looks at the camera. Another photo accompanies it, this one closer, looking down at her tits from above, hiding her face altogether, showing only the valley of her breasts. More photos follow, one by one, as your cock grows rapidly hard in your pants, as she simulates oral sex with her fingers, gives a close up of her butt and cunt, and strips for your viewing delight.

Of course, you have other things to do, right now. You put your phone away, ignoring the continual buzz of Mariko sending picture after picture. Instead, you step over to Kiyomi, who straightens up a little. "Hey," you say, your voice soft. "Everything cool with you?"

"Yes," she says, with a small nod. She's not stuttering, which is good. "I'm good." She offers an awkward smile. "H-how are you? Did, you know," she swallows, "sorry I'm not a..." she trails off. Virgin?

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you took this step with me, and I'm very happy you did," you tell her. You offer her your hand, and she shies away for a moment before pausing, reaching out for it, fingers gently caressing yours for a moment before she squeezes it. She smiles sweetly at you, not knowing what to say next, though, her cheeks heating up as the silence starts to stretch out.

"I have some free time after school today," you tell her. "We could go on a date again. Something light, maybe - a walk in the park? What would you like?"

"Ah, uhm," Kiyomi stammers a little. "The... the park sounds nice."

"Great." You give her fingers a brief squeeze back. "I have plans with Kyoko for this evening, and I'd invite you, but it's going to a concert, so I don't think you'd like it."

Kiyomi blushes and shakes her head. She gives a nervous smile. "Thanks," she says, quietly. "You're, you're very patient with me. Thanks."

"You're worth the wait," you tell her. "You say it like you're the lucky one, but the way I see it, I'm the one who's really lucky." You give her hand another quick squeeze, and she blushes. You lean forward, tenderly kissing her on the lips, just a quick peck. Her blush grows scarlet, but she smiles sincerely back as you pull off.

"I," she swallows, "I do need to eat," she says.

"Of course," you say, pulling your hand out from hers; she holds on just long enough to make it obvious she's doing so, then lets go. You pull your hand back, going to your seat, collecting your bento from Terumi. Rather than their standard of hearts, many of the pieces of food are cut into the shape of little ribbons, evoking her earlier lewd dress that Yuriko showed her off in. Terumi blushes and smiles as you glance her way, her fingers absently playing with one another as she looks at you.

You could go eat with Kiyomi... or, you know. Orgy.

You decide to give Kiyomi a little space, instead wolfing down your lunch before getting up and leaving the classroom. A few texts later, and you're joined in Room 42 by Noriko, Sumiko, Terumi, and Yuriko. Sumiko and Yuriko still have food to eat, but Noriko and Terumi finished theirs; Noriko by her methodical, natural pace, and Terumi by slurping down her food about as fast as you did on seeing you start to do that.

"Master, maybe I could put on a show for Mistress and everyone else?" Terumi offers, playing with the hem of her skirt in a way that teases her sex.

"I believe that I should have primacy in this matter, since I perform fellatio on you on a daily basis, which you enjoy greatly," Noriko responds.

"I suck his cock great when he lets me!" Terumi says, her eyes pleading with you. Yuriko is clearly enjoying watching this, barely touching her food, while Sumiko watches with an absent fondness as she slowly chews through a drumstick.

"Tell you what," you say, stepping towards both girls, gently caressing their cheeks, shutting them up for the moment. "Both of you can put on a show for Yuriko and Sumiko, but," you pause, catching their attention, "you have to try to speak like the other. Got it?"

"Yes, Master. I am your brainless concubine who enjoys sucking dick and being fucked by your big hard cock which erases any semblance of a personality I may once have had," Noriko says, in her perfect monotone. "Please facefuck my throat raw, Master. I love it so much."

Terumi's cheeks heat up, and she almost argues with Noriko, but instead she decides to counter in kind. "Nanashi. Please allow me to suck your cock. I enjoy sucking cock, and you enjoy having your cock sucked, therefore, it is good that you should fuck my face with your cock. This is only logical."

You reach for your pants, undoing your belt buckle and unzipping your cock out, letting your hard cock hang in the air. Both Noriko and Terumi almost immediately fall to their knees, staring at your dick. Noriko is the first, taking it into her mouth with a quick slurp, grinding your cock into her throat, her nostrils pressing against your pubes.

