
Renegade Hyuga

"This kind of village, this kind of family, and even this kind of world, it is up to me to make changes." This is a story where one renegade Hyuga might become the enemy of the entire world. "Five Great Ninja Villages, I am not targeting anyone, but for the sake of peace in the Ninja world, you just happened to be in my way." "For the sake of peace in the ninja world, I hope the ninja world can sacrifice itself. Are you willing?" (DISCLAIMER: THIS IS A TRANSLATION WORK) (DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN NARUTO)

Ur_Mom_Gay · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Hyuga Setsuna Is Really Not A Girl

"Asuma is indeed a good person. After all, it's not too early to send him a good person card, right? Uh."

By the time Hyuga Setsuna returned home while muttering, it was almost evening.

In order to invite him to a meal, and Asuma is very interested in Ichiraku ramen, the two can be said to have made a half-circle around Konoha Village.

Of course it was not found.

And Asuma was not angry, and took him to a barbecue as promised.

Because it was already lunch at that time, the two little guys were hungry to the limit, and it was too late not to eat meat.

The meal cost so much that even Asuma felt pain in the flesh, it was the pocket money he had saved for a long time.

But he didn't say anything, since he agreed to the treat, he must do what he said (this is not his ninja way).

After this meal, the two really got closer, and Hyuga Setsuna also understood that Asuma was either the kind of Second Generation who would bully others, or a careless brat who usually likes to make mistakes.

It is said that he came here to take the entrance examination because he was tired of staying at home, otherwise he would have to wait until next year to enroll.

After all, Asuma is Hokage's son anyway, and he has a tutor to teach him about ninjas, so it's not a problem to cope with a mere entrance examination.

Even if he is willing to work hard, he can even complete early graduation with Kakashi.

When Hyuga Setsuna asked this question, Asuma expressed confusion: "Why? I haven't played enough, so I don't want to be a ninja. Let's talk about it later."

This brat.

At the same time, I don't know if it is related to eating a meal of meat. Now Hyuga Setsuna feels that the soreness and fatigue in the body have been relieved a lot.

It's just that when he raises his hands and feet, he still feels a little bit sore.

"But you can't make excuses to relax," Hyuga Setsuna didn't plan to take a day off just because he had a valid reason.

In fact, when he came back from the outside just now, he was walking on the road, and he didn't even dare to walk in the middle of the road, but lowered his head and carefully walked by the side of the road near the branch house.

On the road, I also met a few clansmen who were standing by the side of the road and had nothing to do. They also noticed Hyuga Setsuna. He doesn't know if they all heard about him, but no one came to find fault. Just looking at him.

That look is like when a human being sees an ant, he doesn't bother to step on it if he has nothing to do, but if he wants to, he can still crush it to death at any time.

He is the ant.

In the eyes of the main family, he was someone who could be crushed to death at will.

Which makes it impossible for Hyuga Setsuna to rest again.

As soon as he got home, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and prepared to start practicing.

This really has to roll up the sleeves, because the style of the Hyuga clan, almost everyone wears a kimono, but it is more like a yukata.

Kimono and yukata are different although they look the same.

Let's put it this way, kimonos are only worn on important occasions. They are more solemn and formal services, and they are very expensive. A set of kimonos can almost buy more than a dozen yukatas.

Yukata is very simple and ordinary, just like the literal meaning, it is just simple clothes to wear after bathing, and it is also very thin, not so particular, and can be worn at any time.

The clothing style of the Hyuga clan is somewhere in between. It is not as dignified as a kimono, but a little thicker than a yukata, so it can be worn out.

Otherwise, the men, women and children of the Hyuga clan are just too much.

Hyuga Setsuna struggles with push-ups in his weed-infested yard.

The difference from yesterday is that today I didn't even do five, because my muscles are not only sore, but I can't use any strength at all.

But he still gritted his teeth until he couldn't do it anymore, then he got up and began to trot along the courtyard wall again.

He didn't return to the yard until his ankles started to feel numb. After making some preparations, he started to squat and leapfrogged dozens of steps with his hands behind his back.

Finally, he thought of a way to press down his feet with something, and he did four sit-ups with all his might.

"It can't be done, it's really reached the limit."

In the end, Hyuga Setsuna fell heavily on the grass, gasping for breath, and stretched out his hands to make a large font. He only felt that now not only his limbs, but also his abdominal muscles, and even his entire body ached.

He was also sweating profusely from the exercise, and his clothes were covered with grass leaves and dirt on the ground.

After lying down for a while, Hyuga Setsuna struggled to get up, removed the thing pressed on his feet, turned and walked into the door.

I went to the bathroom to wash off the sweat, and I didn't care about the image in the morning. When Hyuga Setsuna came out in a yukata, it was called a water lotus.

Although he know that he is a boy, he is only five years old, but his gender is not obvious.

On the contrary, it was because of the previous exercise and taking a bath that made his little face look flushed, not at all like the malnourished sick child before.

A head of long hair hangs loose behind him, because it hasn't been wiped clean and there is no hair dryer, there are still some drops of water falling from the ends of the hair from time to time, which is more beautiful.

In addition, as a man, Hyuga Setsuna opened his arms indifferently, if there is a picture of this, he will definitely not pass the review.

No wonder Asuma had such resentment before, if he didn't say it himself, no one would doubt that he was a girl, or a very cute girl.

"What should I do with the changed clothes? Although I can wash them myself, I want to try Chakra more now," Hyuga Setsuna took the dirty clothes and threw them aside after thinking about it.

His parents in this life had bought him a lot of clothes before, and since he was still young and could still wear them, he didn't think about anything else.

Then Hyuga Setsuna went to his room, he had more important things to verify.

None other than Chakra.

After the teacher explained in class and gave him advice, Hyuga Setsuna is now very confident.

He has already made up his mind that today he must find out what Chakra is and complete the refining of Chakra.

"After mastering Chakra, I have to try to use the methods I thought of to open my eyes. In addition, I have a plot advantage, so whether it is tree climbing practice or water walking practice, it can be arranged in advance."

"I must gain strength as soon as possible. Even the teacher began to hint that maybe the Third World War is not far away."

Hyuga Setsuna is very keen, from the first lesson, he faintly sensed something.