

*Mom is calling.*

I froze when I saw the caller on Meng Bao's phone. I looked at Meng Bao, and all his playfulness, childishness, and meek gaze disappeared. Which also surprised me. Because I've always seen Meng Bao as a cute, meek, and harmless guy.

But this time, his gaze darkened, and that sweet smile also disappeared from his face. He looked so serious all of a sudden. His gaze was so intimidating that I automatically retreated back on the couch to distance myself from Meng Bao. 

He clicked his tongue, but when he looked at me, he resumed his meek gaze with that sweet smile again, "Jie, let me answer this call first, okay?"


Meng Bao went outside to answer the call. I was staring at the door. He was probably talking behind the door. Although I should respect privacy, somehow, Meng Bao's sudden change still stunned me.

'I don't know that Meng Bao can be that scary. When he saw the caller, the look that he gave made me wonder if he doesn't have a good relationship with his mother…' I wondered. 

I know, I know, I shouldn't eavesdrop on their conversation. But Meng Bao's sudden mood change made me curious. I want to know more about Meng Bao, hoping to get more clues of what kind of person he really was compared to his rental boyfriend persona that he showed me during our date. 

Curiosity got the best of me, so I walked to the front door and planted my ear on the door, hoping to get some conversation. 

Turned out, Meng Bao was actually yelling to his mom on the phone.

"I said, I don't want to be with her!" 


"What? What did that Witch say to you? Mom, just stop trying to match me with your colleague's daughters! I have a girlfriend already!"


"What? Fake? No! M—My girlfriend is a beautiful, strong, and clever woman!"


"Yes, fine! I will bring her home someday!" Meng Bao said.

It didn't seem to be a smooth discussion, though, because I sensed that Meng Bao's mother was pressuring him on the phone. 


"Y—Yes! We have been in a long-term relationship! We have been dating for… for two years! We have done so much in private, so don't question that! Don't worry, I will bring her to you in the future. We have been talking about marriage after all," Meng Bao replied. "So don't you try to match me with that Witch anymore. I have been in a stable relationship with my girlfriend for two years."


My heart dropped when I heard Meng Bao said that he had a girlfriend for two years already. Because at some point, I really thought that we clicked really well, and we might be dating in the future. 

'So in the end, it's all come down to business,' I chuckled ironically, laughing at my own stupidity. 'Well, it's my own fault for being too hopeful, though. How could I believe that a man can be so sweet and perfect like Meng Bao? Of course, he was just showing his persona. The perfect man persona that could sell to the single, lonely woman like me…'

'He basically feeds on women who are desperate to find a man that loved them. And I happen to be one of those women…'

'Maybe all the sincere thing he said about me is just a lie…' 

Although I knew that was probably the case, my fragile little heart still couldn't accept it. Meng Bao really was a dream man that clicked the best with me. He was funny, cute, sincere, and handsome, of course. 

But since everything was just a business…

'Aish! Shi Ying! How could you become so weak like this!? You are Shi Ying. Ying means 'Clever'! You shouldn't be tricked and hoped too much like a hopeless romantic! You are just digging a pit for yourself!'

I have been too lenient for Meng Bao. I got drifted in this emotion for a while, and it was not good, indeed. So I closed my eyes, took a deep breath. I steeled my will and then took Meng Bao's pink sweater from the hanger. 

After a while, Meng Bao finally finished his call with his mother. He opened the door and entered. When he saw me, his bright smile bloomed again, "Sorry to keep you waiting, Jie. I had to call my mother, but it's all cleared up now."

I stared at Meng Bao and his bright smile that made my heart melted. I steeled my heart again and handed the pink sweater to him, "The date is over, Meng Bao. You can leave now."

Meng Bao's smile disappeared. He frowned as he was confused with my sudden change, "Jie, is everything okay? I thought we are having a good time here."

"Yes, everything is just according to the business. Since I'm your client, I'm telling you that the date is over. I will give you a bonus again as a gift later. Since your performance is satisfactory," I said with a smile. 

I shoved his pink sweater to his arm and pushed Meng Bao to leave my apartment. 

"W—Wait, I still want to spend time with you, Jie. At least let me take a bath here, so I can—"

"There is nothing here. You should leave now, Meng Bao!" I pushed him as hard as I could. From what I saw, even all my strength wouldn't match Meng Bao if he was serious. But he let me pushed him out of my apartment.

I looked at his lost and confused expression before slamming the door. 


I took few deep breaths and then used the peephole to check whether Meng Bao was still in front of my door. 

And my guess was correct. Meng Bao was still standing in front of the door, scratching his head and hesitating to knock on the door. After a while, Meng Bao sighed and walked away from my apartment. 

I locked the door and went to the dining table. I could still sense the lingering sweetness from Meng Bao.

"Don't make me feel special, Meng Bao. You are preying on a lonely woman's heart."

Ta-da! Pupa is here with a bonus chapter for hitting 100 PS!

I can't believe we have successfully hit that 100 Powerstones mark! That is unbelieveable! O//w//O

Thank you so much for your support! Please vote more for more chapter, hehe~

Love you all! <3

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