


I saw a man following me at the airport, around my age and ridiculously handsome.His slender body adorned in tattoos and I saw a gleam of metal coming from his lip in the reflection of the large terminal windows.

I instantly deemed him untrustworthy, normally I wouldn't be so judgmental but I couldn't trust anyone. I walked around for an extra half hour and he was steadily always near me. I didn't want to risk it. so I slipped into the bathroom.

I turned my backpack around and stared at the contents. A few pairs of jeans and shirts and three thousand dollars in cash, that's how much money I had. I saw two flight attendants, and one who looked like my height and frame, I knew what I had to do and I could only pray they would agree.

I slowly walked towards her, sizing up her measurements in my mind as I tap her on the shoulder. Her brown hair swung around to face me.

"Hi, I'm Esme, I'm sorry but I don't have enough time." I said watching as they both put on their best smiles.

"How can we help?" They ask in unison and then snicker at each other in realization. I hope this works.

I pulled out wads of cash and they both exchange confused looks. I let everything spill knowing I had no other option but to hurry.

"I don't have much time but I left my boyfriend today... he umm... he." Tears began to well in my eyes and the brown-haired girl put her hand on my shoulder. "My name is Trish and this is Steph. Is your boyfriend here? Do you need us to call security?" she asked, pity evident in her eyes.

"No!" I squealed. "You just... You can't please." They both looked at each other and they each gave a solitary nod. "The man who's following me isn't my boyfriend... I think he was hired. But I'm not even sure he was following me, I'm such a mess I'm sorry." I wiped a tear from my face as they continued to stare at me. I must look so pathetic in front of them.

"Please, I'll give you all I have. I pushed it in their direction but they gave me a look as Trish pushed the money back. "We're not taking that. What do you need us to do?" She asked as she stood up straighter and my mind raced, would this be acceptable to ask of someone?

"I... I... I dyed my hair black and I also have a black wig." I pulled off the cap and was surprised to see her grab both the cap and wig from me before pulling her hair into a bun and slipping it on. "What are you doing?" I asked in shock She looked away from the mirror and into my eyes. "Honey, we are stewardesses, this is a simpler request than normal. You need me to distract him, yes?" Not exactly.

I hesitated for a moment before Steph nudged me. She had a slight southern accent when she spoke, it was charming. "What do you need? Please ask us?" She said and I nodded once collecting my courage. "My flight leaves soon, to Texas and I need him to think I got on it so he gives up looking for me just so I have enough time to... escape again."

"Done," Trish said and Steph nodded in agreement. What is happening? "Are you sure? I'm sorry. I don't know what else to do, do you need money?" I asked and she shook her head. "It won't cost me anything, I'll fly back here for free and honestly, I could use the sleep. I sleep better on a plane than a hotel, but we have to hurry we've already been talking for..." she looked at her watch "five minutes."

I felt the bonds of sisterhood collide as we exchanged clothes and she took my book-bag, fear struck me seeing all of my belongings going to a stranger but they were so kind and what other choice did I have? I could feel the tears welling in my eyes for how grateful I felt as Trish looked into my eyes. "Hurry." She said and we went into full gear, a unified front.

She looked at Steph. "Stall him." She said to her and I tried to think of words to say but a simple. "Thank you both." Came out along with a single tear as Trish exited the room.

"I'll distract him and then I'm taking you with me, so stay here." Steph said. I shook my head in agreement. She smiled at me and my heart warmed, if they weren't here I don't know what I would do. But truthfully, I may just be paranoid and he may not even be after me, but I don't know. The dark skies outside made for pretty reflective glass and whenever I would dart my eyes to it, I would see his gaze following me intently.

"I'll be right back," Steph said. As she exited the bathroom, I slid my back against the wall and cried for what felt like hours until she returned, walking in quickly.

"We're safe, they've boarded the plane."

I jumped up. "Wait! He boarded with her?" instant fear shot through me, I don't even know who this guy is. Steph placed her hands on me, trying to soothe me. "Shhh, hun. It's okay. Trish is safe, we're safe. Let's go get a hotel room." She offered.

I hesitated. "Can we wait for a bit? I'm just a little freaked out." I admitted and she obliged as she ushered me over to a small couch I didn't notice before. I'm exhausted.... mentally exhausted and now I have to figure out a new game plan.

After thirty minutes of collecting myself, we headed outside. As we opened the doors I cursed myself for not bringing an extra hoodie since Trish had mine now but I would bare the cold if it meant I would be safe.

A cab was waiting outside and we got in, Steph's phone chimed and I didn't think much of it until a small gasp left her red lips. She put the phone in my vision and it made me shake when I read the text.

He was definitely after her. I went to sit with the crew, talk to you in the morning.

The rest of the ride was spent in silence.

I tried to pay for the hotel, but I realized that in my rush I forgot to grab any money from my bag. I promised to repay her as soon as I got it back.

I laid across the soft bed, thankful that Steph was there so I wouldn't be alone. "I wish I knew his name," I said under my breath and I heard Steph let out a small chuckle.

"About that..." She said with a grin and I jolted up. "he got a ticket. His names... Seth Collins. Does that sound familiar?"

"Hmm." I mulled the information in my head and came up with nothing but then again my boyfriend is one of the most powerful men in the city and he knows a lot of people. I shook my head 'no'.

"That's okay, tomorrow we will go to the cops and get everything figured out." She yawned and began to exit into the bathroom.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and tears began to fall. "We can't go to the cops." I cried, angry at myself for showing too many emotions, but I couldn't help it. They just flowed out of me.

She halted her steps and came over to me kneeling on the bed. "Why not?" She asked as she pulled my hair away from my face. "You won't understand it." I cried and she let out a soft sigh.

"Really, I don't want to get anyone involved." I waved into thin air to emphasize my point as I looked at her and thought of Trish who bravely got on the flight tonight with no questions asked. "Well, more than I have to," I added and she chuckled.

"Truly, Esme. It's okay. I'm so happy we were there to help. You're going to be okay you will figure this out and your life will be amazing." She spoke with such confidence, I admired that as I studied her for a moment, her and her career, her stability, her kindness and I looked towards the mirror on the wall and studied myself.

I was an emotional mess, I never got to fulfil the career I wanted because Hunter wanted me to stay home and keep me locked in his marble prison. I straightened myself up and wiped my tears away. "Yeah, I will." I smiled and she returned it with a beaming one as she exited to the bathroom.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke bright light strewn through the room temporarily blinding me followed by three loud knocks on the wooden door of the hotel room. I shrank under the comforter horrified that this was it, I never even made it out of the city and whoever this Seth is, is coming to get me. Or worse Hunter himself.


I'm sure you all must be wondering what's going on here🤔🤔🤔

Well, you have to keep reading to out😁😁😁😊

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