
Renegades: Battlegrounds.

In the heart of Yugen City, Naruse West is a battleground where rival gangs clash for control. Ryuhara Ren, a new transfer student at Naruse High, arrives in Yugen with a heavy heart and a burning desire for answers. Haunted by the memories of his elder brother Kaito, who died after a tragic incident, Ren is determined to uncover the truth behind Kaito's fate. But as he delves deeper into the dark labyrinth of Yugen's underworld, he discovers a power within himself that transcends time itself. Throughout the year, he receives mysterious scrambled texts and experiences inexplicable déjà vu, Ren realizes that he possesses the ability to hop through time, glimpsing alternate realities and dark possible futures. Faced with this newfound power, Ren embarks on a perilous journey through the tangled threads of time, each leap bringing him closer to the truth he seeks so dearly. With each time hop, he inches closer to uncovering the dark conspiracy that threatens to engulf him and his loved ones. But as Ren soon learns, the power to change the course of history comes with a price. With danger lurking at every turn and betrayal lurking in the shadows, Ren must tread carefully if he hopes to rewrite the future and forge a new destiny for himself and those he now holds dear. In a city where loyalty is currency and power is everything, Ren must tread carefully if he hopes to emerge victorious in the ultimate showdown for supremacy.

archivist23 · Action
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25 Chs

Kōtekai Biker Gang

The sound of glass shattering and loud voices slowly crept up the quiet evening as a group of fifty thugs made their way through, bats, clubs, and metal bars in hand. They smashed and broke everything in their sight, leaving a trail of destruction. The shop owners terrified hid in their houses for safety, watching in horror as the chaos unfolded.

The group continued their rampage, moving past a building where a shop owner cautiously took out her phone and hurriedly dialed a number as fast as she could. "Oh hello, it's bad. There's a group of thug here at least hundred of them. They're breaking everything, " her voice was tight with panic.

And somewhere, out in the night, Ren was racing back, determined to protect someone for once.

Kissaten Sakura,

6:13 pm,

Fubuki wiped down the counter, her thoughts lingering on Ren who had stormed out earlier. It was closing time and she started to pack up to close for the day when the quiet of the evening was suddenly shattered by the sound of glass breaking and distant shouting.

She pepped through the large transparent glass window, visibly annoyed by what was happening.

A rowdy group of bikers were approaching her shop, their menacing laughter and the crash of their weapons against windows and doors grew louder.

The thugs were getting closer by the minute, their destructive path now clearly aimed directly at her shop.

She could see their faces twisted with malicious glee as they swung their weapons, breaking everything in their path.

One of the men, a particularly large and imposing figure, spotted her through the window. He grinned and ran towards her, swinging his bat as he approached glass. Fubuki stepped back nonchalantly. Just as the thug swung his bat at her, Ren came into the picture with a flying kick, knocking him away.

Ren landed majestically, his white jacket bellowing in the air. "Now this is more like it, " he grinned at the sheer size of the attackers.

The thugs turned to face him, momentarily taken aback by his sudden appearance. "Oh this is the kid?, " one of them sneered at him.

"You won't get to terrorize innocent people while I'm here, " Ren declared, his voice cocky. "If you want a fight, I'll give you one, "

The leader of the gang suddenly reappeared from the crowd, surrounded by four mean looking men armed with wooden bats. "I told you this isn't over, " he snarled.

Ren yawned loudly at his threat which really infuriated the leader.

"You think you're some hero, huh? Let's see how tough you really are, " he sneered at Ren.

"Kill him but make it painful, " he said disappearing into the crowd.

"Gladly, " two of the men lunged at Ren with their bats.

Ren dodged first swing and delivered a quick, powerful punch to the open man's gut, sending him tumbling back. He adjusted himself in the right position to catch the second man's bat, twisting it out of his hands and using it to smash it on his head, knocking him out.

"Two down, " Ren laughed triumphantly, throwing away the broken bat and facing the two men who had dared to come closer.