Terumi looks put out for a moment, then comes up with an idea, leaning down and kissing Noriko's throat where it bulges. You don't know if you can really feel it or it's a trick of the mind, but your cock definitely throbs at the sensation, whatever it is. "I enjoy sucking your cock, and therefore I should have preference, over and above your concubine," Terumi says, doing her best to keep up a monotone. Noriko just hums proudly into your dick, an almost invisible smile in her eyes from the fact that Terumi has no choice but to watch as she sucks on your cock. "Your concubine is just a hole which you enjoy fucking, while I am your beloved girlfriend. Please allow me to suck your cock."

You grip Noriko's hair, peeling her off slowly, and slip into Terumi's mouth instead. Once you let go of Noriko, she immediately goes to slurp on your balls, staring up at you. She tongues your balls for several seconds before popping off to speak. "Performing fellatio is a concubine's job, Master. I love sucking your cock, please let me instead of this much smarter, better girl, who is much cuter than me, as well as having a personality and thought that exists beyond you."

You laugh and pat Noriko's head, and she goes back to suckling on your balls while you grind your cock into Terumi's mouth. You grip her hair and start to fuck her throat, making her let out a soft glug-glug as she has her throat plugged up again and again by your cock, her eyes rolling up in pleasure as she starts to come from the rough treatment.

"Please, Master, I know I am not worthy to so much as lick your cum off the floor, as I am a brainless cocksucking bimbo, but I am your brainless cocksucking bimbo, and therefore you have at least some tiny duty to bring me pleasure, rather than merely using your smarter girls, who you love so much more than me." Terumi just gurgles on your cock as you fuck her face, before you finally pull her off.

A glance to the side shows Yuriko's playing with herself, while Sumiko simply watches impassively, her cheeks a little pink at the competition between your first two real girlfriends. You slide into Noriko's throat, pumping in and out steadily, leaving Terumi to try to manage a convincing Noriko.

"Cocksucking concubines do not deserve to perform fellatio on you, that right should be reserved for me, as your girlfriend. Only once you have satisfied my throat should you move on to a lower ranked girl such as her," Terumi says, as she stares at Noriko's throat. She absently starts to play with herself, and you reach for Yuriko, pulling her into a kiss, sucking on her tongue as you fuck Noriko's throat with increasing force, making her moan as she starts to orgasm.

You flip back and forth between the two girls as you make out with your future wife, then you pause for a moment, taking your phone to flip through photographs of Mariko. Yuriko looks at them with interest, practically salivating at shots of the hard-bodied ex-military woman in the nude and showing off her body in all kinds of lewd ways. She's more a close in kind of girls than the others, with her body on display this way and that, a close picture of tits or cunt or legs or stomach, or of her slurping on her fingers. Yuriko starts to grind against you as she looks at the pictures.

You send a quick text back to Mariko as you continue to enjoy Terumi's throat, while Noriko makes an exaggerated mockery of her normal behavior. "Please, Master, though I am so lowly and loathsome as to deserve only to be cast out, please silence my incessant whining by thrusting your big hard cock into my precious throat which only has one true use."

Great pictures. I'm really glad you sent them.

No problem. More on request.​

You pull out of Terumi's throat and start to fuck Noriko's once more, pounding her tight throat as she moans in pleasure. She promptly orgasms once more, eyes rolling up, and Yuriko pants in ecstasy at the sight of it all. Terumi speaks up again. "I do not understand why you insist on using this lowly human cocksleeve to pleasure yourself, when your much smarter and sexier girlfriend is right here for you to enjoy performing irrumatio upon." Terumi pumps up her tits a bit, proudly, while Noriko just slurps and sucks your dick.

You can feel yourself about to come. You decided to come in the one whose mouth did the best job of pretending to be the other, so you come in Terumi's mouth, pulling out of Noriko's and thrusting quickly into Terumi's, holding your cock just past her lips as you start to unload. She sighs and moans, eyes rolling up as she enjoys your taste, her throat swallowing each progressive spurt while Noriko can't do anything more than look on jealously. When you're completely spent, you pull out of Terumi's mouth, leaving her to swill your cum.

"Sorry, Noriko," you tell her. "I felt like Terumi did the better impression of you, even taking into account that you can't do a non-monotone."

