
Remnant: RPG

The memories of a person named Jaune Arc from the planet Earth gets incarnated into the body of Jaune Arc from Remnant, overwriting his personality and forging something new. Except, this world is different from the RWBY show. People have access to a leveling system and the technology is both advanced and backwards in certain areas. Now all Jaune Arc has to do, is figure out if he should step onto the path of a Hunter and help those who are unable to help themselves. (Rewriting)

TheFirstFire · Video Games
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7 Chs

The difference of Two worlds

"Think, Jaune. Why exactly are you in a foreign room?" He muttered to himself, glancing around his bedroom. There was a queen sized bed, a door to a bathroom a two paned window, a dresser and even a mirror.

It wasn't Jaune's room. Jaune lived in an apartment with his mother and sister. His room was windowless and didn't have a bathroom built into it. It certainly wasn't close to the size of this current one.

Looking at the items and clothes around the room, it seemed as if it were a room that was meant for a rich young heir or some type of affluent youngster. Each item in the room appeared to cost more than his entire livelihood.

It was quite clean and tidy though, so that was a plus one in Jaunes books.

Glancing through the cupboard showed him that there were a variety of shirts and stylish apparel hanging within.

Further back in the room however, there were an odd amalgamation of items. A sword and a shield. As well as several armor pieces that were grouped together in a pile.

Jaune, for a moment, wondered if he was in a room that belonged to a cosplayer.

Ignoring all that however, it was more disturbing to wake up in a room which he had no knowledge of. The fact that he couldn't remember how he got there was certainly a cause for concern but Jaune was never one to panic when put into difficult situations.

The practical thing to do was to calm down and think.

The last thing that he remembered was falling asleep on his own bed in his own room which meant that he had been transported while was asleep.

A kidnapper must have broken in somehow? But why take him? What about his mother and sister? Did they get kidnapped too or did this kidnapper want a ransom of sorts from them?

Jaune pondered through these thoughts before discarding them.

No, that seemed unlikely due to his initial impression of where he currently was. If a kidnapper was looking for a ransom, wouldn't that mean that they weren't rich?

This room appeared really fancy, therefore, being kidnapped didn't seem like a correct reason.

It would have been better to aim for someone with a better social standing rather than a single mother supporting two of her children.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Suddenly, a rapid series of knocks came from the rooms door, surprising Jaune out of his reverie.

Slightly startled, Jaune stumbled backwards, wondering if the person who knocked was also the same one that brought him into the room.

"Young master Arc? Your father wishes to speak with you." A voice from behind the door resounded out.

Young master Arc? That was new.

"Ah? What..."

The door to the room swung open and in walked a person dressed in a fashionable and expensive butler outfit.

"Young master, please make your way to your father's chambers. He has something that he wishes to convey to you.

I had no clue how this man knew my name nor why he was acting so familiar with me. In addition to that, my father?

My father was dead...

Those thoughts however were completely ignored in favor of the floating blue words above the butler's head.



Sebastian Cordell


"What in the world-?" Jaune started before flinching, suddenly experiencing a bout of dizziness.

His head felt a foreign set of memories gushing out from god knows where and merging with his own, circulating and transforming into his own experiences.

As quickly as it started, the bout of dizziness faded, and suddenly, everything made sense.

Jaunes' speculations about being kidnapped faded a way and a look of understanding passed through his face.

"Young master, are you alright?" The butler, Sebastian asked.

Glancing at him for a moment, Jaune drank in his appearance, as if memorizing his every detail. A second later, he nodded.

"Y-yes, I'm fine. I'll be there shortly."

"Very well, sir. If there is anything you may need, please do not hesitate to call upon me." The butler bowed and turned around, leaving Jaunes' room.

Jaune sighed before relaxing his tensed shoulders. Soon, he made his way towards his father's chambers.

On the way, Jaune reviewed the information that had appeared in his head.

The main thing that Jaune had to take note of was that he had somehow... transmigrated.

See, Jaune was originally from a world where multiple nations were in a state of wavering peace. The only thing keeping them from starting wars were the promise of mutually assured destruction in the form of nuclear weapons.

Yes, Jaune was from the blue planet called Earth.

But somehow... as he fell asleep yesterday, his soul had detached from his original body and took over the soul of the current version of Jaune Arc within this world. The world of Remnant.

