

It was only 4am when she heard a thump. There was footsteps running down towards the gates. The Queen hopped out of bed clutching her feet onto the floor, full of fear. Thinking what it is. While having a glance at the babies cot, she falls to the the floor realizing the princess is not there. The Queen hurries to the spare rooms and still the princess isn't there. she screams in utter distraught while walking up the king from the other room.

The king glanced outside quickly only noticing someone running in the grounds. He had a shudder running down his back and an urgent need to find out what was it was. He immediately ran out the the room, along the corridor and down the windy steps until he got out the door and into the gardens , "Guards, Gurards" he shouted, but there was no one there. They had gone and so was the princess and the mysterious kidnapper. He fell to the ground on his knees begging for mercy from the gods, hoping he could save the princess!

8 years later, 2020. It was always her. Anything that the mother (Laura) wanted done, Izzy would always do. Izzy was the only child and yet she had lots of chores to do. Even on the summer holidays. The sweat and sadness, running down her little face. Her sore feet rubbing against the radiator every night. Izzy wasn't a normal child,

she could not play, enjoy hot meals everyday nor have rest or fun. She would be forced to wake up at 5am daily with no breakfast until she had done the washing, made breakfast for her mother, cleaned the rooms and scrubbed the floors. Her mother was a very harsh and unfair woman who cared about no one but herself. Izzy had fair skin, blond lengthy hair and was fragile. However, Izzy had kept this one secret from her mother. Izzy had books and notebooks in her room. She found them underneath the floorboards a few years back. She was not allowed anything but her one book that her mother gave her to read multiple times. She got bored of the same book, so she started writing her own stories. She wasn't allowed anything but her book....

Every night while her mother was in bed she ensured that she read something. She learnt herself how to write stories and learned maths. This was because she didn't go to school nor the hospital. She was hidden away from anyone seeing her. Now and again she would go outside as her face would appear pale and peaky and like if she was losing the urge to live. Izzy had a friend who would keep in touch with her once in a while. They met a few years back. But never would she tell her mother. As Izzy concealed all the information from her mother, she became suspicious of Izzy. As the days went on and years, Laura began to detest Izzy. Izzy didn't care about her mother hating her, it wasn't as If she was ever loved.

while summer fell, Izzy was watched, while the windows remained open. Laura would never trust Izzy, considering she tried running out of the house a few weeks ago. Izzy, asked her mother if she could play outside with the other children. her mother replied " Izzy, there is no other children, we live in the middle of nowhere, besides who in their right minds would want to play with you, you are nothing"!! Izzy had tears running down her cheeks, wiping them with her sleeve. She went In her room looking into the dusty, gloomy window. she rubbed her hand on the window, getting all the dust off so she could see outside. She starred outside thinking about what her life would be like without her living in the house and without a mother who treates her the way she does. As she was daydreaming, something was glistening in the distance. It was tall and very graceful. It looked like an amazing place to live. Izzy was determined to go there one day with her friend Malissa. She would write her a letter soon and they would go on a trip together. Once and for all.

A few weeks later Izzy wrote a letter to her friend asking her to come on a trip with her at night. Izzy could not wait for the response to come back. She was having a dreams about her and Malissa going on the biggest trip of their lives. The days went on and still nothing. She had already accepted the fact that no one was coming for her and that she was going to be stuck in the old, dark and gloomy house.

As she was sleeping, trying to forget where she was, she heard the letterbox. She instantly ran down the stairs and grabbed the letter, not knowing her mother was at the top of the landing staring at her. Izzy, noticing that her mother was fumingly walking down the stairs. The letter was to Izzy's liking. She and malissa would go on an adventure. Before her mother got to her she quickly tore it up. Therefore, her mother would never know what it said.

Izzy and her friend 'Malissa' met while she went down town a few years ago in the snow. They played with one another for hours until she asked Izzy if she could have her number. However, Izzy didn't have a phone as there was bad signal where she lived and her mother didn't want her ringing people. So, they both went to the shop and bought envelopes, pens, stamps and paper so they could write to one another. From that day on, her and Izzy wrote to one another.