Noriko's shoulders slump slightly in disappoint, but nods. "I suppose that is true, Nanashi."

Yuriko practically purrs as you turn your gaze towards her, and Sumiko loudly puts down her finished meal before stepping forward. "Nanashi-sama," she says, catching your eyes, "I presume you did not bring me here merely to watch. How may I serve you?"

"Give me a moment," you say, extricating yourself from Yuriko, going to the wall and leaning against it, your cock still rock hard. "Come over here and fuck me doggy style," you command, and Sumiko nods, moving into position and turning around, her sculpted, gorgeous ass on lewd display to you, her sex already leaking a little as she pulls down her panties, engulfing your dick. "Yuriko, come on too," you say, giving your future wife a little wave. You pause. "Actually, Noriko, you should try eating her out. Terumi can give you some advice. You did lose the competition, after all."

Noriko tilts her head, seeming to consider arguing, before descending into position. Terumi excitedly takes a kneeling spot next to her, while Sumiko slowly, laboriously pumps up and down your cock. There's something exquisite about being able to make so many girls adopt whatever sexual position you want. You're broken out of your reverie by Yuriko giving Sumiko's ass a quick swat, a lewd smile on your future wife's face as Noriko starts to suckle at her clit from between her legs.

You tilt Yuriko's face back to yours, smiling into her eyes as Sumiko slowly pumps her cunt up and down your dick, requiring you to do absolutely none of the work as she pumps back into you. "I was thinking, you could make sexy outfits for all my haremettes. What sort of outfits would you make for Sumiko, for example?"

Yuriko breathes, her eyes looking down at Sumiko for a moment as she considers it. She licks her lips, thinking for a moment, and sputters as Noriko licks and slurps more diligently, her fingers pulling down Yuriko's panties and leaving them around her ankles. Terumi softly runs her fingers through Noriko's hair, simply studying Noriko's technique for the moment.

"A-ah," Yuriko says, squeaking, as you grope her ass and give her a demanding look. "Ahm, maybe, mmm, something to show off her stomach and ass," she says. She practically salivates at the thoughts running through her mind. "Like a swimsuit one piece, but with a little skirt in the front, like the bottom half of an apron... yes... mm, oh, Noriko," she moans out, squirming on Noriko's tongue.

"That sounds pretty sexy," you tell Yuriko, kissing her, as Sumiko continues to wrap her tight, amazingly muscular cunt around your dick, practically massaging your dick in the process. "What about Noriko? What kind of outfit would you get her?"

"A-ah, black," she breathes out, "something, in black. Leather, or, lycra, or, mmm," her fingers curl as Noriko slurps and sucks with incredible force, noisy and desperate for more as she does so. You groan, gripping Sumiko's sculpted ass. "Maybe a little, a sexy black uniform, like a police officer's," she breathes out, moaning a bit as she finally orgasms on Noriko's tongue, a splash of her juices raining down on Noriko's face.

"Sumiko has an absolutely amazing body, don't you think, Yuriko?" You ask, turning your attention down to Sumiko. You grope her firm, full ass. "She's very sexually responsive, too," you say, giving a quick pump of your own. Surprised at the sensation, Sumiko gasps and promptly orgasms, her cunt squeezing and milking your dick. Terumi starts to grind Noriko's face into Yuriko's cunt, making the smaller girl sputter a little, but she definitely doesn't resist eating out your future wife. "She'll make excellent breeding stock, when that time comes," you note.

"Ah, yes," Yuriko breathes. "I think, I think a cow costume, would be sexy on her, one of those, mmm, black and white print bikinis, and the little bell." You start to grip Sumiko's hips, fucking her roughly, and Yuriko moans and jerks in a fresh orgasm on Noriko's mouth.

You enjoy the sensations, as Yuriko loses all ability to speak from Noriko's oral escapades. You give Sumiko instructions here and there, forcing her to shift her body this way and that. She has to stand, twisting your cock inside her greedy cunt and making her nipples grow perky through her clothes. She has to bend down and grab her own ankles, forcing a similar twist in a different direction, practically trying to milk your cock dry with the sheer force of the movement.

