
Repeated Coincidence or Fate? (A Nigerian Romance)

This is the sequel to my first book, I Choose You (A Nigerian Romance). It can be read as a stand alone. ............. She was curious, curious about him. He was afraid, afraid that his secrets would be known. Meet Somadina Uzora, A cheery but extremely clumsy girl, who was seen as an happy go lucky person. Unfortunately that was only what the naked eyes could see. Now meet Zachary Stone, his last name practically states the expression he always carries. To put it simply, he wants no business at all with the entire human specie. They both practically had nothing in common. But it seems Fate or would I say..a R-epeated C-oincidence just kept bringing this two together. But when secrets start flying in the air, it appears that this two indeed do have an uncanny relationship after all.

Zanyyy · Teen
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9 Chs


Adina's POV:

"Urgh, what an absolute waste of handsome" Felícia sighed out staring dead at a particular male as he quickly stood up with his bag and left the hall. That infamous scowl of his placed neatly on his face. Well wasn't he a sight for sore eyes.

"Tell me something we all don't know" Greg added his own input as he also stared at the same male we were all looking at.

I turned to give Greg a look. He shrugged and grinned "What? I might be straight, but even I have eyes to appreciate another man's beauty" Few seconds after realizing just how what he said sounded a grimace made its way to his face.

"Ah, now that I heard myself say that out loud. I really do sound a lot less straight than I claim" Felícia and I immediately burst out laughing at the way he morphed his face into a little frown.

"Yeah whatever" He rolled his eyes at us but a smile still made his way to lips "But we all agree on one thing, Zachary Stone isn't your average looking male" He was right, that we could definitely agree on.

"Yeah" Felícia snorted "Too bad that attitude of his is a big turn off. I swear In all my years in this school, I have never seen that boy smile. Not once I tell" And also that we could all agree on.

"But I guess him being a genius could slightly cover for that" Greg sighed "What I would do to have half the brain that he has"

"Be careful what you wish for Gregy" Felícia teased using the nickname she knew he desperately hated. She absolutely just loved getting a kick out of him I swear "Your head might not be able to continue all that genius, given it wasn't built in that fashion" Argh, and here we go again.

"Hey" Greg called out offended and so after they began their daily banter. God, did they ever get tired. Remembering that they've been doing this for the past two years since I have known them, I knew they truly never did. Much to my annoyance of course.

Standing up silently from my chair, I left my two bickering best friends and began to journey to the usually place I always go to around this time, and that was the roof. I didn't have anymore classes today so I guess I was good.

Felícia and Greg didn't even notice when I stood up and left the theater hall. Those two really are a case.

Reaching the roof top I let out a breath as the cool air greeted my skin making goosebumps to rise to the occasion. Going to the rail I rested my two arms on it and stared at the city before me. Hungary was a really beautiful country. Small, but yet still beautiful. One of the reasons I had chosen here as my place of study instead of going to New York like my father had suggested.

A lot of things were currently running through my mind at the moment. Events from the past..well to be more specific, painful memories from the past...kept rushing through my head. I held back the tears that were threatening to spill out. I was so deep in thought that I had failed to realize that I wasn't alone.

"You know, if you're going to jump I advise you to do that when I'm gone" An unfamiliar deep voice said giving me quite a shock.

Turning to my side I saw no one other than the person I and my best friends were gossiping about not few minutes ago.

"Sorry what?" I choked out referring to his previous statement.

A bored sigh left Zachary's mouth before he completely turned his whole body to face me now "I said if you want to jump off this friggin' roof, don't do that while I'm still here. Do it when I'm gone okay?" I noticed the slight accent he possessed in his tone. He spoke like he was talking to a little child. I didn't like his attitude. I have heard a lot of rumours concerning him being a mega asshole, but I didn't know it was this bad.

He might have been a good looking guy.. alright maybe let's just say a 'very' good looking guy, but there were seriously limits to how far your looks would get you.

He had a tone skin. He looked like he was mixed. But I didn't exactly know what he was missed with, although I did know he was indeed from a Nigerian lineage. He had natural well trimmed curls resting perfectly on top of his head. Though it did look like he had run his hand through his hair a lot.

I huffed out and turned back to face the stunning view of the city before I snorted "I'm not suicidal thank you very much"

Turning back to also face the city also he said "If you say so" After that, everything went back into silence.

After getting feed up with the quietness I confidently said out "You're an asshole you know that right Zachary?"

Surprisingly I heard a light laugh from Zachary "Well aren't you full of surprises. First time anyone has ever said that to my face"

I smiled sweetly "I mean there is always a very first time for everything isn't it?"

This time I saw a very minimal but still present grin grace his lips "How do you know my name?" He asked instead of responding to what I had previously said.

Just like the first time I released a snort "Oh don't be so modest. You do know everyone in this college knows your name right?" I paused , removed my arms from the rail and began to dramatically demonstrate "The genius Zachary Stone who has won a shit tonne of award's and medals for the school. The dean and practically all the professors in this Uni threat you like you are a long lost Viking hero. And let's not forget that you are also currently the best in our department" I finished with an eye roll.

"Our department?" He rose a questioning brow.

"We are in the same business department" I deadpanned "We practically have all the same courses and classes" Why was I telling him this again? It's not like he cared or anything. After all, everyone knew Zachary Stone hardly gave a shit about the human specie. Him being always alone was another plus to it. His only friend or would I say, the only person he was ever seen interacting with was his sister Irene. Sad I know.

But do you know what's even sadder? That I know all this. God I sound like a creepy stalker. But it wasn't that trust me, I was just always observing the mysterious male. There was something about him that just tingled my brain. It made me extremely curious about him. Maybe It was the sad dead look I always noticed in his eyes, or maybe it was just him as a person that completely and utterly intrigued me. Okay so let's just say that all what I have said was just a bullshit way of transforming the word 'Stalking' into a tiddy bit fancy word.

"Oh we do?" That was his brilliant dead ass reply.

"Not that it is important or anything" I briskly added.

Who knew that I would have a talk with the infamous Zachary Stone on the roof top today. Life really was unpredictable at times.

Looking at the time and realizing that I indeed had to be somewhere I sighed. "Well it was great talking to you Zach. But now, I bid you farewell"

"You called me an asshole, I don't think our talk could be classified as 'great' " He rose an amused brow.

"Good point" I noted then began to walk to the door leading back into the school. As I was walking I almost tripped but by God's infinity mercies, I managed not to fall down. Great, from all the times of being clumsy it had to be now while Zachary Stone was watching me.

"Wait" I heard him call out to me making me to halt in my steps before turning back to look at him.


"Your name" He said "What's your name?" I ignored the amused look that was on his face. Of course he saw me almost trip.

Slightly taken aback by him wanting to know my name I gave him a strange look. My curiosity about him just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Deciding that I literally won't lose a thing from telling him my name I said "Somadina. But just call me Adina. it's a lot easier for you and me, trust me"

"Adina" He softly said testing it on his lips before I then shockingly saw a small smile...but yet still a smile stretch the length of his face.

"See you around Adina" Only at that time I hadn't known that we were indeed going to be seeing a lot of each other.

An official, official!!! welcome to the Sequel to 'I Choose You(A Nigerian Romance)'.

Thoughts on the first chapter?

Zanyyycreators' thoughts