In his original life, while he hadn't particularly been an avid fan of the show, RWBY, Jaune did follow the story-line.

Jaune found the show interesting due to one of the side characters having the same name as him as well as having similar looks.


This Remnant that Jaune had transmigrated into was... different from the show. It was some type of weird alternate version of the show, RWBY.

Here, people had a form of a level system like out of an RPG, and by the age of ten a class would manifest above their heads.

I glanced towards the top of my head. There, two neat rows of text were displayed, rows which I hadn't noticed before.



Jaune Arc


It was found out by many scholars that classes manifested due to the very innate nature of a persons desire as well as certain external factors. It wasn't random chance.

A person who once received a class would be able to level up and increase their stats by doing things related to their class, such as training their skills or slaying the creatures of grimm.

For example, a cook would gain experience from cooking meals. The better their meals and the higher grade the ingredients used, the more experience the cook would gain towards their class.

In accordance, a swordsman would gain more experience from practicing sword styles or fighting other opponents.

The creatures of grimm however, were an odd source in this world. They were a constant set of experience that could be given to any class regardless of who killed them and yes, they were indeed very similar to the ones from RWBY.

This is where the interesting part begins, at least for Jaune himself.

Even with the constant source of experience being available, the Jaune of this world was not able to level up his class by killing them. He was forbidden by his parents to hunt the grimm and join a combat school.

This version of Jaunes family, across his entire ancestry, had never manifested a combat class, yet Jaune, among the generations upon generations of Arc family that came before him, was the first one.

This was seen as problematic for his parents as they didn't want him in any danger, thus, they forbid him from hunting the creatures of grimm. His only source of experience was his training in the sword arts which he learnt from books or from teachers which he had hired for himself using a stiped granted to him by his father.

Which sort of explained his... low level.

I pulled up my status page, looking at the stats that the Jaune of this world had trained for himself.


Jaune Arc

Level 3



Str: 23

Con: 22

Agi: 28

Int: 14

Wis: 15

Wil: 4


Aur: 1


Jaune paused his steps, analyzing over his status. Several things immediately popped into attention. Firstly, Jaune had a new stat called Aur?

"What is Aur? And why was it separate from my other stats?"

Besides that... why was there a symbol next to his class?



The Jaune of this world had never seen these things appear in his status page. Now the new Jaune had to figure this out quickly or it could become a potential problem later on.

But that could be done later.

Now... Jaune had to meet his father. Or well, the father of the Jaune from this world...

Pausing for a moment before he entered his fathers' study, he thought to himself that if he kept thinking that the Jaune of this world and from Earth were two different people, it would get confusing.

From this point forth he resolved himself to take on the identity of Jaune Arc in Remnant. At the very least, he didn't wish to confuse himself.

After briefly knocking on the door of his fathers' study, Jaune waited. Hearing a positive response, he entered.

His father, Arthur Arc, stood with his back faced away from him. His frame wasn't particularly big but he had a sort of... presence to him. He was powerful for someone who was an NCC, a non combat class. Jaune was sure that it was due to his abnormally large growth in his Wil stat.


Grand Scholar

Arthur Arc


A high Wil stat gave people an imposing manner and a gait that belayed strength and conviction.

The man had a presence that screamed as if he were audacious enough to want to cover the world with his palm. Jaune passively felt the same sense of pressure that his previous self had always felt when standing in his presence.

It was metaphysical but prominent nonetheless. Almost as if the air itself was heavier.

See, Jaune was always afraid of standing up to his father. Perhaps it was the feeling of rejection that he didn't want to face or perhaps it was some other reason, even Jaune now couldn't paticularly put a finger on it as hi feelings and memories on it were somewhat jumbled up and confusing. Like a mixed salad.

What he was sure of nevertheless was, every time he spoke to his father, he felt meek and would never go against any decisions made for him.

This was one of the main reasons why his Wil was as low as it is.

But Jaune... currently wasn't the same as before. He was practically a different person yet retained the same mind. The perks of being a transmigrate?


"Dad. You wanted to see me?" Jaune asked, his voice holding a curious tint to it.

Turning around, Arthur Arc regarded him for a moment. His golden pupils shone with an odd light.