The only voice, soon enough, is Terumi, softly coaxing Noriko to do this and that. "Lick as deep in as you can go." "Suckle on her clit, like it was Master's cock." "Slurp, slurp at every drop of juice you can get, it's tasty, don't waste it," she adds, hurriedly, before joining Noriko's little oral adventure, so Yuriko gets to enjoy a similar double oral sex to what you did just a little while ago.

The sensations of Sumiko's cunt are exquisite, and with how distracted Yuriko is, you focus on them. Yuriko's lips absently suckle at your neck as you relentlessly pound your loyal servant, gripping her arms and fucking her like that. "You're a damn sexy piece of meat," you tell Sumiko. "A fun sheathe to put my cock in." She whimpers in pleasure at that. "Fuck, I love fucking you," you tell her, and she promptly orgasms again, her powerful cunt squeezing and milking your dick as she orgasms in raw exquisite pleasure.

You soon ejaculate, splashing a thick load of cum in Sumiko, leaning over her to nibble on her ear, before whispering in it. "I love you," you breathe out as you come, and that promptly makes her come as well, her cunt trying to milk out every last drop as she orgasms at being used by her loving liege for his own selfish pleasure.

When you're finished, you dab at Sumiko's juices where they've splashed at your thighs and hers, before pulling up your pants. The four girls take a bit of time to recover, and you have to get going once they do, heading back to class quickly so as to avoid any issues.

When class ends, Mitsuko arrives... but you have that date with Kiyomi, of course. And Mitsuko and Kiyomi are probably oil and water, at least at this point in your relationship with the latter. You could offload the responsibility of taking her home to Yuriko.

"Yuriko, why don't you handle taking Mitsuko home?" You ask. "Since you'll be the future mistress of the family, it'll give you the opportunity to get to know her better. Feel free to play with her if you like," you add, with a little smile.

Yuriko nods, practically breathless, as she collects Mitsuko and heads off. You, on the other hand, go to Kiyomi, gently offering her a hand to take. She takes it, and you soon guide her into the car, taking a seat across from her. She's quiet and nervous being in such a confined space, so you give her the moment's silence, just absently glancing her way and smiling from time to time. She blushes and smiles back.

When you arrive at the park, you and her both get out of the car, and her fingers nervously reach for your own, fingers twining together with yours. She keeps her gaze on your collarbone as they do.

"Feel free to just keep looking at me," you tell her. "You can forget about anyone else." Your fingers squeeze back at hers, and she blushes, as the two of you start to walk in the park.

She looks both at you, and around, but she doesn't seem so actively fearful as she was early on when you were first meeting her, either of you or others. Perhaps it's the open nature of the environment, or your presence, or something else - you couldn't quite say which. Her gaze falls upon trees and flowers and the handful of wild animals - squirrels, birds, raccoons.

Your fingers squeeze hers, and she glances at you, offering a shy smile, before she starts to look around again.

Then she spots a couple, making out on the ground behind the bushes, their clothes in a state of disarray. Her cheeks flush, and she pulls away from them, drawing you in another direction with surprising force and suddenness. You follow after her, letting silence reign if that's what she prefers. When she comes to a stop, you're in a fairly remote part of the park, nobody around. Her cheeks are flush. "Did you see?" She asks, her voice quiet.

"I did," you tell her.

She's hesitant. Her chest rises and falls. Her voice is soft as she speaks once more. "I wish I was confident enough to do something like that," she says, almost mournfully, melancholy thick in her voice.

"Don't worry," you tell her, your hand squeezing hers. "You will be. You just need to want to do it, and the rest takes care of itself," you tell her, with a smile.

"Maybe I want to do it now..." she mumbles, her voice a whisper. Her cheeks grow hot. "A-ah, not, no," she stumbles to say. "Not here." She swallows.

"Okay," you tell her. You give her hand a squeeze. "Not everyone likes to do it in public. There's nothing strange about that." You pull her hand up to your lips, and tenderly kiss her knuckles, making her blush bright red. You smile at her, gentle, slowly drawing your other hand up to her face. She doesn't flinch, though she does stiffen, as your fingers run along her cheek. She blushes as you gently caress her face. "Do you want to kiss?" You ask. Your thumb gingerly slides over to her lip, softly running across it, and makes her blush brighter.

