
Renegades: Battlegrounds.

In the heart of Yugen City, Naruse West is a battleground where rival gangs clash for control. Ryuhara Ren, a new transfer student at Naruse High, arrives in Yugen with a heavy heart and a burning desire for answers. Haunted by the memories of his elder brother Kaito, who died after a tragic incident, Ren is determined to uncover the truth behind Kaito's fate. But as he delves deeper into the dark labyrinth of Yugen's underworld, he discovers a power within himself that transcends time itself. Throughout the year, he receives mysterious scrambled texts and experiences inexplicable déjà vu, Ren realizes that he possesses the ability to hop through time, glimpsing alternate realities and dark possible futures. Faced with this newfound power, Ren embarks on a perilous journey through the tangled threads of time, each leap bringing him closer to the truth he seeks so dearly. With each time hop, he inches closer to uncovering the dark conspiracy that threatens to engulf him and his loved ones. But as Ren soon learns, the power to change the course of history comes with a price. With danger lurking at every turn and betrayal lurking in the shadows, Ren must tread carefully if he hopes to rewrite the future and forge a new destiny for himself and those he now holds dear. In a city where loyalty is currency and power is everything, Ren must tread carefully if he hopes to emerge victorious in the ultimate showdown for supremacy.

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From Me, 13 Years in the Future

"Next station.. Next Station, Naruse West. We will be arriving in Naruse West in a few minutes." The train's intercom crackled to life, interrupting the rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks with a static-filled announcement. 

Ren sat in silence aboard the underground train, his gaze fixed on the blurry scenery rushing past the window. As the train sped through the dimly lit tunnels of Naruse West, memories of his older brother, Kaito, flooded his mind, matching the rhythmic clattering of the tracks underneath him.

As the train descended into the depths of darkness, so did Ren into the depths of his subconscious. He found himself amidst a haunting vision which unfolded before him like the nightmare it was. 

He found himself standing amidst a chaotic scene, surrounded by flashing lights and panicked voices echoing off the cold concrete walls of the underground station.

Through the foggy haze, he could see his older brother, Kaito being rushed on a stretcher, his clothes all stained with blood. Ren's heart clenched with dread as he watched helplessly, his hand reaching out to grasp Kaito's. 

"Brother Brother... Please hold on. You'll be alright." Ren urged his dying brother. A silent plea for reassurance in the face of impending tragedy. With tears streaming through his eyes, Kaito with the little strength he had left, pressed a piece of paper into Ren's palm, their fingers intertwining for a brief moment before they were torn apart by the urgency of the situation. 

"Please step away!. " 

The scene blurred for a moment as Ren was forcibly pushed back by the throng of medical personnel, the operating room door slamming shut before him. He crashed hard on to the floor hitting his head.

Blood rolled down his forehead onto his dried lips.

He sank to the ground, his back against the cold metal surface, clutching the crumpled paper in his trembling hands. 

His gaze darted around, and rushing in from the all directions were stretchers carrying injured people. The stench of blood, sweat, vomit and dead bodies was too much for him as he threw up... It was awful.

For the first time, the severity of the situation dawned on him

"We have arrived at Naruse West." The train's intercom crackled back life and with it jolting Ren back to reality with its abrupt announcement. "Please prepare to disembark immediately." The female voice added. 

Startled, Ren blinked, his mind snapping out of the reverie that had enveloped him. His dream faded like wisps of smoke in the morning light, the haunting echoes of his memories fading into the background noise of the bustling commuters. 

He ran his hand through his black hair, wiping away the tears that had formed in his eyes. Ren's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at the screen. It was a scrambled text message, seemingly gibberish at first glance. But something about it caught his attention. The date on the message was 13 years in the future!!.


XXXXX XX XX XXXX. –From Me, 13 Years in the Future.

Ren's heart skipped a beat. He had no idea what to make of it. Was it a prank? A mistake? Or something more?.

The train's wheels screeched to a halt, and Ren pocketed his phone, his mind racing with possibilities. He quickly gathered his thoughts and his bag. 

Ren disembarked from the train, his senses assaulted by the cacophony of bustling students and the gentle flutter of cherry blossoms in the breeze. 

He saw a bright light ahead and proceeded to make his way to towards it. As he stepped onto the iron platform, the bustling crowd of commuters surrounded him, each person lost in their own world. He fought through the full crowd and walked up into the bright light. 

"Ahhh.." He let out, his eyes hurt from the sunny sun outside. Ren had been in the train for hours prior. 

Shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun with his left arm, Ren trudged forward through the unfamiliar streets of Naruse West. 

With each step, the imposing silhouette of Naruse High School, his new school, loomed ever closer in the near distance.

Ren had truly set forth into the unknown, his destiny intertwined with the fate of the school and the secrets he sought that lay hidden within its hallowed halls.

As Ren reached into his pocket to retrieve the crumpled paper, his fingers brushed against the bloodied worn edges, a tangible reminder of the oath he had sworn in the depths of despair. Unfolding the paper, he stared at the name scrawled upon it with a mixture of determination and anguish. 

Amidst the sea of new faces, Ren's thoughts drifted back to the reason for his journey—a quest for answers that had led him to this unfamiliar town. With a heavy heart and a burning desire for closure, Ren made his way into the unknown, unaware of the trials and tribulations that awaited him in the shadows of Naruse West District

Hey Guys how are you doing today. I am really excited to show you this my new world that I have been working on for a while. It's my first book so I really hope you guys like it.

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