"Jaune." His father began. "I'm going to be frank with you. You know my displeasure at you becoming a Hunter. I don't want you to be put in danger therefore you're going to join a private school meant for professional NCC's. You might find it odd in the beginning, being the only Combat Class individual there but you will get used to it."

His fathers words words might not have been ruthless, but Jaunes mind interpreted it as such all the same.

Jaune said nothing as he heard his father speak, seemingly simply content to let him finish but in reality he was waiting.

"You will be joining the initiation in a week. I have spoken to the headmaster and he had agreed to grant you a special classes for combat and swordsmanship. This will help you level up while becoming a perfect heir to our business-"

"I refuse." Jaunes voice suddenly cut in.

The forced silence in the room was thick. Jaunes face struggled to pull an impassive and impenetrable façade.

And for the first time in a long time, Jaune saw his fathers' shock. However as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared.

"I... what did you say?" Arthur Arc asked, his expression now narrowing.

"I said..." Jaune intoned, his voice belaying faux calm, "I refuse."

"This isn't a debate, child. You will go to this school and that is-"

"And like I said." His words dragged out for a moment. "I refuse."

Arthur Arc couldn't believe his ears. This was... literally the first instance of his son ever going against his word. Why now? This was so unlike Jaunes' usual behavior.

"Jaune, this isn't up to you. As your father, I will not allow you to become a Hunter. Although your class is perfectly suited, I am not willing to see you get hurt. You were not meant to receive a Combat Class! The system made a mistake and-"

"That's enough dad." Jaune smiled whole heartedly at his father, his blue eyes shining with a small amount of sadness. "I have to become a Hunter. You know that the system doesn't make mistakes. A person is given a class at the age of ten due to their very innate nature. The very aspect of their soul is analyzed by the system and we are all given a class best suited to us. Whether we know it or not."

"You..." Arthur Arc had no words.

"I know. Its weird isn't it. Me speaking out like this. But I have my reasons, dad. Thank you for worrying about me but I will become a Hunter. Fighting the Grimm, people and becoming a swordsman is in my nature." Jaune turned his back towards his father.

"It matters not, what environment you raise a tiger. In the end. It is still a tiger."

Jaune rattled off a proverb he had heard before.

In truth, Jaunes first choice would actually be to take the easy path and follow the plan that his father had made. It would make his future prospects easy and he would even have riches to fall back on and enjoy a life of luxury.

However his ethics and moral values wouldn't simply allow him to abandon the world. The original show of RWBY had a dangerous cast of individuals who would practically bring despair to the entire world and ruin the hopes and dreams of many people.

Although there were differences in this version of Remnant, Jaune was certain that some things might remain the same.

While he wasn't a goody two shoes, hero of justice that wanted to save every person he came across, he couldn't simply leave everyone to their fate while he lived a guilt free life. He wouldn't be able to look himself in the mirror if that was the case.

In any case, gaining power was never a wrong thing. If the proverbial shit hits the fan, at least he could fall back on his personal strength to progress and live for another day to turn the situation around, while twiddling his thumbs and and doing nothing instead might come back to bite him in the ass.

"I'll be taking my leave now."


Jaune marched straight out the door. His mind felt slightly clear from the burdens that they faced. He realize that this would put a heavy strain on the relationship between me and my father but this was a necessary sacrifice.

Jaune made his way towards his room and sat down on his bed.

He closed his eyes to think, folding his legs in a meditation-like pose.

Analyzing the information in his head, he came up with a plan to prepare himself for what was to come.

As Jaune had seen the show RWBY, he was certain that there was bound to be some bleed over effects.

The fall of Beacon. Would it happen?

The attack on Haven?

The Attack on Atlas?

What about the existence of the two Gods?

Did the fall maidens exist?

Did Salem?

What about Cinder, Watts, Tyrian and Hazel? Were they evil and under the employ of the evil Queen?

What about the Relics? Ruby's silver eyes?

He needed answers.

Jaune sighed, thinking of his path ahead.

His father wanted him to be safe.

Too bad that if Jaune was right, the world wouldn't be a safe place anymore.

A desire of power shone through his eyes. For a moment, unknown to him, his blue eyes flashed gold. The same color that his father had.

Corrected the chapter. Thought the writing could use more thoughtfullness

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