She hesitates, swallows, then nods. You tenderly lean into her, slow, gentle, your lips pressing against hers. Her breath is soft, shallow, as you do so. Your tongue remains, waiting, in your mouth; her own slowly, tentatively enters your mouth, absently running across your palate and making your cock throb. You grunt, and she pulls back suddenly, cheeks red as she does. "Th-thank you," she stammers out, looking away from you.

You take your hand and put it on her cheek again, directing her to look at you once more. You offer her your lips anew, and she blushes, but takes you up on it, leaning forward. Your lips press against one another, and her tongue soon slides into your mouth, probing and ginger. She runs along your own tongue, your gums, your teeth, your palate, before your tongue starts to move back. She squeaks in surprise, jerking for a moment, before calming herself, keeping up the kiss.

Your tongue slides under her own, teasing the underside of it, playing with her lips, then her teeth. She shivers and pants as you make out, her fingers digging into your hand as she holds onto it for dear life. Each progressive moment makes her shudder more and more, her breathing heavy in your mouth, her cheeks hot, her body so very warm. Her breasts push against your chest, through her school uniform and bra, her eyes closed as she makes out with you. Her free hand even slides along your back, exploratory; you don't mirror the movement, not wanting to spook her.

You break off the kiss some minutes later, and her breathing is heavy, her eyes focused on yours, her cheeks scarlet. "Th-thank you," she says, quietly.

"You don't have to thank me," you tell her, your voice sincere. "I like kissing you, and you deserve to be happy like this."

She blushes, nervously smiling and glancing around, before giving you one more quick peck on the lips. "Then, this was fun," she says. She checks her watch. "I think you need to pick up Kyoko for her date, though. Have a good time with her," she adds.

You check your own watch, and find that a surprisingly long amount of time has passed, in this nervous, stuttering kissing event. You smile, walking her out of the park, her hand still in yours. The walk passes in an amiable silence, and when you get back in the car, she sits next to you rather than across, her gaze flicking between you and the wall before her, some mix of nervousness and fear and embarrassment. You give her hand a quick squeeze, reassuring her that it's okay to stare - and she does, for the remainder of the trip to her home.

You let her out of the car, taking a moment to breathe, before having Shiiro take you to Kyoko's to pick her up.

She's wearing a black t-shirt with her belly button visible, and a black skirt with rhinestones, drawing attention to her legs. She smirks as she catches you looking. "Like what you see?" She teases.

"I do. You have some wonderfully sexy legs," you tell her.

She smiles, taking off her shoe then putting her foot directly on your groin, gently teasing your hard cock. She smirks as her toes run along it, her eyes locked on yours as she feels your cock. Then she slides it down and back into her shoe. "I think you're being honest about that," she tells you, with a smirk. She cracks her shoulders.

"I'm honest about a lot of things," you tell her, and she smirks.

"Oh? Like?"

"Well, you're incredibly sexy, not just in terms of your legs. That taut tummy, those nice tits." She smiles, enjoying the compliments, leaning back and radiating cool confidence. "I like that confidence of yours, too," you tell her, and she smirks.

"I'll bet," she teases. She glances down at your cock. "I wonder if it'll stay hard for the whole concert?"

"You'll have to check it repeatedly," you tell her, and she smirks.

"Maybe I will," she says, leaning forward, almost challenging you.

You flirt like that for a while longer before arriving at the concert, where you use the tickets you definitely bought beforehand to go in. It's a morass of flesh, people moving between one another, and the warm up bands haven't even started playing yet. You take hold of Kyoko's wrist firmly, practically dragging her with you to a less thickly populated part of the crowd.

You take one hand and put it on her shoulder, gently running your thumb along it, some light pressure coming with it. She gives you a cocky look, shifting her shoulder a bit, moving your hand a bit further down, and you start to practically grind your thumb against the flesh. "Like it?" You tease.

"I do," she responds, with a little smirk back. Her own body soon pushes into yours, twisting around to face you, her breasts gently teasing your torso. You keep massaging her back, and her hands run along your chest for a moment, then around to your back, massaging you in return, eyes looking up at you, cocky and confident.

