
Renegade Cultivating Divinity

Xiao Chen, “the waste” of Xiao Family, had his engagement to the Young Lady of the Yang Family renounced. And when he arrived at the sect that sympathized with him and took him in, he found corpses strewn all over the place and a mist of blood in the air. The sect was exterminated by a mysterious group that was looking for the ‘Wind Spirit Jade’. He himself was left behind only half-dead for ‘wastes do not deserve to die by their hand’. Humiliated once more and on the verge of death, in the surroundings strangeness happened. A whirlpool sucked up the blood mist and diverted it into Xiao Chen’s forehead, transforming and enhancing his body. This is not a novel I wrote, I only translated it using machine translation, so if there are any grammar mistakes, or inconsistencies in naming and gender, I apologize, and please let me know so I can fix it as best as I can. Thank you

zwaardijzer · Action
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72 Chs

Chapter 51: Liu Feng Battles Ling Zhan

"Xiao Chen, that little kid, is actually a Golden Core stage expert! How powerful! He's been hiding it so deeply!" one of the cultivators exclaimed in shock, cold sweat soaking his back.

In the pavilion above the arena, the three family heads were all stunned by Xiao Chen's power, each looking at him with faces full of disbelief.

Liu Yuntian was the first to express his shock, "Who exactly is this Xiao Chen? At such a young age, he has already reached the Golden Core stage. Could it be that he, like Ling Zhan, also came from the Tianyue Continent?"

"It looks like Gu Tian is going to lose! Facing a Golden Core stage expert, Gu Tian's power is still insufficient to defeat Xiao Chen," Su Wanlin said in shock, his eyes flashing with disappointment and helplessness.

Meanwhile, below the arena, Ge Tianming, wide-eyed and full of disbelief, exclaimed, "What? Xiao Chen is actually a Golden Core stage expert?"

"What a domineering aura! Xiao Chen's strength is truly terrifying! It seems my guess was correct!" Yu Tian thought to himself, equally shaken.

"Is this the extent of your power that makes you have to use your true essence? It seems your strength is not that impressive after all!" Everyone was shocked, except Ling Zhan, who remained as arrogant as ever, disdainfully glancing at Liu Feng, and sneering coldly, "Aren't you the genius of the younger generation in Tiandu? I'll make you look bad in front of everyone in Tiandu later, humph!"

On the arena, the extremely shocked Su Gu Tian regained his composure and shouted at Xiao Chen, "Xiao Chen, take this! Even if you are a Golden Core stage expert, I might not lose to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Gu Tian changed his hand gesture to a claw and shouted, "Explode!"


On the arena, the tornado enveloping Xiao Chen suddenly exploded, countless fragments of rock shooting out in all directions. The deafening sound of the explosion echoed around, startling everyone. The powerful explosion energy spread rapidly, causing arm-thick cracks to appear on the arena's ground, scaring everyone into retreating.

Thick smoke billowed on the arena, and no one knew Xiao Chen's situation, but all eyes were on the arena, eager to see if Xiao Chen, a Golden Core stage expert, would be defeated by the genius Su Gu Tian.

Su Gu Tian himself wasn't sure if his most powerful martial technique could defeat Xiao Chen. He stared intently at the center of the explosion, his face full of seriousness.

As the sound of the explosion died down, the whole place fell silent. Even the fights in the adult group had stopped, and the two fighters on the arena were also watching.

Time passed slowly, and the thick smoke on the arena began to dissipate. At this moment, everyone held their breath, their eyes wide open, staring at the arena.

Slowly, the smoke cleared, and Xiao Chen's figure finally appeared in everyone's eyes. He wore a faint smile, his clothes were intact, his face unscathed, and the part of the arena he stood on was undamaged, though the rest had sunk a meter deep.


Seeing Xiao Chen completely unscathed, everyone gasped in unison, their eyes wide and their mouths agape.

"Unscathed!" someone muttered, and the whole place erupted into a cacophony, as noisy as a marketplace.

On the arena, Su Gu Tian stared dumbfounded at Xiao Chen for a long time before asking in shock, "Xiao Chen, you...you really aren't hurt at all?"

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, "Haha, it seems not."

"Liu Feng, did I see it wrong? Xiao Chen is completely unscathed. Could it be that Gu Tian's power has weakened?" Ge Tianming asked in shock, his eyes full of fear, his face pale. He would rather believe that Su Gu Tian's power had weakened than that Xiao Chen was unscathed.

"This guy's physique is terrifying. If it were me, I wouldn't dare say I would be unscathed either! Xiao Chen didn't even defend; he just used his powerful physique to withstand Gu Tian's attack, but it couldn't hurt him at all!" Liu Feng said, shocked, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Xiao Chen... so amazing!" Mo Yan was so shocked he didn't know what to say.

"Xiao Chen's strength is terrifying. I can't imagine how terrifying it would be if he went all out! In the next round, facing such a terrifying opponent, how do we fight? I don't think I could hurt him even if he stood still and let me hit him!" Lei Fei said in horror, trembling at the thought of the next match.

On the arena, Su Gu Tian was stunned for a long time before taking a deep breath and smiling wryly, "Xiao Chen, you're really powerful. I'm almost out of true essence now, and you're still at your peak. I admit defeat."

"Admitted!" Xiao Chen cupped his fists with a smile, then restrained his aura.

