
Remnants of the Forgotten

In the year 2090, gene editing reached unprecedented heights, leading to the emergence of "ascenders" - individuals with extraordinary abilities known as bloodlines. As a result of this genetic transformation, nine families ascended to power, each possessing unique and formidable bloodlines. Born to the Vesprs, one of these nine families, Argus Vespr finds himself in an era where power reigns supreme. However, tragedy struck the Vespr family when a catastrophic event known as the "Night of Ash" nearly wiped out their entire bloodline, leaving Argus as the sole survivor. The world soon forgot the existence of the Vesprs, labeling them as the "Forgotten Ones" and relegating them to the archives of history. Now, as the last remaining descendant of his once-mighty bloodline, Argus must navigate a world oblivious to his true identity and the potential he holds within. As he unravels the secrets of his family's past, Argus embarks on a quest to reclaim his heritage and uncover the truth behind the Night of Ash, a journey that will test his resilience, unlock his hidden powers, and reveal the dark forces that seek to keep the Forgotten Ones buried in obscurity.

BungaBunga · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

The Grimoire


Argus awoke with a knot of frustration in his chest, his mind swirling with unanswered questions. The sacrifice he had set aside his morals to make, killing a lizard, had proved insufficient, and death still loomed over him.

As he laid in bed, Argus mulled over the new hint that had presented itself to him.

"A sacrifice has two sources of value," he repeated to himself, the words echoing in his mind.

"One comes from the value others bestow upon it, and the other is the result of the value the sacrifice has in the eyes of the one making the sacrifice".

His thoughts spun in circles as he delved deeper into the concept of sacrifice. What did it truly mean? And how could he make a sacrifice that embodied both sources of value? The answer seemed to elude him, shrouded in ambiguity.

Argus allowed himself to drift deeper into his own mind, seeking answers in the depths of his thoughts.

"Sacrifice... It's more than just selflessness, isn't it? There's something more to it. It's like this intricate dance between being recognized by others and finding fulfillment within ourselves." He pondered the times when he had made sacrifices in the past, as well as times when he appreciated the sacrifices others had made for him. As he pondered, one sacrifice made itself clear in his mind.

"My father... when he teleported me... What was the true value of that sacrifice?" he wondered aloud.

"I thought of it as him saving my life, but what value did the act have to him?" Argus questioned.

A realization struck him, and he continued, "Wait. To sacrifice someone, you have to give up something..."

He paused, deep in thought, before finally asking, "If it was a sacrifice, then what did my father give in return?"

"It's time to wake up!!!"

Knocked out of his thoughts by the loud, feminine voice, Argus jolted upright in his bed.

Selene stood in the doorway, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Selene greeted with a mischievous grin. "Did you have a rough night? You were muttering in your sleep."

Argus felt a mix of surprise and embarrassment at Selene's observation. He hadn't realized his thoughts had seeped into his dreams, permeating the realm of sleep. He sighed and ran his hand through his tousled hair, hoping to shake off the remnants of his introspection. "Yeah, just... trying to figure something out," he replied, his voice tinged with frustration.

Selene's curiosity was piqued as she stepped further into the room, her gaze fixed on Argus. She could sense the weight of his thoughts, the lingering questions that haunted him. "And what would that be?" she asked, her tone gentle yet filled with genuine interest.

"The meaning of sacrifice," Argus repeated, his voice carrying a mix of uncertainty and desire.

"Selene's eyes flickered to the grimoire on the bedside table, and she raised an eyebrow. "Something to do with that old thing?"

Argus followed Selene's gaze, his eyes landing on the grimoire. Its presence seemed to taunt him, a tantalizing enigma that held the potential for answers.

"Yes…I think", he hesitated, searching for the right words. "I think that the grimoire might help me answer a question I have", Argus finished, his voice full of uncertainty.

He had spent countless hours contemplating sacrifice at this point, trying to unravel its true essence, and the grimoire seemed like a beacon of knowledge.

Selene's gaze intensified, her curiosity evident. "Have you tried opening it before?"

Argus nodded, his eyes fixed on the mysterious book. "Yes, but the one time I did attempt to open it, it shocked me. It's as if the grimoire is protecting something, guarding its knowledge from me."

A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of Selene's lips. "Maybe it's not about you opening it. Perhaps someone else holds the key, someone who can access its power without being repelled."

A flicker of intrigue ignited within Argus. "You mean... you think you could open it?" he asked, a mixture of hope and skepticism in his voice.

Selene shrugged, a glint of determination in her eyes. "It's worth a try, don't you think?"

Argus regarded Selene, his anticipation growing. The possibility of Selene unlocking the grimoire's secrets stirred a renewed sense of hope within him. "Yes… Yes it is," he agreed, his voice filled with eagerness.

Selene approached the bedside table, her eyes fixed on the grimoire. Her fingertips grazed the weathered cover, tracing the intricate patterns etched upon its surface. There was a momentary pause, as if the grimoire sensed her presence and contemplated whether to reveal its contents.

Small sparks, like miniature bolts of lightning, danced along Selene's arms as her fingertips made delicate contact with the weathered cover of the grimoire. The air crackled with static energy, a tangible manifestation of the mystical forces at play.

Undeterred by the initial sparks, Selene's determination remained unwavering as she started to exert pressure, her fingertips now latched onto the edges of the front and back covers.

With each pull, the grimoire seemed to respond, as if testing her resolve. Its ancient pages whispered secrets and possibilities, tantalizingly close yet shrouded in an enigmatic aura. Selene, fueled by her insatiable curiosity, refused to be deterred by the book's initial resistance.

As she persisted, a sudden surge of power coursed through Selene's arms, causing her to gasp in surprise.

The two currents, like fiery serpents, traveled up her limbs with an intensity that bordered on torturous. Agonizing waves of energy pulsed through her, causing her muscles to spasm involuntarily With a loud grunt, Selene let go of the grimoire, its pages left as unknown as they were initially. The currents of energy ceased their assault on her, leaving her breathing heavily and clutching her scorched arms.

Jumping off his bed, Argus landed at her side, concern etched on his face. "Selene, are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Selene winced, but managed a weak smile. "I'm fine," she reassured him. "It seems the grimoire is not ready to reveal its secrets just yet."

Argus's brows furrowed in frustration, his expression tinged with guilt. He had been hopeful that Selene would be the key to unlocking the grimoire's mysteries, yet he hadn't considered the toll it might take on her.

"I should have known it wouldn't be easy," Argus murmured, his voice laced with remorse.

Selene reached out and placed a hand on Argus's arm, her touch gentle and comforting. "Don't blame yourself, Argus," she said, her voice filled with reassurance. "I knew this was a risk, and I was willing to take it" "In any case, let's put the thoughts of sacrifice aside; for now, let's eat breakfast" she said, her voice resolute.

With that, the pair headed in separate directions, Selene going downstairs to cook and Argus beginning his morning routine, both leaving the grimoire behind mentally and physically, at least for the moment.

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