You tease one another like that, just rubbing shoulders, and she sort of grinds her pelvis against your cock in a teasing way, until the music starts up, at which point she turns around one hundred eighty degrees to face the stage... and promptly starts to shimmy back and forth, her butt teasing your cock in the process. "I like this song," she says, with a sly smile. "What about you?" She asks, as her body undulates back and forth.

"I like the song, and I like my dance partner," you say, wrapping your arms around her belly, your hands running along her stomach teasingly, brushing at her belly button. You practically grind your cock into her ass, and she smiles, giving you a quick wink over her shoulder as she does so.

"I'm glad to hear it," she teases back, rubbing her butt against your cock almost flagrantly, smiling all the while, as the music rises in volume, and hearing one another becomes effectively impossible over the din of the crowd.

You bump and grind, you grip her hips and give her a nice thrust, you enjoy her sexy body and the way it pushes back against you with teasing enthusiasm. The music is almost an afterthought, though her constant smile is definitely enjoyable to watch, the way she occasionally closes her eyes and shifts her movement to match the rhythm of whatever song is playing very erotic. She has a natural air of confidence to her that's incredibly attractive, the way she just smiles like she knows exactly what she wants to do and it's this.

The fact that "this" involves you grinding your cock against her tight ass doesn't hurt.

After perhaps an hour of endless teasing this way, she pops out of your grip for a moment, taking your wrist and going to buy a couple bottles of water for the two of you. She just slurps it down, the glug-glug of her throat reminding you of certain other things; you take it in more measured dose, but it's still very refreshing.

"Enjoying yourself?" She calls out, over the din of the concert. She leans into you, pushing her body against yours, and she glances back for a moment. "Ah, some guy gave me a shove," she says, with a faux pout. Her expression is lewd, and she briefly grinds her body against yours, her cunt against your pelvis, before pulling back. "Sorry about that, Nanashi," she teases, running her finger along your neck down to your chest and giving it a little poke. "You're very fit," she notes, almost absently, looking up into your eyes and giving you a small smirk.

"Sorry? You don't think it'll fit?" You say, calling over the crowd.

She laughs. "I'm sure it'll fit," she teases, giving your dick a firm grope through your pants, and giving you a wink. "I said, you're very fit," she yells back.

"Oh," you reply. "Would you like to get a closer look?"

"How much closer can I get?" She teases, running her hands along your chest, humming to herself as she explores it with her fingertips. "I'd hate for you to think I was a slut," she notes, pulling back a bit. "Just putting out for the first guy with a hot bod to show interest." She gives you a wink. "C'mon, let's get back to dancing."

You do get back to dancing, and it's an exquisite thing, if made increasingly uncomfortable by the hard on in your pants that is starting to reach the point where, back on Earth, you would be worried about your health in one way or another. In this world, it's not so bad, but it's still almost torturous. She just smugly continues to grind that tight ass of hers on your cock until the concert finally ends. "That was nice," she says, turning to face you and giving you a quick peck on the lips. "Thanks for the night out," she says, taking your hand in hers as she heads to leave.

"The feeling is mutual," you tell her, as you follow her out. Once you're out of the concert building, walking through the parking lot to find Shiiro, you speak again. "Let's go out again some time soon."

"Sure thing," she says, with a smile, her tongue pushing against her cheek as she gives you a long look.

"Thanks for the date," you tell her, as you open the car door, letting her in first. You follow after her. "And the hard-on," you note, spreading your legs. Your bulge is obvious in your pants, and she smiles lightly at seeing it. "One of my girlfriends will enjoy it, unless you want the satisfaction of knowing I took care of it myself, just for you?"

"Hm, you know what would satisfy me even more than that?" She asks. You shrug. "Seeing you take care of it, right here," she says, with a sadistic glint in her eyes.

"That's a pretty big request," you tell her. "I might want some visual stimulation to agree to that," you reply, trailing off.

"Oh? You need more visual stimulation? Come on," she says, with a little smirk. "You've been leering me up and down all day. If it's enough to keep you hard for hours, it's enough to jerk off to," she explains. "So are you going to show me that big, hard cock of yours, or are you going to go home to one of your girlfriends and have her take care of it?"

"Alright, alright," you acquiesce, unzipping your pants. She watches with interest as you pull them down, your hard cock springing free. It points straight up, enticingly large, and her lips slightly part as she stares. Your hand reaches for it, and you start to slowly stroke, your eyes looking up and down her body, admiring her legs, her panties, her belly button, her breasts, her heaving breaths, her cute lips. Her ordinarily bitchy expression is replaced now with one of lewd focus.