"Xiao Chen wins!" the referee announced excitedly. Such an exciting match made even the referee unusually thrilled. Xiao Chen had won this fight.

As soon as the referee's voice fell, the area below the arena erupted into cheers. Even Mo Yan jumped up and down like a child in excitement.

In the pavilion above the arena, Su Wanlin shook his head slightly in disappointment, "Gu Tian still lost."

"Su Family Head, it seems that this year's martial arts competition, none of the three family heads could take first place," Liu Yuntian said with a faint smile, though unwilling, accepting the fact.

Hearing Liu Yuntian's words, Ge Xiong couldn't help but look over and say, "Liu Family Head, you don't have confidence in Feng'er either?"

Liu Yuntian smiled bitterly, "It's not about confidence; it's that Ling Zhan's strength far surpasses Feng'er."

Soon, the referee excitedly announced again, "Next match: Liu Feng from Blue Number Three against Ling Zhan from Red Number Three!"

"Great! The Liu family young master is about to fight! His opponent is Ling Zhan. I wonder if the Liu family young master can defeat Ling Zhan. It's really exciting!" one cultivator said excitedly.

"Ling Zhan's strength is too strong, and he has comprehended flight. The Liu family young master might find it very difficult to win. It's almost impossible!"

Yu Tian thought to himself, "Ling Zhan's strength is terrifying. Although Liu Feng is also in the Golden Core stage, compared to Ling Zhan, he is far behind. Xiao Chen is different. Xiao Chen is also in the Golden Core stage and has a powerful physique, making him more capable of resisting Ling Zhan's power."

"Liu Feng, good luck! Defeat that guy," Ge Tianming encouraged, seemingly imagining Liu Feng beating Ling Zhan.

Ling Zhan's figure slowly floated down from the pavilion, and Liu Feng's eyes flashed with fierceness. With a leap, he landed on the arena.

Liu Feng's fierce gaze swept over Ling Zhan, and he said coldly, "Ling Zhan, I will do my best to defeat you and make you take back your previous insults!"

"Is that so? Let's see what you've got!" Ling Zhan sneered coldly, his face arrogant, his eyes looking down on others.

The referee hadn't even shouted to start, yet the two were already filled with tension, with Liu Feng eager to start attacking Ling Zhan.

"Let the match begin!" the referee shouted loudly.


As soon as the referee's voice fell, Liu Feng stomped on the ground, his figure charging out at an incredible speed, quickly approaching Ling Zhan and throwing a fierce punch.

"So eager to lose?" Ling Zhan sneered, his figure swiftly floating into the air. He had detected Liu Feng's attack the moment he moved and easily dodged it.

"Liu Feng hasn't comprehended flight. This battle will be tough for him!" Xiao Chen said in a low voice, not optimistic about Liu Feng, knowing Ling Zhan's strength was too overwhelming.

"Liu Feng is doomed to lose! No one knows how strong Ling Zhan is, but he is definitely stronger than Liu Feng!" the ancient white tiger transmitted.

On the arena, Ling Zhan looked down at Liu Feng and sneered, "What's wrong? The genius of Tiandu, can't you fly?"

Ling Zhan was clearly trying to embarrass Liu Feng, mocking him on purpose. Hearing Ling Zhan's words, the youths from Tiandu were all furious, glaring at Ling Zhan with hostility.

"Since you can't fly, I won't either. Show me your powerful martial techniques now, or you won't have a chance later!" Ling Zhan sneered, his figure slowly descending to the arena floor.

"This guy's speed is on par with mine, and his strength is even greater. To defeat him, it seems I can only rely on my martial techniques!" Liu Feng thought to himself, his face extremely serious.

"Buzz buzz!"

With this thought, Liu Feng no longer hesitated, his true essence surging out, his whole body glowing with a green light, powerful energy erupting, causing the arena to tremble.

"Golden Core early stage! The Liu family young master is also a Golden Core stage expert! Such

powerful energy!" a cultivator exclaimed in astonishment.

"This year's martial arts tournament is getting more and more interesting! So many talented individuals!"

"Xiao Chen, although Liu Feng has broken through to the Golden Core stage, his power is far inferior to yours. He must have only recently broken through and hasn't stabilized his strength yet. These so-called geniuses are nothing compared to you," the ancient white tiger transmitted without a hint of surprise.

"Heh!" Xiao Chen responded faintly, not saying much.

On the arena, feeling Liu Feng's powerful energy, Ling Zhan's expression remained unchanged, and he sneered coldly, "Come on, attack with all you've got. I'll show you what true disparity looks like."

"Hmph! I'll make sure you won't be so arrogant in a moment!" Liu Feng snorted coldly. Having been insulted by Ling Zhan multiple times, he was now filled with anger.

Liu Feng quickly formed hand seals, charging towards Ling Zhan with immense true essence, shouting, "Six Divine Fiery Palm!"

With tremendous power, Liu Feng's palm struck towards Ling Zhan. The latter, still sneering, said, "Is this your profound-level martial technique? The palm force is too weak."


Ling Zhan casually activated his true essence and met Liu Feng's attack with a single palm strike. With a loud bang, Ling Zhan's powerful force shattered Liu Feng's palm force and sent him flying back.

"How is this possible? A casual palm strike broke my palm force and pushed me back!" Liu Feng thought, stunned, staring at Ling Zhan in disbelief.