Laura screamed as she saw the letter. Her mother threatened Izzy by saying "If you don't have respect for me and thinking that you can do whatever you want I will disown you and lock you up". Izzy had a big lump in her throat and swallowed, she was terrified. Izzy needed an escape plan in order to get out of the house but most of all, get away from her mother. It wasn't the matter in slaving away in the kitchen and picking up the pieces from her mother's feet. It was how she felt in the house. She did not have a good childhood or a good upbringing. Izzy felt the intensity going through her while her mother said that. Izzy new what she needed to do. after all, she was a smart child. It was just the matter of timing it.

when days had gone by, she slowly earned her mothers trust so she could action her plan. Her plan was to climb out of the bottom window at night as the doors will be locked. The next morning she became determine to go through with it that night. Izzy done all of her chores and instead of having breakfast, she secretly wrote a letter to her friend saying that she was going to meet her by the post box. Izzy quickly grabbed lots of food, fluids and some warm blankets.

That night, her mother asked her " why haven't you been around today, where were you?" Izzy replied "I was cleaning certain parts of the house". Her mother grunted while she looked away and walked off. 3 hours past and so Izzy quickly but quietly, ran down the stairs and towards the window. Before she knew it, she made it out of the house once and for all.

As she strolled up the mountain towards the post box, it seemed rather empty and the view that she could see down town was beautiful. As she sat by the postbox waiting for someone to deliver the letters something came to mind. She could go to Malissa's house and ask her in perosn now that she is free. Izzy needed her address and yet she brought almost everything with her but not the address. It was back at the house. She needed to go back fast and before her mother woke up. Is she going to be free again if she goes back there? Or is she going wait until her mother find her?

Izzy, makes her mind up and goes back there. She left her blanket there. She walks through the hills and across the pond, she sees the house in the distance. Looking all shabby and gloomful in the distance. Izzy slowly but steadily went through the window and tip toed up the stairs, having in mind that her mother could wake up any moment. The door creeked while she opened it and then a shadow appeared, reflecting on the wall. She knew that it wasn't good. It was Laura, she was not happy. Laura brisked walked behind Izzy and grabbed onto her arm, squeezing it until her arm appeared red. Izzy panicked and started screaming in distraught. Her mother had no remorse for her daughter at all and the way she treats her. She screamed but no one could her her. After all, she is in the middle of nowhere, up a mountain. Izzy, remaind locked in her room without anything. she couldn't read or write anything nor look out of the window. It was bordered up with nails and wood. This time there was really no way out for her. No one was going to save her. Nor they didn't know that she was stranded in her own home and very vulnerable.

A day went by and so Malissa recieved the letter and went up there. However, something was not right. Izzy was not there. Therefore when she arrived home she told her mother but her mother told her that it was fine. Days went on and still nothing from Izzy. Melissa's mother got concerned and curious, so they paid a visit to the house to find out why she had not been keeping in touch with her daughter.

Eventually they managed to knock on the door but there was no answer. However, they roamed around the property and finally found an open window at the bottom. Her mother told Malissa to stay outside while she checks to find what's going on. As she climbs in through the window, she hears whimpering. It was coming from upstairs. She slowly and quietly walked upstairs and seen the three doors. It was coming from the second one. At this point the house was quite and all that she could hear was a crying, whimpering noise. She knew what it was. It must of been Izzy. She found a key in the house and unlocked the door. As the door opened, she was so grateful and she ran downstairs in panick. They both ran out of the house an left her mother in bed, sleeping.

Meanwhile she managed to ring the police and they ensured that the woman got arrested. However, they could not identify the girl, Izzy. Therefore, she had a DNA test and it turns out that she was the lost princess .

Izzy stayed in touch with Malissa and her mother, and so they stayed friends while Izzy lived in the palace. Just like she wanted too, as she said the glistening building in the distance she wanted to live in. Well now she is living in there. She will never forget the moment when she got rescued. Years went on and so the queen still felt guilty about her abduction as she was remorseful. However, they made it up by letting her see Malessa daily and that she had everything she wanted. After all, she did deserve that. She was living like she did for 11 years. On the 11th year, she becomes lucky and had a life changing experience like this.

The End :)

I believe that this story is a very intense, heartbreaking and an unusula story. I wrote this as I though that having a book with these many emotions it would be great. I believe that the story isn't to long nor short. It's just the right amount to let your imagination go wild as you picture the story as it goes on. You will love the ending and will not be able to stop reading once you are into the story.

I planned the story to become the greatest one I've wrote so far. I hope you like it. :)

Just_one123creators' thoughts