You start to stroke up and down while staring her in the eyes, her own flicking up to yours, before passing back down to your cock. The expression on her face, almost virginal in its fascination, is incredibly arousing. You wonder if she's ever gotten this from a guy before. You pump up and down, groaning out. "Kyoko," you breathe.

She looks up at you, then smiles as she realizes that you're just calling out her name. "That's right, Nanashi. Kyoko's the girl you're jerking it to."

"Fuck, you're sexy," you breathe out. "You've got an amazingly sexy, tight body. I want to see those pretty lips of yours wrapped around my cock," you tell her, continuing to jerk off.

"Oh?" She asks, parting her lips just so, a lewd parody of an open-mouthed kiss.

"Fuck," you groan, pumping harder and harder, making her more and more excited to watch. "God, I want to bend you over and fuck that amazing sculpted ass of yours," you add, and your cock throbs as you explain it all. She smiles, glancing between your expression- you imagine that by now you must be looking a bit silly - and your cock, veiny and hard and red with desire. She absently licks her lips as she watches.

Then the car comes to a stop, and Shiiro's voice comes through the intercom. You stop jerking off, putting your cock away. "You know what?" You say, smirking at her. "I think I will have one of my girlfriends take care of it."

She laughs, tilting her head. "Sure about that?" She asks, absently pulling at the collar of her shirt. It just shows off the hint of bra strap - purple - but it is enticing in its own way.

"Yes," you tell her.

She shrugs. "Your loss," she replies, before stepping out of the car and heading home.

When you get home, your cock is rock hard and you want to plunder somebody in the house's cunt, throat, or ass, right about right now.

You hunt down Mariko; since it's her job right now to take care of your sexual needs, it makes sense for her to take care of this. She's relaxing on bed, reading what looks like a trashy wish fulfilment light novel by the cover, before closing it and putting it down. "Hey, Nanashi," she says, guessing already what you want. Her gaze slides down to your hard cock where it pulses against its confinement.

"Thanks for fulfilling my earlier request," you tell her. "Want to send more pictures?"

She shrugs. "If you want them, I can send them."

"Would you like to see anything in return?"

She furrows her brow, confused by the concept. "Well... sure, I guess," she decides on, after a few moments. "Your cock, or whatever. I don't know."

"Alright," you say. You get on the bed, above her, looking down at her through your glasses. "I have a really bad hard on that I've had for hours, and I want you to take care of it."

"Sure," she says, reaching down for your pants, undoing them, your hard cock popping out. "Damn, you're not kidding," she says, stroking it lightly for the moment.

"Roll over," you order. She seems surprised at the firmness of the command, but quickly does so. She's wearing a tank top and short shorts, and you grip the latter, pulling it down to around her knees before simply taking a hold on her hips, hefting her up just an inch or so to reveal her wet sex, and slam inside with a groan, happy to have a hole to stick it in after the hours and hours of teasing.

It takes some degree of willpower not to just come now, but that wouldn't be very good for Mariko, so you just start to grunt as you thrust into her, pounding her tight cunt with reckless abandon. She squeaks a bit in surprise at the force you're putting into it, as you push her body into the bed.

The force of your fucking makes her pant and squirm beneath you, her cunt already quivering from the pounding you're giving her, your balls slapping against her thighs as you fuck her. You lean over her, grabbing her wrists, pinning her beneath you as you pound her.

She's absolutely at your mercy, and that makes your cock throb in your cunt, but you also have a certain degree of sympathy for her, so you lean down into her, kissing tenderly at her neck at first, then sliding slowly up towards her ear, nibbling on it, licking the inside, making her twist as you fuck her. Her cheek slides along the bed as she looks up at you out of the corner of her eye. "Does sending me naked pictures get you hot? Your nipples were hard as diamonds in those shots." Her cheeks flush with color, but she mutely nods. "Tell me about it," you say, kissing her cheek softly, in lewd contrast to the sheer force you're putting into pounding her.