Seeing this one of the men retreated back abit but the other swung his bat at Ren horizontally, who easily sidestepped the attack and landed a roundhouse kick to the man's jaw, the force of the kick sending him crashing into a nearby trash can.

"Fodders, " he spat. "All of you come at me at once. Then it'd be a real fight. "

"What are you waiting for get him !!, " the leader screamed from within the crowd.

Without giving them time to respond to their leaders cry, Ren charged at the remaining thugs.

He moved with such surprising speed and agility that the thugs couldn't see him coming, dodging their swings and landing punches and kicks with precision.

He punched one thug square in the face breaking his nose, kicked another in the gut, stamped one's foot causing his yell in pain before drop kicking him away.

For a moment, he managed to hold his own, knocking a few dozen of them down to the ground. However, their sheer number soon began to overwhelm him.

But as he knocked some down, the ones down quickly got up replacing them. It became an endless cycle with Ren the only one without any moment of respite. "This is going nowhere, " he finally realized.

They surrounded him, their attacks coming from all sides. Ren fought back but it was pretty clear that he was starting to lose ground.

A particularly brutal hit to the face sent him sprawling to the ground, gasping for his breath.

Sensing this like a pack of hyenas, the 50 men surrounded Ren, their devilish grins and laughter mimicking a pack of hyenas.

They stomped, smashed their bats and clubs on Ren, who crawled up into a ball trying to lessen the pain.

One of the those bats hit him square on the side of the stomach causing him to let go of his face that he had been protecting and scream in agony. And that's when another hit got him right across the face spilling blood onto the cold street.

The hits stopped coming and Ren began to hear distant shouts as if someone was making their way through the crowd to him.

He looked up with one of his eyes swollen up to see Fubuki battling through the crowd of thugs.

She punched them effortlessly, her brown apron still tied to her mimicking a cape. Ren seeing this forced himself to get back up and together they began to tear through the crowd.

They seemed to be holding their own pretty well until the leader from before got up and slowly made his way towards Fubuki who was unaware of his movement from behind.

By the time, she was aware it was already too late and he had ran a large punch across her face blowing her away.

He raised her up like a doll and called out to Ren's attention. "You White Coat bastards can't do jack when the townsfolk are hostages right?, " he laughed maniacally, holding a pocket knife to her neck while moving back slowly towards a wall.

This scene brought back a bunch of traumatic flashbacks to Ren and his blood boiled. In a quick step, Ren disappeared completely out of sight, reappearing right above the man and Fubuki, his eyes red and his facial twisted into something akin of the devil.

The sudden eruption of blood from the victim's mouth was what followed next as Ren had curb stomped the leader's face into the floor.

He kicked the knife away across to the otherside of the street. "Idiot, " he spat on the lying man.

"You were right across the street one second ago, how the hell did you get here that fast?, " Fubuki asked amazed, but a little fear in her voice as she spat out blood from her mouth.

"I don't really know, " Ren answered, him too being as surprised as her and having no clue what just happened.

"Are you okay Fubuki?, " he asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little bruised up but I'll be able to manage. " She tried to get up but soon collapsed to the ground.

" Seems I'm not as fit as I once was, can you manage for a while longer. "

"Yeah, " Ren answered as he faced the remaining thugs, "Who even brings a knife to a fist fight. You fodders, better try and learn on how to really fight. "

Ren quickly sensed someone making his way silently through his side and with a quick kick, smashes him to wall knocking him out. "I can read you all like an open book. " he said cockingly.

What he didn't read was that the leader had reached for another pocket knife and left a gash on Ren's left ankle.

"Ow!, " Ren let out. The cut wasn't deep but it was enough to distract Ren from another thug who had jumped into the air, aiming a bat right at him with the only intent to kill him.

"I can't dodge it. " the grim realization sank into Ren.

Looks like Ren has bitten more than he can chew .

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