"Ah, it's," she pants, "I don't know. Permanent and affectionate," she says. She swallows. "It means you like me, like my body." You kiss your way back down, nibbling gently on her shoulder. "Ah, fuck," she breathes out, orgasming on your cock, giving a spray of juices splashing down between her thighs. You draw her wrists together, holding both in place with one hand, the other reaching for her shorts, peeling them off. Her legs kick to make it easier, letting you toss her shorts and panties alike aside.

"Are you working out more than usual?" You ask, pumping her. She shakes her head. "Really? I guess you're just naturally inclined to show off for your new young boytoy?" She squirms at that, cunt squeezing, and your hands go to her top, groping her tits through the thin fabric of it. "God, you're so sexy, Mariko," you grunt out, pounding her wonderful cunt into oblivion. When she next orgasms with a moan, you join her, ejaculating in her cunt as it milks and squeezes your cock, trying to draw out each and every drop of cum she can get.

When you finish coming, though, having splattered her womb with a thick load of seed that you'd been saving up... you don't stop. If anything, you get more animated, making her squeak in surprise as you drag her hands back around behind her back, holding them in place as you fuck her. You press her head into the bed even as you fuck her butt up into the sky, forcing her into a lewd parody of doggy style and making it easier to access her cunt.

Her powerful thighs quiver as she orgasms again, moaning in pleasure. "Nanashi!" She squeals out as she comes, then her cheeks grow red and hot, and you lean over her, licking at her neck, kissing her cheek, lewdly showing your affection even as she sputters and comes as you use her body this way and that.

"I can see why Dad liked you," you tell her, and her cheeks flush with color. You kiss her neck. "You make a fucking amazing kept woman," you tell her. "Fuck, Mariko, you know how long I've wanted this?" She whimpers, closing her eyes as another orgasm rushes through her, her body held in place by your grip. She could probably escape it if she really wanted, but she doesn't, and that makes you even harder inside her.

You don't stop fucking her for anything, making her come over and over, admiring her hot, muscular form, her naked body lewd and sexy. Black hair splays around her face as she comes again and again, eyes rolling up as you grind her cheek against the bed. When you let go of her arms to instead grope her ass, she simply lets them flop to the side of her body, breathing heavily as you fuck her like so much meat, already exhausted just from what she's been on the receiving end of so far.

"Mariko," you grunt out between thrusts. "Mariko, Mariko," you pant, and she moans back, pushing into you a bit, her butt working to pleasure your cock, her legs loosely hooking around yours as she tries her best to pull you into her in this position.

"Nanashi," she breathes out in reply, her cheeks hot as you use her. She's loving every second of it, and you give her tit a nice squeeze, making her promptly orgasm once again, her cunt squeezing down on your dick like a vice, powerful muscles working to pleasure you in overdrive.

By the time you come for a second time, she's easily come two dozen times, and her body is slick with sweat as she allows you to fuck and use her. She even works alongside you, voluntarily squeezing your cock with her cunt muscles, pushing back into you, practically begging for, demanding, more cock, harder cock. Your spray of cum in her cunt is not a surprise to her, but it does provoke a sympathetic orgasm, making her moan in pleasure, her voice throaty, hot, as you release inside her.

You don't let time two be the last shot either, though; you go on, pumping her relentlessly, until she's come somewhere close to a hundred times and you've come six. Thick splashes of her cunt juices run down her thighs and on the bed between her knees, and some excess drool of your cum runs down into them as well, a lewd mixture. Her eyes are rolled up, her lips parted, as she limply accepts your fucking, her ability to form a coherent thought having been lost somewhere around fifty orgasms ago.

After groaning and squirting a thick load inside her for the sixth time, you pull out, panting as you try to recover. She simply flops over to one side, her breathing heavy, cheeks hot, her eyes delirious and unfocused from the raw pleasure she's been subjected to.

Still, a fuckdrunk smile graces her mature face.

You help her get properly arranged for bed, shifting her away from the stain the two of your juices have made and sliding in behind her. With how long and how much you fucked, it's both late, and you're exhausted. You pull in behind her, spooning with her, quietly wrapping your arms around her stomach as you pull the blanket over the two of you, kissing her neck and snuggling with her.

"I'm looking forward to our date tomorrow," you tell her, in a soft tone of voice, before you go to sleep. Her cheeks get a little pink at that, but she smiles.